Key topics


Response refers to actions taken in anticipation of, during, and immediately after an incident to ensure that its effects are minimised, and that people affected are given immediate relief and support.

Date Item Typesort ascending Key Topics
Analysis of community responses to the 2017 heatwave Project communities, response, severe weather
Productivity and effectiveness of suppression resources and tactics on large fires Project decision making, prescribed burning, response
Severe fire behaviour - improving planning responses Project fire severity, planning, response
12 Dec 2018 Complex decision making and teamwork when the heat is on News decision making, emergency management, response
12 Aug 2020 Researchers needed for new study on the effects of fire on different ecosystems News environments, resilience, response
25 Jun 2021 Nine more PhD’s complete News emergency management, multi-hazard, response
04 Sep 2020 New study is investigating how bushfires affect estuaries on Kangaroo Island News environments, fire impacts, response
24 May 2021 PhD wins national medal News fire, fire impacts, response
07 Nov 2016 Pharmacy under fire…or flood...or cyclone News capability, multi-hazard, response
18 Dec 2017 Working as a team News decision making, emergency management, response
22 Apr 2021 New online – April 2021 News multi-hazard, resilience, response
07 Jun 2016 Moving from evidence to practice: aircraft dispatch News PDF icon save (367.17 KB) fire, planning, response
30 Jan 2020 Rebuilding from the ashes of disaster: this is what Australia can learn from India Blog emergency management, recovery, response
08 Feb 2016 Jakarta bombing - digital crisis comms Blog communication, decision making, response
The Stress of Firefighting Report Biblio PDF icon save (620.18 KB) fire, response
Initial growth of fires in eucalypt litter, from ignition to steady-state rate of spread: laboratory studies Biblio fire, response
Validation of a novel attentional bias modification task: The future may be in the cards Biblio fire, response, risk management
Sleep restriction across a simulated firefighting deployment: The impact on acute stress responses Biblio PDF icon save (24.15 MB) fire, response
Centralised coordination of spontaneous emergency volunteers: the EV CREW model Biblio PDF icon save (327.34 KB) response, severe weather, volunteering
Science in operations: QFES response to the 2018 Queensland fires Biblio PDF icon save (686.74 KB) capability, fire weather, response
What’s the Big Deal? Responder Experiences of Large Animal Rescue in Australia Biblio animals, mitigation, response
Wildfire suppression – an international analysis of operations, strategy and firefighter safety Biblio PDF icon save (9.29 MB) fire, fire impacts, response
Cardiovascular Risk Screening Volunteer Firefighters Report Biblio PDF icon save (648.89 KB) fire, response
Gendered responses to the 2009 Black Saturday Bushfires in Victoria, Australia Biblio communities, fire, response
The Hawaii nuclear alert: how did people respond? Biblio PDF icon save (537.88 KB) emergency management, response, warnings
Urban Search and Rescue Operations in Tropical Climates Conference Paper 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (579.21 KB) emergency management, Northern Australia, response
An integrative review of the 2017 Port Hill fires' impact on animals, their owners and first responders’ encounters with the human-animal interface Biblio animals, communities, response
Managing Animals in Disasters - improving preparedness, response and resilience through organisational collaboration: Annual project report 2015-2016 Biblio PDF icon save (1.21 MB) animals, planning, response
Advances in active fire detection using a multi-temporal method for next-generation geostationary satellite data Biblio fire, remote sensing, response
Developing a targeted resilience intervention for the primary prevention of PTSD - non peer reviewed extended abstract Biblio PDF icon save (186.16 KB) communities, response
Bushfire Preparedness, Planning, and Response among Animal Guardians: A South Australian Case Study Biblio animals, planning, response
A Temporal Framework of Large Wildfire Suppression in Practice, a Qualitative Descriptive Study Biblio PDF icon save (7.69 MB) fire, firefighter, response
Attachment, bushfire preparedness, planning, and response among animal guardians: A South Australian case study Biblio animals, preparedness, response
A case study of disaster decision‐making in the presence of anomalies and absence of recognition Biblio decision making, organisational, response
Recognising and measuring competency in natural hazard preparation: A preparedness competency index Biblio communities, preparedness, response
Exponential random graph modelling of emergency collaboration network Biblio fire, response
Are fire brigades liable for poor decisions? Biblio emergency management, governance, response
Calculation of critical water flow rates for wildfire suppression Biblio PDF icon save (1.69 MB) fire, firefighter, response
Real-time flood inundation mapping for flood intelligence – a case study from India Biblio PDF icon save (715.19 KB) flood, forecasting, response
Defining pharmacists' roles in disasters: A Delphi study Biblio PDF icon save (493.55 KB) capability, recovery, response

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