Search Publications

Date Typesort descending Title Key Topics Download
08/2018 Journal Article A literature review of methods for providing enhanced op... capability, decision making, emergency management
04/2020 Journal Article Models and frameworks for assessing the value of disaste... economics, emergency management, resilience PDF icon Models and frameworks for assessing the value of disaster research
04/2020 Journal Article Vehicle‐related flood fatalities in Australia, 2001–2017 emergency management, flood, warnings PDF icon Vehicle‐related flood fatalities
02/2019 Journal Article Modelling wind direction distributions using a diagnosti... fire, fire weather, severe weather PDF icon modeling_wind_direction_distributions_using_a_diagnostic_model_in_the.pdf
5/16/2007 Journal Article NSW Grain Belt Community Survey 2005 - Evaluating the co...
11/2017 Journal Article Empowering remote Indigenous communities in natural disa... communities, indigenous communities, resilience
03/2021 Journal Article Mental health and wellbeing of Australian police and eme... firefighter, mental health, organisational
01/2019 Journal Article Developing and testing models of the drivers of anthropo... fire, modelling, risk management
2011 Journal Article Prescribed burning: how can it work to conserve the thin...
02/2015 Journal Article Better use and management of levees: reducing flood risk... flood, policy
06/2018 Journal Article Children in the 2015 South Indian floods: community memb... child-centred, communities, flood
10/2013 Journal Article Leaf growth and senescence rates of three pasture grasse...
Journal Article A rain forest ant fauna in the tropical savanna landscap...
09/2020 Journal Article A Culture of Burning: Social-Ecological Memory, Social L... communities, prescribed burning, resilience
04/2021 Journal Article Generalized Loading Protocols for Experimentally Simulat... earthquake, engineering, physics
06/2019 Journal Article Challenges, Opportunities, and Pitfalls for Global Coupl...
Feb-08 Journal Article Glimpses of ‘community’ through the lens of a small fire...
02/2015 Journal Article Validation of a novel attentional bias modification task... fire, response, risk management
11/2007 Journal Article Patchiness of prescribed burns in dry sclerophyll eucaly...
02/2018 Journal Article Wind load fluctuations on roof batten to rafter/truss co... emergency management, engineering, multi-hazard
10/2015 Journal Article Emerging technologies for risk reduction: assessing the... communication, local knowledge, volunteering PDF icon ajem-30-03-10.pdf
07/2018 Journal Article Should we leave now? Behavioral factors in evacuation un... fire, modelling
02/2016 Journal Article Science in Motion: integrating scientific knowledge into... fire, mitigation, planning PDF icon ajem-31-02-04.pdf
10/2018 Journal Article Strategic adaptation pathway planning to manage sea-leve... coastal, risk analysis, risk management
11/2017 Journal Article The oak or the reed: how resilience theories are transla... policy, resilience, risk management PDF icon es-2017-9491.pdf
07/2022 Journal Article Why take the risk? Exploring the psychosocial determinan... communication, decision making PDF icon benjamin_why_take_the_risk_2022.pdf
11/2018 Journal Article Unified models for post-peak failure drifts of normal- a... earthquake, engineering, mitigation
10/2020 Journal Article Driving into floodwater: using data from emergency respo... communication, flood, warnings PDF icon ajem_13_2020-10.pdf
11/2014 Journal Article Local intraplate earthquake considerations for Singapore earthquake, engineering, mitigation
04/2019 Journal Article Influence of road characteristics on flood fatalities in... emergency management, flood, preparedness PDF icon influence_of_road_characteristics_on_flood_fatalities_in_australia.pdf
07/2017 Journal Article Bridging the divide between studies on disaster risk red... child-centred, education, risk management
2009 Journal Article Ecological thresholds and the status of fire-sensitive v...
01/2015 Journal Article Mapping spatial and temporal variation in tree water use... fuel reduction, planning, prescribed burning
Journal Article Factors impacting on recruiting and retaining Australia...
01/2016 Journal Article Building adaptive capacities for disaster resilience: wh... emergency management, governance, policy PDF icon Building adaptive capacities for disaster resilience: what role for government?
08/2018 Journal Article Motivations and experiences of sheltering in place durin... communication, flood, risk management
Oct-10 Journal Article Exposure to bushfire smoke during prescribed burns and w...
01/2022 Journal Article Consistent and conflicting information in floods and bus... fire, flood, risk management
04/2008 Journal Article Quantifying successional changes in response to forest d...
05/2019 Journal Article Framework for seismic vulnerability assessment of reinfo... engineering, framework, infrastructure
01/2015 Journal Article Emissions from prescribed fires in temperate forest in s... fuel reduction, planning, prescribed burning PDF icon bg-12-257-2015.pdf
Journal Article Fire research and policy priorities: insights from the 2...
06/2018 Journal Article Emerging opportunities for developing a diversified land... land management, Northern Australia, savanna grasslands
Journal Article A spatial optimisation model for multi-period landscape...
10/2020 Journal Article Economic analysis of natural hazard mitigation using the... decision making, economics, prescribed burning PDF icon Economic analysis of
01/2016 Journal Article Into the firing line: civilian ingress during the 2013 “... communication, communities, warnings
08/2009 Journal Article Do logging, followed by burning, and wildfire differ in...
10/2010 Journal Article The gendered dimensions of bushfire in changing rural la...
07/2017 Journal Article A new model for effective post-disaster housing reconstr... communities, recovery, resilience
08/2019 Journal Article A Statistical Approach to Understanding Canopy Winds ove... fire, fire weather, modelling