11 Oct 2021 |
Transformative scenarios in a climate-challenged world |
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climate change, organisational, planning |
11 Oct 2021 |
Research prepares organisations for climate-challenged futures |
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climate change, organisational, planning |
24 Jun 2021 |
Using diversity and inclusion to strengthen capability in emergency management |
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capability, diversity and inclusion, organisational |
14 May 2021 |
Get your team across the line with research-backed tools |
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communication, decision making, organisational |
28 Jan 2021 |
Research driven by real world needs |
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communication, local knowledge, organisational |
21 Jan 2021 |
Research driven by real world needs |
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communication, organisational |
14 Oct 2020 |
Collaboration leads to new toolkit for emergency volunteer leaders |
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communication, organisational, volunteering |
07 Sep 2018 |
AFAC18 - Continuing the conversation: Changing the emergency management sector for the better |
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diversity and inclusion, organisational |
16 Apr 2018 |
Diversity and inclusion: building strength and capability |
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diversity and inclusion, organisational, resilience |
07 Jul 2017 |
Lightning presentation: diversity and inclusion |
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diversity and inclusion, organisational, resilience |
18 Apr 2017 |
Diversity: Building Strength and Capability |
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diversity and inclusion, organisational, resilience |
Identifying the evidence to support incident management team capability |
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capability, decision making, organisational |
Professionalism: certification for emergency management leaders |
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capability, emergency management, organisational |
Staying on task: a tool to help state and regional-level emergency management teams |
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decision making, emergency management, organisational |
Learning to learn from bushfire: Perspectives from Victorian emergency management practitioners |
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emergency management, fire, organisational |
Diversity And Inclusion: Building Strength And Capability Literature Review |
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diversity and inclusion, organisational, resilience |
New human capabilities in emergency and crisis management: From non-technical skills to creativity |
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decision making, organisational, resilience |
Duty or safety? Exploring emergency service personnel's perceptions of risk and decision-making when driving through floodwater |
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emergency management, flood, organisational |
Sexual Orientation and Prevalence of Mental Health Difficulties among Emergency Services Employees |
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diversity and inclusion, mental health, organisational |
Prevalence and predictors of suicidal thoughts and behaviours among Australian police and emergency services employees |
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emergency management, mental health, organisational |
Struggling to make sense of it all: the emotional process of sensemaking following an extreme incident |
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emergency management, fire, organisational |
Community values survey |
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diversity and inclusion, organisational, resilience |
Joining the dots: using social media to connect with more vulnerable Victorians during emergencies |
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communication, organisational, warnings |
Cost effectiveness of fire management strategies in southern Australia |
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fire, modelling, organisational |
The long road: building effective diversity and inclusion in emergency management |
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diversity and inclusion, organisational, resilience |
Fit for Duty pilot: ensuring the safety of CFA members and increasing access to health services |
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firefighter, mental health, organisational |
Civil society mobilisation after Cyclone Tracy, Darwin 1974 |
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capability, emergency management, organisational |
RUIM – A fire safety engineering model for rural urban interface firefighter taskforce deployment |
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fire, firefighter, organisational |
Managing cognitive biases during disaster response: the development of an aide memoire |
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emergency management, optimisation, organisational |
Nonprofit and public sector interorganizational collaboration in disaster recovery: Lessons from the field |
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decision making, emergency management, organisational |
Opportunities and constraints identified in existing frameworks in use for organisational learning |
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emergency management, organisational |
Mental health and wellbeing of Australian police and emergency services employees |
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firefighter, mental health, organisational |
Stretch‐Thinking Loops: A New Technique for Scenario Planning |
Biblio |
emergency management, organisational, scenario analysis |
Making Sense of Natural Disasters: The Learning Vacuum of Bushfire Public Inquiries |
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fire, organisational, preparedness |
UNHaRMED framework report: a co-creation approach for the development and use of decision support systems for disaster risk reduction. |
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decision making, multi-hazard, organisational |
Post-inquiry sensemaking: the case of the ‘Black Saturday’ bushfires |
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fire, organisational, preparedness |
Diversity and inclusion: building strength and capability |
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capability, diversity and inclusion, organisational |
Experiences of Police and Emergency Services Employees with Workers’ Compensation Claims for Mental Health Issues |
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emergency management, mental health, organisational |
Changing capabilities of emergency service organisations |
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diversity and inclusion, organisational, resilience |
WHS 2.0 World Health and Safety: integrating disaster risk reduction and sustainable development into every workplace using the Sendai Framework, Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals |
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framework, organisational, risk management |