About University of Melbourne
A/Prof Eva Alisic Researcher
Dr Anita Amirsardari Completed associate student
Dr Heather Bancroft Completed PhD student
Prof Ruth Beilin Researcher
Amanda Chong Completed associate student
Dr Derek Chong
Dr Derek Chong Researcher
Daniel Chung
Dr Daniel Chung Researcher
Brett Cirulis Researcher
Dr Brian Cook Researcher
Dr Paul Dudgeon Researcher
Dr Thomas Duff Researcher
Dr Graham Dwyer Completed PhD student
Gretel Evans Associate student
Prof David Forbes Supervisor
Nitheesh George Researcher
Dr Constanza Gonzalez Mathiesen Completed associate student
Gemma Gray Completed associate student
Jessica Hellier Associate student
Nilupa Herath Researcher
Dr Ryan Hoult Completed PhD student
Greg Ireton PhD student
Saimum Kabir PhD student
Dr Luke Kelly Researcher
Dr Lauren Kosta Completed associate student
Nelson Lam
Prof Nelson Lam Researcher
Prof Alan March
Prof Alan March Researcher
Dr Ilona McNeill Researcher
Priyan Mendis Researcher
Rory Nathan Researcher
Tuan Ngo Researcher
Lucy Ockenden Completed associate student
Ben Ollington Associate student
Andrew Ooi
Prof Andrew Ooi Researcher
Kate Parkins Researcher
Dr Jimmy Philip Researcher
Aye Thandar Phyo Wai Associate student
Dr Katie Potts
Dr Katie Potts Researcher
Phoebe Quinn Researcher
Dr Nicholas Read Completed associate student
Kate Simmonds PhD student
Dr Holly Sitters Researcher
Sonja Maree van Nieuwenhoven Completed associate student
Sean Walsh Associate student
Bin Xing Associate student
Prof Alan York Researcher
Belinda Young Associate student
Lihai Zhang Researcher

Seismic assessment of reinforced concrete buildings in Australia including the response of gravity frames

Dr Anita Amirsardari Completed associate student

The impact of individual factors and operational organisational resources and demands on mental health outcomes

Dr Heather Bancroft Completed PhD student

Accurate location of buildings and its importance in bushfire damage assessment

Amanda Chong Completed associate student

Exploration of Victorian state and regional emergency management planning: how shared responsibility and community resilience is being operationalised

Threshold conditions for extreme fire behaviour

Dr Thomas Duff Researcher

Identifying planned burn windows

Dr Thomas Duff Researcher

We have not lived long enough: sensemaking and learning from bushfire in Australia

Dr Graham Dwyer Completed PhD student

Established and emerging uses of predictive services

Dr Graham Dwyer Completed PhD student

Understand and learning from bushfire public inquiries: A case study of Victoria

Dr Graham Dwyer Completed PhD student

The persistent past: flood, fire and migrant memories of natural disasters in Australia

Gretel Evans Associate student

Scientific advice for the development of a suppression effectiveness model to support strategic bushfire risk planning

Black Summer bushfires: South Australia reconstructions

Community-led recovery

Recovery Capitals

Urban planning and resilience to bushfires

Dr Constanza Gonzalez Mathiesen Completed associate student

Spontaneous volunteers in the emergency management sector

Gemma Gray Completed associate student

Pre-disaster flood damage assessment in urban areas

Land use planning treatment of flood risk in cities

Jessica Hellier Associate student

Seismic assessment of reinforced concrete walls in Australia

Dr Ryan Hoult Completed PhD student

Long-term impact of disasters on school children

Greg Ireton PhD student

Flood risk reduction in a dynamic urban context exploring the urban-water-resilience nexus

Saimum Kabir PhD student

Scale-dependency of overland flow in burned dry eucalyptus

Parenting after a disaster - experiences since Black Saturday

Dr Lauren Kosta Completed associate student

Understanding heatwave and building codes in NSW

Prof Alan March
Prof Alan March Researcher

Urban planning for natural hazard mitigation

Prof Alan March
Prof Alan March Researcher

Improving the role of hazard communications in increasing residents’ preparedness and response planning

Dr Ilona McNeill Researcher

Changes to urban planning's bushfire risk management approach in Victoria and future directions

Lucy Ockenden Completed associate student

Coexisting with fire: Integrating resilient landscape design principles within broader urban place making policy for bushfire risk reduction in Australia

Ben Ollington Associate student

Quantifying catastrophic bushfire consequence

Phoenix RapidFire evaluation

The role of urban planning in urban fire mitigation

Aye Thandar Phyo Wai Associate student

Models for lightning-caused wildfire ignition

Dr Nicholas Read Completed associate student

Framework for using and updating ecological models to inform bushfire management planning

Assessment and calibration of fuel moisture sensors

Impact of fires on temperate rainforests in northern New South Wales

Kate Simmonds PhD student

Ecosystem resilience – establishment of collection and analyses for the third of 11 priority Ecological Fire Groups

Evaluation of ecosystem resilience data

Severe fire behaviour - improving planning responses

Planning for Bushfires on the Rural-Urban Interface: An analysis of the correlations between house setbacks and house loss as evidence of house-to-house fire spread in the 2009 Victorian Bushfires

Sonja Maree van Nieuwenhoven Completed associate student

Assessing post-fire recovery of flora and fauna in mechanical fuel reduction E. sieberi forests after wildfires 2020

Improving decision support tools for conservation of fire-adapted ecosystems in southern Australia, through integrated simulation of reproductive ecology and landscape dynamics

Sean Walsh Associate student

Prioritisation strategy for seismic retrofitting of reinforced concrete buildings in Australia

Bin Xing Associate student

The viability of shared responsibility in relation to wildfire prevention in Victoria and California

Belinda Young Associate student