Musa Kilinc

Musa Kilinc

Project leadership

This project was commissioned and funded entirely by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Victoria.
This project was commissioned and funded entirely by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Victoria.

Lead end user

This study is identifying the thresholds beyond which dynamic fire behaviour becomes a dominant factor, the effects that these dynamic effects have on the overall power output of a fire, and the impacts that such dynamic effects have on fire severity. This will necessarily include consideration of other factors such as how fine fuel moisture varies across a landscape. The research team is investigating the conditions and processes under which bushfire behaviour undergoes major transitions, including fire convection and plume dynamics, evaluating the consequences of eruptive fire behaviour (spotting, convection driven wind damage, rapid fire spread) and determining the combination of conditions for such behaviours to occur (unstable atmosphere, fuel properties and weather conditions).
Research team:
Bushfire Spatial Data Models and Ignition Data Project
18 Aug 2015
Integration of bushfire and planned burn ignition and fire history datasets.

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