Key topics

remote sensing

Remote sensing is the scanning of the earth by satellite or high-flying aircraft in order to obtain information about it.

Date Itemsort descending Type Key Topics
High-Resolution Estimates of Fire Severity - An Evaluation of UAS Image and LiDAR Mapping Approaches on a Sedgeland Forest Boundary in Tasmania, Australia Biblio fire, fuel reduction, remote sensing
How does remotely sensed degree of curing and fuel load vary in grasslands and effect modelled fire spread? Biblio PDF icon save (5.01 MB) fire, remote sensing
How does remotely sensed degree of curing and fuel load vary in grasslands and effect modelled fire spread? Project fire, remote sensing
Identification of hydrologic models, optimized parameteres, and rainfall inputs consistent with in situ streamflow and rainfall and remotely sensed soil moisture Biblio flood, modelling, remote sensing
Identifying water sources using satellite imagery Project fire, fire weather, remote sensing
Implementation of a new algorithm resulting in improvements in accuracy and resolution of SEVIRI hotspot products Biblio fire, modelling, remote sensing
29 Jun 2017 Improved measures and forecasts of soil dryness Resource PDF icon save (1.17 MB) fire, flood, remote sensing
18 Aug 2015 Improving Fire Risk Estimation through Investigating Fire Intensity, Moisture and Temperature Anomalies Resource PDF icon save (426.3 KB) fire, modelling, remote sensing
23 Nov 2018 Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Resource PDF icon save (1.83 MB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
27 Aug 2019 Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Resource PDF icon save (2.5 MB) flood, remote sensing
30 Jul 2019 Improving flood forecast skill using Remote Sensing data Resource PDF icon save (4.36 MB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Biblio PDF icon save (565.98 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
31 Oct 2017 Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Resource PDF icon save (1.9 MB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
19 Sep 2018 Improving flood forecast skill using Remote Sensing data Resource PDF icon save (2.78 MB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
27 Aug 2019 Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Resource PDF icon save (3.83 MB) remote sensing
Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Project flood, forecasting, remote sensing
31 Aug 2020 Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Resource PDF icon save (910.92 KB), PDF icon save (910.92 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Biblio PDF icon save (448.66 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
14 Aug 2016 Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Resource PDF icon save (284.68 KB) flood, remote sensing
24 Oct 2016 Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Resource PDF icon save (3.16 MB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data (PhD project) Project flood, remote sensing
18 Aug 2015 Improving Flood Forecast Skill Using Remote Sensing Data - Hydraulic Component Resource PDF icon save (239.68 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
30 Aug 2016 Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data - Stefania Grimaldi Resource PDF icon save (5.05 MB) engineering, flood, remote sensing
Improving Flood Forecast Skill Using Remote Sensing Data Annual Report 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (654.73 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data – final project report Biblio PDF icon save (3.07 MB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (645.14 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data: annual report 2016-17 Biblio PDF icon save (1.3 MB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
30 Jun 2017 Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data: model/remote sensing data fusion Resource PDF icon save (2.03 MB) flood, hydrology, remote sensing
Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing: Annual project report 2015-2016 Biblio PDF icon save (924.55 KB) flood, modelling, remote sensing
Improving flood forecast using remote sensing data - annual report 2018-2019 Biblio PDF icon save (1.69 MB) flood, remote sensing, warnings
18 Aug 2015 Improving Flood Forecasting Skill Using Remote Sensing Data - Hydrological Component Resource PDF icon save (277.63 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
30 Jun 2017 Improving flood forecasting skill using remote sensing data: rainfall estimation Resource PDF icon save (1.85 MB) flood, hydrology, remote sensing
Improving land dryness measures and forecasts Project fire, flood, remote sensing
14 Aug 2016 Incorporation of spotting and fire dynamics in a coupled atmosphere - fire modelling framework Resource PDF icon save (546.78 KB) fire severity, remote sensing
Intercomparison of Himawari-8 AHI-FSA with MODIS and VIIRS active fire products Biblio fire, modelling, remote sensing
Investigating surface and near-surface bushfire fuel attributes: a comparison between visual assessments and image-based point clouds Biblio environments, fire, remote sensing
14 Aug 2016 Is fire moisture importance for pyrocumulus development? Resource PDF icon save (375.86 KB) fire severity, remote sensing
Kangaroo Island Black Summer fire reconstruction Biblio PDF icon save (999.33 KB) fire impacts, fire weather, remote sensing
LiDAR Application in Forest Fuel Measurements for Bushfire Hazard Mitigation Biblio PDF icon save (3.34 MB) fire, modelling, remote sensing
Limitations of high resolution satellite stereo imagery for estimating canopy height in Australian tropical savannas Biblio Northern Australia, remote sensing, savanna grasslands

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