Key topics


Communities refers to groups of people living in the same place, who share particular characteristics or endeavours.

Datesort ascending Item Type Key Topics
Disasters and economic resilience in small regional communities: the case of Toodyay Biblio PDF icon save (1.7 MB) communities, economics, fire impacts
Evidence-based risk communication: an industry-academic research collaboration that enhanced dam release message effectiveness Biblio PDF icon save (365.96 KB) communication, communities, warnings
Mapping approaches to community engagement for preparedness in Australia - final report Biblio PDF icon save (2.98 MB) communities, multi-hazard, preparedness
Participation for Disaster Resilience Biblio communities, recovery, resilience
Barriers and enablers in the long term recovery of communities affected by natural hazards: a review of the literature Biblio PDF icon save (1.06 MB) communities, emergency management, recovery
Contacts versus connectors: The role of Community Fire Safe Group coordinators in achieving positive bushfire safety outcomes Biblio communication, communities, warnings
A new model for effective post-disaster housing reconstruction: Lessons from Gujarat and Bihar in India Biblio communities, recovery, resilience
Exploring the experiences of those who shelter in place during severe flooding Biblio PDF icon save (6.08 MB) communities, decision making, flood
Social Media, Crisis Communication and Community-led Response and Recovery: An Australian Case Study Conference Paper 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (532.41 KB) communication, communities
Reimagining program monitoring and evaluation for disaster resilience outcomes Biblio PDF icon save (981.44 KB) communities, resilience, risk management
Bushfire survival preparations by householders in at-risk areas of south-eastern Australia Biblio communities, fire, planning
Predicting risk-mitigating behaviors from indecisiveness and trait-anxiety: two cognitive pathways to task avoidance Biblio communication, communities, preparedness
Community adaptation to cope with disaster related road structure failure Biblio PDF icon save (399.28 KB) communities, multi-hazard, resilience
2014 South Australia post-incident task force Project communication, communities, warnings
Using environmental criminology theories to compare ‘youth misuse of fire’ across age groups in New South Wales Biblio communities, fire
Child Health and Survival in a Changing Climate: Vulnerability, Mitigation, and Adaptation Biblio child-centred, communities, risk management
Predicting delay in residents’ decisions on defending v. evacuating through antecedents of decision avoidance Biblio communication, communities, preparedness
Get ready NSW- fostering all hazards resilience in local communities Biblio PDF icon save (667.19 KB) communities, emergency management, resilience
Homelessness and severe storms: a case study of the June 2016 East Coast Low Project communities, flood, severe weather
Volunteered geographic information, community engagement and bushfire preparation Project communities, local knowledge, volunteering
Business involvement in natural disasters in Australia and New Zealand Biblio PDF icon save (1.87 MB) capability, communities, recovery
Improved predictions of severe weather to reduce community impact: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (816.16 KB) communities, forecasting, severe weather
Literature review on community resilience in remote north Australia Biblio PDF icon save (1.41 MB) communities, Northern Australia, resilience
Enabling sustainable emergency volunteering: annual project report 2017-18 Biblio PDF icon save (1.31 MB) communities, volunteering
Navigating Uncertainty: community experiences of bushfire Biblio PDF icon save (556.32 KB) communities, decision making, recovery
Defining Sufficient Household Preparedness for Active Wildfire Defense: Toward an Australian Baseline Biblio communication, communities, preparedness
Surviving bushfire: the role of shelters and sheltering practices during the Black Saturday bushfires Biblio communities, decision making, fire
Dynamic smoke modelling and community impact of smoke Project communities, fire impacts
Capturing community experiences: South Australian bushfires January 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (8.35 MB) communication, communities, decision making
Assessing the potential, application, and implications of volunteered geographic information in disaster risk reduction Biblio PDF icon save (7.27 MB) communities, local knowledge, volunteering
Psychological differences between south-eastern Australian householders' who intend to leave if threatened by a wildfire and those who intend to stay and defend Biblio communication, communities, warnings
Perceptions of risk and connection to landscape Biblio communities, fire, risk management
Community-led recovery Project communities, recovery, resilience
Growing the seeds: recovery, strength and capability in Gippsland communities Biblio PDF icon save (10.46 MB) capability, communities, recovery
Community understanding of the tsunami risk and warnings systems in Australian communities Project communication, communities, tsunami
Developing a targeted resilience intervention for the primary prevention of PTSD - non peer reviewed extended abstract Biblio PDF icon save (186.16 KB) communities, response
Opportunities and challenges of citizen-led recovery in post-disaster settings Biblio PDF icon save (183.33 KB) communities, recovery, volunteering
Reliability of Build Back Better at enhancing resilience of communities Biblio communities, engineering, resilience
Analysis of community responses to the 2017 heatwave Project communities, response, severe weather
The human dimensions of environmental crime Project communities, environments, land management

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