Key topics

fire weather

Fire weather are the conditions which influence fire ignition, behaviour, and suppression.

Date Item Typesort ascending Key Topics
30 Aug 2016 The bushfire convective plume experiment - Nicholas McCarthy Resource PDF icon save (4.38 MB) fire, fire severity, fire weather
02 Sep 2014 Southern Australia Seasonal Bushfire Outlook 2014-15 Resource PDF icon save (979.15 KB) fire weather, fuel reduction
07 Jul 2017 Building bushfire predictive services capability Resource PDF icon save (9.97 MB) fire, fire weather, modelling
07 Sep 2017 Thermodynamics of pyrocumulus formation Resource PDF icon save (2.79 MB) fire, fire weather, severe weather
01 Sep 2015 Southern Australia Seasonal Bushfire Outlook 2015-16 Resource PDF icon save (585.52 KB) fire weather, fuel reduction
29 Jun 2018 An overview of national fire research Resource PDF icon save (3.25 MB) fire, fire severity, fire weather
09 Oct 2019 Highlights - launch of the Australian Seasonal Bushfire Outlook 2019 Resource File save (0 bytes) fire severity, fire weather
24 Oct 2016 Coupled fire-atmosphere modelling project Resource PDF icon save (2.46 MB) fire severity, fire weather, modelling
30 Nov 2016 Southern Australia Seasonal Bushfire Outlook 2016-17: November update Resource PDF icon save (951.14 KB) fire, fire severity, fire weather
26 Nov 2020 Short overview of the Australian Seasonal Bushfire Outlook: November 2020 – February 2021 Resource File save (0 bytes) fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
18 Aug 2015 Nature Abhors Curvature - Fires Included! Modelling Spot Fire Coalescence Resource PDF icon save (169.26 KB) fire severity, fire weather, propagation
31 Oct 2017 Fire coalescence and mass spotfire dynamics: experimentation, modelling and simulation Resource PDF icon save (932.85 KB) fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
30 Aug 2016 Why use ensemble prediction? - Jeff Kepert Resource PDF icon save (4.81 MB) fire weather, forecasting, severe weather
13 May 2020 Questions and comments from the audience: 13 May 2020 - The science of hazard reduction: what do we know, what are the knowledge gaps? Resource PDF icon save (215.66 KB) fire, fire weather, prescribed burning
31 Aug 2020 Australian Seasonal Bushfire Outlook: September - November 2020 Resource PDF icon save (1.21 MB) fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
29 Jun 2017 Thermodynamics of pyrocumulus formation Resource PDF icon save (1.59 MB) communication, fire weather, severe weather
07 Sep 2017 A new quantitative smoke forecasting system for Victoria Resource PDF icon save (1.36 MB) fire, fire weather, forecasting
27 Jun 2019 Northern Australia Seasonal Bushfire Outlook 2019 Resource PDF icon save (1.54 MB) fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
07 Jul 2016 Climate outlook - north Australia 2016 Resource PDF icon save (6.61 MB) fire weather, Northern Australia, severe weather
02 Oct 2018 Launch of the Southern Australia Seasonal Bushfire Outlook 2018 Resource File save (0 bytes) fire, fire weather, forecasting
13 Jul 2015 Northern Australia Seasonal Bushfire Outlook 2015 Resource PDF icon save (289.26 KB) fire severity, fire weather, forecasting
07 Aug 2014 Fire Weather Research and Development Resource PDF icon save (3.3 MB) fire weather, governance
26 Nov 2020 Australian Seasonal Bushfire Outlook: December 2020 – February 2021 Resource PDF icon save (502.07 KB) fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
02 Aug 2017 Three Minute Thesis: Bryan Hally - Showcase 2017 Resource fire weather, modelling, remote sensing
18 Aug 2015 Flow Prediction Through Canopies Resource PDF icon save (275.72 KB) fire weather, modelling
31 Aug 2016 Southern Australia Seasonal Bushfire Outlook 2016 Resource PDF icon save (1.03 MB) fire, fire severity, fire weather
29 Nov 2018 Southern Australia Seasonal Bushfire Outlook 2018-19: November Resource PDF icon save (1.09 MB) fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
Improved predictions of severe weather to reduce community impact Project communication, fire weather, severe weather
Coupled fire-atmosphere modelling Project fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
Identifying water sources using satellite imagery Project fire, fire weather, remote sensing
Statistical characterisation of wind fields over complex terrain with applications in bushfire modelling Project fire, fire severity, fire weather
Plume and air quality modelling Project fire, fire impacts, fire weather
2009 Black Saturday and other large fire events - moisture content project Project fire, fire weather, soil moisture
Fire coalescence and mass spotfire dynamics Project File save (0 bytes) fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
Investigation of the suitability of aviation tracking data for use in bushfire suppression effectiveness research Project capability, fire weather, planning
Creation of a grassland curing dataset Project fire impacts, fire weather
Development of seasonal fire prediction tools Project fire, fire severity, fire weather
Modelling fire weather interactions using the ACCESS-Fire model Project fire impacts, fire weather, modelling
Understanding the impact of climate change on fire weather variables Project climate change, fire weather
Bushfire climatology in Victoria Project fire, fire weather

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