Key topics

fire weather

Fire weather are the conditions which influence fire ignition, behaviour, and suppression.

Datesort ascending Item Type Key Topics
The real-time trial of the Pyrocumulonimbus Firepower Threshold Biblio PDF icon save (3.33 MB) fire weather, severe weather
Improved predictions of severe weather to reduce community impact Biblio PDF icon save (2.82 MB) communication, fire weather, severe weather
Coupled fire-atmosphere modelling – final project report Biblio PDF icon save (2.09 MB) fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
Large-eddy simulations of pyro-convection and its sensitivity to mositure Biblio fire, fire weather, forecasting
Australian Flammability Monitoring System Version 1.0: User feedback and priorities for further development Biblio PDF icon save (688.21 KB) fire, fire weather, modelling
Natural hazards in Australia: extreme bushfire Biblio fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
A lightning-caused wildfire ignition forecasting model for operational use Biblio fire, fire weather
Extreme weather: improved data products on bushfires, thunderstorms, tropical cyclones and east coast lows Biblio PDF icon save (764.8 KB) fire weather, multi-hazard, severe weather
A characterisation of synoptic weather features often associated with extreme events in southeast Australia: Stage 1 – common features of recent events Biblio PDF icon save (21.94 MB) emergency management, fire weather, severe weather
Fire coalescence and mass spotfire dynamics - experimentation, modelling and simulation: annual project report 2016-17 Biblio PDF icon save (1.91 MB) fire, fire weather, propagation
Implementation of spatially-varying wind adjustment factor for wildfire simulations Biblio fire, fire weather, modelling
Methods for background temperature estimation in the context of active fire detection Biblio PDF icon save (22.24 MB) fire, fire severity, fire weather
Understanding the variability of Australian fire weather between 1973 and 2017 Biblio climate change, fire, fire weather
Pyroconvective interactions and dynamic fire propagation Biblio PDF icon save (1.14 MB) fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
What are the drivers of dangerous fires in Mediterranean France? Biblio fire, fire impacts, fire weather
Fire Danger Indices: Current Limitations and a Pathway to Better Indices Biblio PDF icon save (849.01 KB) fire weather
Mapping bushfire hazards and impacts annual report 2018-2019 Biblio PDF icon save (1.71 MB) fire, fire impacts, fire weather
Connecting Weather and Hazard: A partnership of physical scientists in connected disciplines Biblio fire weather, modelling, severe weather
Performance of fire detection algorithms using himawari-8 Biblio PDF icon save (1.27 MB) emergency management, fire, fire weather
ACCESS-Fire: coupled fire-atmosphere modelling Biblio PDF icon save (896.96 KB) fire weather, forecasting, modelling
Active fire detection using the Himawari-8 satellite - annual report 2018-19 Biblio PDF icon save (952.36 KB) fire weather, forecasting, scenario analysis
Empirical analysis of spot fire and ember behaviour during extreme fire weather conditions Project fire weather, forecasting, modelling
Fire coalescence and mass spot fire dynamics: experimentation, modelling and simulation – annual project report 2019-2020 Biblio PDF icon save (1.98 MB) fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
Bushfire climatology in Victoria Project fire, fire weather
A Statistical Approach to Understanding Canopy Winds over Complex Terrain Biblio fire, fire weather, modelling
Large-eddy simulations of pyro-convection and its sensitivity to environmental conditions - peer viewed Biblio PDF icon save (1.24 MB) fire weather, modelling
Investigation of the suitability of aviation tracking data for use in bushfire suppression effectiveness research Project capability, fire weather, planning
Large-eddy simulations of bushfire plumes in the turbulent atmospheric boundary layer Biblio fire, fire weather, forecasting
National Fire Danger Rating System Probabalistic Framework: year three report Biblio PDF icon save (1.19 MB) fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
Investigating the suitability of aviation tracking data for use in bushfire suppression effectiveness research Biblio PDF icon save (7.59 MB) capability, fire weather, planning
A systematic exploration of the potential for bushfire risk mitigation with prescribed burning Biblio PDF icon save (776.62 KB) fire, fire severity, fire weather
Frequency of Dynamic Fire Behaviours in Australian Forest Environments Biblio PDF icon save (985.4 KB) fire, fire severity, fire weather
Fire coalescence and mass spot fire dynamics: experimentation, modelling and simulation - Annual project report 2018-2019 Biblio PDF icon save (1.03 MB) fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
Improved predictions of severe weather to reduce community impact Project communication, fire weather, severe weather
Creation of a grassland curing dataset Project fire impacts, fire weather
Managing Severe Weather - Progress and Opportunities Conference Paper 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (2.16 MB) fire weather, severe weather
Experiments on the influence of spot fire and topography interaction on fire rate of spread Biblio PDF icon save (1.63 MB) fire, fire weather, modelling
The contribution of turbulent plume dynamics to long-range spotting Biblio fire, fire weather, propagation
Development of seasonal fire prediction tools Project fire, fire severity, fire weather
Coupled fire-atmosphere simulations of five Black Summer fires using the ACCESS-Fire model - Black Summer final report Biblio PDF icon save (4.81 MB) fire impacts, fire weather, modelling

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