Key topics

fire impacts

Fire impacts refers to the physical, biological and ecological impact of fire on the environment.

Date Item Typesort descending Key Topics
Informing post-fire recovery planning of northern NSW rainforests Project fire impacts, land management, planning
Impact of fires on temperate rainforests in northern New South Wales Project fire impacts, land management, planning
Investigating bird responses to fire in the Heathy Dry Forests of Victoria, Australia Project fire, fire impacts
Using earth observation to better understand the effects of aerial firefighting Project fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
The impacts of catastrophic wildfire on ecological interactions among regenerated vegetation, fungi and small foraging marsupials Project fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Impact of 2019 bushfires on Whian Whian State Conservation Area Project environments, fire impacts
Immediate post-fire vegetation re-measurement of TERN plots burnt during 2015/16 fire season Project fire impacts, fire severity, land management
Post-fire impact assessment of Tasmanian Sphagnum bogs Project environments, fire impacts, remote sensing
Creation of a grassland curing dataset Project fire impacts, fire weather
Fire surveillance and hazard mapping Project fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
January 2020 NSW bushfires study Project communities, fire impacts, vulnerability
Analysis of the effects of the January 2020 bushfires on the estuarine systems of Kangaroo Island Project environments, fire impacts, response
Understanding spatial patterns of wildfire occurrence in south eastern Australia Project fire, fire impacts
Assessment of post-fire recovery of Pencil Pine forest after the 2016 World Heritage Area Fires Project fire impacts, fire severity, land management
Plume and air quality modelling Project fire, fire impacts, fire weather
Dynamics of litterfall and fine fuels after fire in sclerophyll forests and woodlands Project environments, fire, fire impacts
Are prescribed fire intervals maintaining fauna habitat? Project fire impacts, prescribed burning
Remeasurement of burnt permanent plots in Tasmanian wet eucalypt forest - 2019 Project environments, fire impacts, fire severity
Black Summer bushfires: South Australia reconstructions Project fire impacts, modelling, risk analysis
Fire coalescence and mass spotfire dynamics Project File save (0 bytes) fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
The utility of point clouds to estimate fuel hazards Project fire, fire impacts, risk analysis
Accurate location of buildings and its importance in bushfire damage assessment Project fire impacts
Analysis and characterisation of bushfire-meets-prescribed burn Black Summer fires in NSW Project fire impacts, land management, prescribed burning
Threshold conditions for extreme fire behaviour Project fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Ecosystem resilience – establishment of collection and analyses for two priority ecological fire groups Project fire impacts, prescribed burning, resilience
Next generation Fuels 3D remote sensing Project fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
Assessing post-fire recovery of flora and fauna in mechanical fuel reduction E. sieberi forests after wildfires 2020 Project environments, fire impacts, fuel reduction
Long-term impact of disasters on school children Project child-centred, fire impacts, local knowledge
Black Summer Victorian bushfire case studies Project fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Developing a spatial approach to model sediment transfer in catchments affected by bushfire Project fire impacts, land management, mitigation
The viability of shared responsibility in relation to wildfire prevention in Victoria and California Project fire, fire impacts, planning
Dynamic smoke modelling and community impact of smoke Project communities, fire impacts
Development of a stochastic fire effect model in predicting the impacts of fire severity on vegetation Project fire impacts, fire severity
Development of an integrated method to predict bushfire hazard Project fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
Spatially forecasting coupled litter and root moisture dynamics for bushfire management Project fire, fire impacts, modelling
Modelling fire weather interactions using the ACCESS-Fire model Project fire impacts, fire weather, modelling
Informing Queensland's bushfire review 2018 Project communication, fire, fire impacts
User interface platform for the Victorian historical fire weather gridded dataset Project fire, fire impacts
Mapping bushfire hazard and impacts Project fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
Assessment of post-fire recovery of sub alpine shrublands after the 2019 World Heritage Area Fires Project environments, fire impacts, fire severity

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