Project leadership
This project was commissioned and funded entirely by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Victoria.
Research team
Type | Project | Research team |
CRC Core Project | Fire coalescence and mass spotfire dynamics | asullivan, James Hilton, wswedosh, rhurley |
Commissioned Research | Smoke transportation and emissions modelling | asullivan, ktolhurst, ntapper |
Tactical Research Fund | A guide to develop bushfire case studies - a case study of cropland fires | mkilinc, dprior, rsandford, smatthews, lmccaw, asullivan |
Commissioned Research | Cropland fire behaviour | asullivan |
Commissioned Research | Effectiveness of resources to supress bushfire: aerial and ground based | chuston, rhurley, asullivan, mcruz |
29 Jun 2017
Junction fires occur when two oblique fire lines intersect with one another. The interaction of the...
14 Aug 2016
Predictive models of natural hazards have become a necessity for emergency management, mitigation...
18 Aug 2015
Spotting can be the dominant fire propagation mechanism during times of extreme fire weather. Spot...