Key topics


Fire is the product of a chemical reaction between fuel, oxygen and heat. Heat is necessary to start the reaction and once ignited, fire produces its own heat and becomes self-supporting.

Datesort descending Item Type Key Topics
Think long term: the costs and benefits of prescribed burning in the south west of Western Australia Biblio PDF icon save (207.03 KB) economics, fire, prescribed burning
Fire coalescence and mass spotfire dynamics - experimentation, modelling and simulation: annual project report 2016-17 Biblio PDF icon save (1.91 MB) fire, fire weather, propagation
Next generation Fuels 3D remote sensing Project fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
An evaluation of Youth Justice Conferencing for youth misuse of fire Project child-centred, fire
Intercomparison of Himawari-8 AHI-FSA with MODIS and VIIRS active fire products Biblio fire, modelling, remote sensing
Implementation of spatially-varying wind adjustment factor for wildfire simulations Biblio fire, fire weather, modelling
Gendered responses to the 2009 Black Saturday Bushfires in Victoria, Australia Biblio communities, fire, response
Modeling Vorticity-Driven Wildfire Behavior Using Near-Field Techniques Biblio PDF icon save (2.97 MB) fire, modelling, physics
Youth justice conferencing for youth misuse of fire: a case study of collaboration Biblio PDF icon save (566.7 KB) child-centred, education, fire
Using earth observation to better understand the effects of aerial firefighting Project fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
Disaster in relation to attachment, loss, grief and recovery: the Marysville experience Project communities, fire, recovery
Carbon loss from planned fires in southeastern Australian dry Eucalyptus forests Biblio fire, fuel reduction
Climate change effects on the frequency, seasonality and interannual variability of suitable prescribed burning weather conditions in south-eastern Australia Biblio climate change, fire, prescribed burning
Bushfire survival preparations by householders in at-risk areas of south-eastern Australia Biblio communities, fire, planning
A guide to develop bushfire case studies - a case study of cropland fires Project fire, modelling, scenario analysis
Mitigating the Effects of Severe Fires, Floods and Heatwaves Annual Report 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (1.12 MB) fire, flood, remote sensing
User interface platform for the Victorian historical fire weather gridded dataset Project fire, fire impacts
Simulating boundary-layer rolls with a numerical weather prediction model Biblio fire, modelling
Estimating grassland curing with remotely sensed data Biblio fire, fire severity, modelling
Frequency of Dynamic Fire Behaviours in Australian Forest Environments Biblio PDF icon save (985.4 KB) fire, fire severity, fire weather
The potential for coastal dune de-stabilisation following 2015/16 wildfires near Esperance, WA Project coastal, fire, fire impacts
A comparison between TLS and UAS LiDAR to represent eucalypt crown fuel characteristics Biblio fire, modelling, remote sensing
Investigating the effect of soil moisture, temperature and precipitation extremes on fire risk and intensity in Australia Project fire
Mitigating the effects of severe fires, floods and heatwaves through the improvements of land dryness measures and forecasts - annual report 2018-2019 Biblio emergency management, fire, land management
Can air quality management drive sustainable fuels management at the temperate wildland–urban interface? Biblio fire, fuel reduction
Domestic architecture and the perception of risk in bushfire-prone areas Biblio fire, land management, risk management
Representing vapour and capillary rise from the soil improves a leaf litter moisture model Biblio fire, fire impacts, modelling
Fire transitions across urban boundaries Project fire
A systematic exploration of the potential for bushfire risk mitigation with prescribed burning Biblio PDF icon save (776.62 KB) fire, fire severity, fire weather
Towards fire-adaptive communities in Australia Project communities, fire, resilience
How do weather and terrain contribute to firefighter entrapments in Australia? Biblio fire, firefighter, modelling
Surviving bushfire: the role of shelters and sheltering practices during the Black Saturday bushfires Biblio communities, decision making, fire
Direct Numerical Simulation of Confined Wall Plumes Biblio engineering, fire, modelling
A unified approach to fire spread modelling Biblio PDF icon save (678.84 KB) fire, modelling, propagation
Learning to learn from bushfire: Perspectives from Victorian emergency management practitioners Biblio emergency management, fire, organisational
Comparison of remotely sensed and modelled soil moisture data sets across Australia Biblio fire, flood, remote sensing
A handbook of wildfire engineering: guidance for wildfire suppression and resilient urban design Biblio PDF icon save (3.78 MB) engineering, fire, resilience
Using a worldview lens to examine complex policy issues: a historical review of bushfire management in the South West of Australia Biblio fire, governance, policy
Investigating bird responses to fire in the Heathy Dry Forests of Victoria, Australia Biblio PDF icon save (8.52 MB) animals, fire, fire impacts
Knowing wildfire risk: Scientific interactions with risk mitigation policy and practice in Victoria, Australia Biblio fire, modelling, policy

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