10/2016 |
Report |
Homelessness and severe storms: a case study of the June... |
communities, recovery, resilience |
Homelessness and severe storms: a case study of the June 2016 East Coast Low |
04/2021 |
Report |
Cost-effective mitigation strategy development for build... |
earthquake, engineering, mitigation |
cost-effective_mitigation_strategy_for_earthquake_risk_final_report_2021.pdf |
Report |
Measuring Ember Attack on Timber Deck-Joist Connections... |
07/2019 |
Report |
From hectares to tailor-made solutions for risk mitigati... |
fire, fire impacts, prescribed burning |
hectares_to_tailor-made_solutions_2018-19_annual_report.pdf |
01/2020 |
Report |
Simulation optimisation for natural hazard risk manageme... |
coastal, optimisation, risk management |
adelaide_optimisation_report_june_2018.pdf |
Report |
Identifying the Causes of Unsafe Firefighting Decisions:... |
04/2020 |
Report |
Effect of relative humidity on grassfire propagation |
fire, modelling, propagation |
3.2.2-effect-of-humidity-grassfire-propagation.pdf |
09/2021 |
Report |
Cultural land management in southeastern Australia - Bla... |
indigenous communities, land management, resilience |
cultural_land_management_in_southeast_australia_black_summer_final_report_0.pdf |
07/2020 |
Report |
Hazards, culture and Indigenous communities – annual rep... |
indigenous communities, resilience, risk management |
pb06-weir-hcic_annualreport_2018-2019.pdf |
02/11/2015 |
Report |
Determining threshold conditions for extreme fire behavi... |
fire severity, modelling, severe weather |
Determining the threshold conditions for extreme fire behaviour: Annual project report 2014-2015 |
09/2016 |
Report |
An analysis of human fatalities and building losses from... |
decision making, multi-hazard, risk analysis |
An analysis of human fatalities and building losses from natural disasters: Annual project report 2015-2016 |
May 2012 |
Report |
Effective Communication of Bushfire Risk in the Urban-Pa... |
07/2022 |
Report |
Emergency Services Workforce 2030: Changing landscape li... |
non-traditional recruitment, recruitment, volunteering |
workforce_2030_changing_landscape_literature_review_-_final.pdf |
11/2017 |
Report |
Integrating non-market values in economic analyses of fl... |
economics, multi-hazard, policy |
t2p02_m1.02.3_apnnell.pdf |
01/2021 |
Report |
Guidance note for replication of case studies - Black Sa... |
communities, economics, multi-hazard |
guidance_note_for_replication_of_case_studies.pdf |
Report |
Improving Flood Forecast Skill Using Remote Sensing Data... |
flood, forecasting, remote sensing |
Improving Flood Forecast Skill Using Remote Sensing Data Annual Report 2014 |
Report |
Water tank behavior in Bushfires |
05/2020 |
Report |
Near infrared spectroscopy as a new fire severity metric |
fire severity, fuel reduction, prescribed burning |
ms_3.3.2_nir_scanning_final_1.pdf |
10/2018 |
Thesis |
Increasing the comprehensiveness of bushfire risk manage... |
fire, planning, risk management |
msd_minor_thesis_lucy_ockenden.pdf |
02/2019 |
Thesis |
Effects of Sydney coastal dry sclerophyll forest litter... |
fire, fire impacts, fuel reduction |
thesis_-_angela_gormley_-_final_version.pdf |
04/2017 |
Thesis |
Integrated response as a process for enhancing the incid... |
emergency management, response |
oludolapo_fakuade_thesis.pdf |
06/2019 |
Thesis |
Simulation and analysis of surface wind fields during la... |
cyclone, emergency management, engineering |
thomas_kloetzke_thesis.pdf |
01/2020 |
Thesis |
Measuring the social, environmental and economic consequ... |
infrastructure, multi-hazard, recovery |
akvan_gajanayake_thesis.pdf |
Thesis |
Predicting woody fuel consumption in eucalypt forest fir... |
08/2019 |
Thesis |
Fragility and resilience of bridges subjected to extreme... |
engineering, risk management |
qeshta_thesis_archival.pdf |
07/2018 |
Thesis |
Sleep and stress in on-call fire and emergency service w... |
emergency management, mental health |
12/2020 |
Thesis |
Implementing disaster resilience policy in the Australia... |
governance, policy |
s_hunt_thesis_071220_clean_copy.pdf |
08/2017 |
Thesis |
The post disaster city: crisis politics and social chang... |
capability, communities, emergency management |
raven_cretney_thesis.pdf |
05/2018 |
Thesis |
Initiation of smouldering combustion in biomass |
fire, prescribed burning |
houzhi_wang_thesis.pdf |
07/2018 |
Thesis |
Community engagement in the post-disaster landscape |
communities, recovery, resilience |
zdarcy_ipifinalreport_jun18.pdf |
04/2020 |
Thesis |
Seismic Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column... |
earthquake, engineering, resilience |
Thesis |
Improving adaptation planning for future sea level rise... |
climate change, coastal, flood |
12/2018 |
Thesis |
Developing a wildfire surveillance algorithm for geostat... |
fire severity, remote sensing |
s3524370_wickramasinghe_c_thesis.pdf |
05/2018 |
Thesis |
Fire and heavy metals: when wild and controlled fires tr... |
fire, fire impacts, land management |
australian_digital_thesis.pdf |
02/2017 |
Thesis |
Rhetoric or reality: coordination in a time of crisis |
emergency management, governance |
george_carayannopoulos_thesis.pdf |
01/2017 |
Thesis |
LiDAR Application in Forest Fuel Measurements for Bushfi... |
fire, modelling, remote sensing |
phd_thesis_-_yang_chen.pdf |
11/2021 |
Thesis |
Precarious places, precarious knowledges: Interrogating... |
education, resilience, risk management |
de_rivera_lp_thesis.pdf |
12/2016 |
Thesis |
Effective communication of household wildfire risk throu... |
communication, fire, modelling |
thesis_doctor_of_philosophy_cao_yinghui_2016.pdf |
06/2017 |
Thesis |
We have not lived long enough: sensemaking and learning... |
fire, fire impacts |
graham_dwywer_thesis.pdf |
06/2016 |
Thesis |
Disaster Resilient Communities: Engagement with Spontane... |
communities, emergency management, volunteering |
gemma_gray_final_research_project.pdf |
Thesis |
Modelling the impact of lifeline infrastructure failure... |
emergency management, environments, risk management |
emma_singh_phillips_thesis.pdf |
Thesis |
Carbon cycling in Sub-alpine Ecosystems. |
11/2018 |
Thesis |
Domestic architecture and the perception of risk in bush... |
fire, land management, risk management |
02/2019 |
Thesis |
Investigating bird responses to fire in the Heathy Dry F... |
animals, fire, fire impacts |
diana_kuchinke_thesis.pdf |
12/2019 |
Thesis |
Foresight for risk – using scenarios for strategic risk... |
decision making, economics, optimisation |
graeme_riddell_thesis.pdf |
09/2018 |
Thesis |
How does remotely sensed degree of curing and fuel load... |
fire, remote sensing |
wasin_chaivaranont_thesis.pdf |
Thesis |
Patterns in the probability of burning with time-since-f... |
02/2015 |
Thesis |
Spanning boundaries to support effective multi-agency co... |
capability, emergency management, framework |
whole_curnin_thesis.pdf |
05/2018 |
Thesis |
Owner-driven housing reconstruction as a means of enhanc... |
recovery, resilience |
mittul_vahanvati_thesis.pdf |
11/2017 |
Thesis |
Estimating areal rainfall time series using input data r... |
flood, hydrology, modelling |
ashley_wright_thesis.pdf |