Key topics


Economics refers to the condition of a region or group as regards material prosperity, as well as the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption and transfer of wealth.

Date Item Typesort descending Key Topics
The value of disaster research: a review of the literature Biblio PDF icon save (1.16 MB) economics, emergency management
Disasters and economic resilience: the effects of the Black Saturday bushfires on individual income Biblio PDF icon save (2.71 MB) economics, fire impacts, resilience
Locating the intangible: integrating a sense of place into cost estimation of natural disasters Biblio economics, planning, policy
Guidance note for replication of case studies - Black Saturday, Tropical Cyclone Oswald, Queensland floods and Toodyay bushfire Biblio PDF icon save (1.94 MB) communities, economics, multi-hazard
Economics of natural hazards: annual project report 2016-17 Biblio PDF icon save (1.34 MB) economics, multi-hazard, policy
Assessing the real costs of natural hazard-induced disasters: A case study from Australia’s Northern Territory Biblio economics, Northern Australia, resilience
Think long term: the costs and benefits of prescribed burning in the south west of Western Australia Biblio PDF icon save (207.03 KB) economics, fire, prescribed burning
Pre-disaster multi-hazard damage and economic loss estimation model: Annual project report 2015-2016 Biblio PDF icon save (868 KB) economics, multi-hazard, planning
Estimating the Impacts of Natural Hazards on Fatalities and Building Losses Conference Paper 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (1.06 MB) economics, multi-hazard, risk analysis
Disasters and economic resilience in small regional communities: the case of Toodyay Biblio PDF icon save (2.4 MB) economics, recovery, resilience
An analysis of building losses and human fatalities from natural disasters: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (385.77 KB) economics, infrastructure, multi-hazard
Disasters and economic resilience: income effects of the Black Saturday bushfires on disaster-hit individuals Biblio PDF icon save (936.49 KB) economics, recovery, resilience
Reducing deaths from driving into floodwaters Biblio economics, multi-hazard, risk analysis
Risk ownership for natural hazards: summary of key research findings Biblio PDF icon save (1.84 MB) decision making, economics, multi-hazard
Cost-effective mitigation strategy development for building related earthquake risk: reporting on economic loss models Biblio PDF icon save (1.4 MB) earthquake, economics, modelling
Non-market valuation in the economic analysis of natural hazards Biblio PDF icon save (184.39 KB) economics, multi-hazard, policy
A Pre-Disaster Multi-Hazard Damage and Economic Loss Estimation Model Conference Paper 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (667.92 KB) economics, modelling, multi-hazard
Valuing non-market economic impacts from natural hazards Biblio PDF icon save (736.18 KB) economics, emergency management, risk management
Unpacking the sectoral income effects of natural disasters: evidence from the 2010-11 Queensland floods Biblio PDF icon save (382.45 KB) economics, flood, modelling
Cost-effective mitigation strategy development for building related earthquake risk: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (396.08 KB) earthquake, economics, mitigation
Integrating intangible values in economic analyses of flood mitigation: a case study of the Brown Hill and Keswick creeks catchment in Adelaide Biblio PDF icon save (875.63 KB) economics, flood, policy
Economics of natural hazards - final project report Biblio PDF icon save (1.16 MB) economics, mitigation, risk management
Bringing hazard and economic modellers together: a spatial platform for damage and losses visualisation - peer viewed Biblio PDF icon save (1.03 MB) economics, modelling
Economic analysis of prescribed burning in the south-west of Western Australia Biblio PDF icon save (4.05 MB) decision making, economics, prescribed burning
Mapping and Understanding Bushfire and Natural Hazard Vulnerability and Risks at the Institutional Scale Annual Report 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (1.1 MB) economics, multi-hazard, vulnerability
Floods, bushfires and sectoral economic output in Australia, 1978-2014 Biblio economics, flood, modelling
Including the intangible benefits of bushfire mitigation in economic analyses: a 'value tool' for informed decision making Biblio PDF icon save (807.07 KB) decision making, economics, mitigation
Pre-disaster multihazard damage and economic loss estimation model: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (1.13 MB) economics, modelling, multi-hazard
Economic Analysis Screening Tool: Guidelines Biblio PDF icon save (8.92 MB) economics, multi-hazard, policy
02 Mar 2020 Natural disasters increase inequality. Recovery funding may make things worse Blog economics, fire impacts, recovery
04 Aug 2015 Collaboration is key Blog communication, economics, fire
24 Jun 2016 Important research insights Blog economics, flood, resilience
12 Dec 2019 An active year with a task to create a new research centre beyond 2020 Blog economics, emergency management, multi-hazard
11 Aug 2015 PhD placement opportunity Blog coastal, economics, education
29 Jun 2020 Benefits of the CRC highlighted by independent report Blog communication, economics, local knowledge
18 May 2021 It can’t all be insured: counting the hidden economic impact of floods and bushfires Blog economics, fire, flood
14 Jan 2016 Now open - 2016 PhD scholarships Blog coastal, economics, education
20 Mar 2015 Disastrous Doctorates Workshop Blog economics, modelling, risk analysis
10 Sep 2019 Assessing the value of disaster research Blog economics, emergency management
18 Aug 2020 The value of research from the CRC News communication, economics

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