Key topics


Flood refers to an overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits, especially over what is normally dry land.

Date Itemsort ascending Type Key Topics
30 Jun 2017 Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data: model/remote sensing data fusion Resource PDF icon save (2.03 MB) flood, hydrology, remote sensing
Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data: annual report 2016-17 Biblio PDF icon save (1.3 MB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (645.14 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data – final project report Biblio PDF icon save (3.07 MB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
Improving Flood Forecast Skill Using Remote Sensing Data Annual Report 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (654.73 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
30 Aug 2016 Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data - Stefania Grimaldi Resource PDF icon save (5.05 MB) engineering, flood, remote sensing
18 Aug 2015 Improving Flood Forecast Skill Using Remote Sensing Data - Hydraulic Component Resource PDF icon save (239.68 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data (PhD project) Project flood, remote sensing
Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Project flood, forecasting, remote sensing
Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Biblio PDF icon save (448.66 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
24 Oct 2016 Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Resource PDF icon save (3.16 MB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
23 Nov 2018 Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Resource PDF icon save (1.83 MB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
14 Aug 2016 Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Resource PDF icon save (284.68 KB) flood, remote sensing
19 Sep 2018 Improving flood forecast skill using Remote Sensing data Resource PDF icon save (2.78 MB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Biblio PDF icon save (565.98 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
30 Jul 2019 Improving flood forecast skill using Remote Sensing data Resource PDF icon save (4.36 MB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
31 Aug 2020 Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Resource PDF icon save (910.92 KB), PDF icon save (910.92 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
31 Oct 2017 Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Resource PDF icon save (1.9 MB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
27 Aug 2019 Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Resource PDF icon save (2.5 MB) flood, remote sensing
31 Aug 2020 Improving Flash Flood Response Outcomes Through Emergency Warnings and Improved Regional Forecasting Techniques Resource PDF icon save (357.11 KB) flood
Improving adaptation planning for future sea level rise and coastal flooding Biblio climate change, coastal, flood
Improved modeling of extreme storm surges and waves along the Australian coast - non peer reviewed extended abstract Biblio PDF icon save (1.1 MB) flood, storm surge
29 Jun 2017 Improved measures and forecasts of soil dryness Resource PDF icon save (1.17 MB) fire, flood, remote sensing
24 Jun 2016 Important research insights Blog economics, flood, resilience
Impact of rain gauge quality control and interpolation on streamflow simulation: an application to the Warwick Catchment, Australia Biblio environments, flood, hydrology
Identification of hydrologic models, optimized parameteres, and rainfall inputs consistent with in situ streamflow and rainfall and remotely sensed soil moisture Biblio flood, modelling, remote sensing
Hydrologic model calibration using remotely sensed soil moisture and discharge measurements: The impact on predictions at gauged and ungauged locations Biblio emergency management, flood, hydrology
11 Sep 2015 Hydrologic and hydraulic modeling for riverine flood forecasting Resource PDF icon save (1.9 MB) flood, forecasting
13 Jul 2017 How to stop people entering floodwater News decision making, flood, policy
How do we reduce vehicle related deaths: exploring Australian flood fatalities 1900-2015 - non peer reviewed extended abstract Biblio PDF icon save (555.34 KB) flood
08 Oct 2020 How do road characteristics influence flood fatalities? Resource PDF icon save (820.34 KB) communication, decision making, flood
13 Aug 2021 Hon A/Prof Mel Taylor interview: flood risk communication Resource File save (0 bytes) communication, flood, warnings
Homelessness and severe storms: a case study of the June 2016 East Coast Low Project communities, flood, severe weather
26 Apr 2017 History provides a lesson in preventing flood deaths News decision making, flood, warnings
Guidelines on the optimal use of remote sensing data to improve the accuracy of hydrologic and hydraulic models Biblio PDF icon save (1.66 MB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
From academic to applied: operationalising resilience in river systems Biblio environments, flood, resilience
Framework to inspect floodways towards estimating damage - peer viewed Biblio PDF icon save (663.13 KB) flood
11 Sep 2015 Framework to inspect floodways towards estimating damage Resource PDF icon save (902.46 KB) flood
Fragility and resilience of bridge structures subjected to extreme wave-induced loads Project flood, infrastructure
Floodway inspection and maintenance framework Biblio PDF icon save (3.16 MB) flood, framework, modelling

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