Key topics


Resilience is the capacity of a community potentially exposed to hazards to adapt to stress and change, by resisting or changing, in order to reach and maintain an acceptable level of functioning and structure.

Date Item Typesort descending Key Topics
Effective risk and warning communication during natural hazards Project communication, communities, resilience
Integrated response as a process for enhancing emergency management Project emergency management, resilience
National mental health and wellbeing study of police and emergency services Project mental health, resilience, risk management
Community engagement in the post-disaster landscape Project communities, recovery, resilience
Cultural land management Project indigenous communities, land management, resilience
Precarious places, precarious knowledges: A comparative analysis of disaster risk reduction education in Australia, the Philippines, and Vanuatu Project education, resilience, risk management
Health system emergency preparedness, resilience and response: the case of wildfires Project emergency management, resilience, response
Improving adaptation planning for future sea level rise and coastal flooding Project File save (0 bytes) coastal, decision making, resilience
Post-disaster housing reconstruction as a means of enhancing disaster resilience of at-risk communities in India Project communities, recovery, resilience
Recovery Capitals Project communities, recovery, resilience
Urban planning and resilience to bushfires Project planning, policy, resilience
Evaluation of ecosystem resilience data Project resilience
Ecosystem resilience - technological advances to increases efficiency of ecosystem resilience monitoring Project emergency management, modelling, resilience
Towards fire-adaptive communities in Australia Project communities, fire, resilience
AIRSNAT data revision and analysis Project policy, resilience
The impact of individual factors and operational organisational resources and demands on mental health outcomes Project emergency management, resilience, risk management
Out of uniform: building community resilience through non-traditional emergency volunteering Project File save (0 bytes) non-traditional recruitment, resilience, volunteering
12 Aug 2016 Decision making, team monitoring and organisational learning Resource PDF icon save (225.77 KB) infrastructure, resilience
29 Jun 2017 Identifying risk thresholds in coastal communities to inform adaptation planning Resource PDF icon save (1.15 MB) coastal, decision making, resilience
02 Feb 2021 How to enhance community recovery after disasters Resource PDF icon save (1.61 MB) communities, recovery, resilience
12 Aug 2016 Performance analysis of composite steel girder bridge structural elements subjected to hydrocarbon and bushfires Resource PDF icon save (239.17 KB) infrastructure, resilience
03 Sep 2015 Developing the Enterprise Opportunities and Resilience in Remote North Australian Communities Resource PDF icon save (4.25 MB) indigenous communities, Northern Australia, resilience
24 Oct 2016 Making better long-term coastal adaptation decisions under conditions of uncertainty Resource PDF icon save (2.37 MB) coastal, decision making, resilience
30 Jul 2019 Enhancing Resilience of critical road structures under natural hazards Resource PDF icon save (2.75 MB) infrastructure, planning, resilience
27 Mar 2014 Managing animals in disasters Resource PDF icon save (1.74 MB) animals, communities, resilience
24 Sep 2019 Disaster Resilience Education Tasmania Resource PDF icon save (6.84 MB) education, resilience
30 Sep 2020 Promoting fire-fitness: a proactive approach to enhancing preparedness Resource PDF icon save (108.05 KB) communities, emergency management, resilience
25 Oct 2017 Resilient Sydney: a metropolitan Sydney collaboration Resource PDF icon save (2.25 MB) communities, resilience, risk management
19 Sep 2018 Reducing wind damage to buildings by improving internal pressure design Resource PDF icon save (3.23 MB) cyclone, engineering, resilience
29 Oct 2014 Samantha Chard (Attorney-Generals Dept) - natural disasters Resource File save (0 bytes) resilience, risk management
18 Apr 2017 Factors Affecting Long Term Community Recovery Resource PDF icon save (261.69 KB) communities, recovery, resilience
01 Dec 2020 Answering the call Resource mental health, resilience, risk management
12 Aug 2016 Correlation of peak wind loads at batten-truss connections Resource PDF icon save (392.21 KB) infrastructure, resilience
16 Apr 2018 Diversity and inclusion: building strength and capability Resource PDF icon save (1.72 MB) diversity and inclusion, organisational, resilience
18 Aug 2015 What Factors Contribute to Better and Worse Mental Health in Firefighters Resource PDF icon save (576.91 KB) emergency management, fire, resilience
30 Jun 2017 Factors affecting long term community recovery Resource PDF icon save (764.3 KB) communities, recovery, resilience
15 Jul 2020 Introducing the Australian Disaster Resilience Index Resource File save (0 bytes) communities, preparedness, resilience
12 Aug 2016 Including women in fire management on Waanyi and Garawa lands Resource PDF icon save (280.87 KB) infrastructure, resilience
02 Aug 2017 Three Minute Thesis: Sue Hunt - Showcase 2017 Resource governance, policy, resilience
31 Jul 2020 The new Australian Disaster Resilience Index: a tool for building safer, adaptable communities Resource multi-hazard, resilience, vulnerability

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