Key topics

emergency management

Emergency management is the discipline of dealing with and avoiding both natural and manmade disasters. It involves preparedness, response and recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters.

Datesort descending Item Type Key Topics
Community benefits of roof upgrades Biblio PDF icon save (8.24 MB) cyclone, emergency management, severe weather
Rhetoric or reality: Coordination in a time of crisis Biblio PDF icon save (307.35 KB) decision making, emergency management, governance
Influence of road characteristics on flood fatalities in Australia Biblio PDF icon save (1.22 MB) emergency management, flood, preparedness
The interaction between firefighting boot design and lower body injury risk at work Biblio PDF icon save (587.38 KB) emergency management, optimisation, volunteering
Statistical characterisation of wind fields over complex terrain with applications in bushfire modelling Biblio emergency management, fire, physics
Transformative scenarios in a climate challenged world - a guide for using scenarios in the emergency management sector Biblio PDF icon save (2.92 MB) climate change, emergency management, governance
We have not lived long enough: Sensemaking and learning from bushfire in Australia Biblio emergency management, governance, policy
Using the human centred design method to develop tools for non-technical skills in emergency management Biblio PDF icon save (666.71 KB) communities, decision making, emergency management
An assessment of the opportunities to improve strategic decision-making in emergency and disaster management Biblio PDF icon save (259.81 KB) decision making, emergency management, response
Hydrologic model calibration using remotely sensed soil moisture and discharge measurements: The impact on predictions at gauged and ungauged locations Biblio emergency management, flood, hydrology
Public health and natural hazards: new policies and preparedness initiatives developed from an Australian bushfire case study Biblio PDF icon save (84.72 KB) emergency management, mental health, resilience
Seismic assessment of reinforced concrete walls in Australia Biblio earthquake, emergency management, resilience
Professionalism: certification for emergency management leaders Biblio PDF icon save (251.72 KB) capability, emergency management, organisational
Using discrete event simulation cellular automata models to determine multi-mode travel times and routes of terrestrial suppression resources to wildland fires Biblio emergency management, fire
Extreme fire behaviours: Surveying fire management staff to determine behaviour frequencies and importance Biblio PDF icon save (414.7 KB) emergency management, fire, fire severity
Savanna fire management and bushfire and natural hazard scenario planning for north Australia Biblio PDF icon save (3.32 MB) emergency management, planning, savanna grasslands
The lived experience of disadvantaged communities affected by the 2015 South Indian Floods: Implications for disaster risk reduction dialogue Biblio communities, emergency management, vulnerability
Overcoming Ambiguity: Conflict Between Emergency Warning Messages and Socio-Environmental Cues Biblio communication, emergency management, warnings
Decision making, team monitoring and organisational learning in emergency management: annual project report 2016-17 Biblio PDF icon save (1.14 MB) capability, decision making, emergency management
We have not lived long enough: Sensemaking and learning from bushfire in Australia Biblio decision making, emergency management
Large damage bills to buildings from cyclones can be reduced by small actions Biblio PDF icon save (507.42 KB) cyclone, emergency management, resilience
The post disaster city: crisis politics and social change in community led earthquake recovery Biblio PDF icon save (25.5 MB) capability, communities, emergency management
Cost-Effective Mitigation Strategy Development for Building Related Earthquake Risk Annual Report 2017-2018 Biblio PDF icon save (3.04 MB) earthquake, emergency management, mitigation
Animal emergency management in South Australia: a case study of the Sampson Flat bushfire Biblio animals, communities, emergency management
Preparing emergency services for operations in a climate-challenged world Project climate change, emergency management, governance
Emergency volunteering 2030: Views from the community sector Biblio PDF icon save (1.05 MB) emergency management, volunteering
Decision making, team monitoring and organisational performance: Part two decision making research stream Biblio PDF icon save (1.45 MB) decision making, emergency management, scenario analysis
Final report on vulnerability of as-built and retrofitted URM buildings Biblio PDF icon save (1.13 MB) earthquake, emergency management
No ordinary call: factors predicting fire communication officers' job strain and well-being Biblio PDF icon save (978.68 KB) capability, emergency management, resilience
Established and emerging uses of predictive services Project emergency management, fire, firefighter
Are we future ready? It depends on who you ask Biblio PDF icon save (1.59 MB) emergency management, vulnerability, warnings
Resolving future fire management conflicts using multi-criteria decision making Biblio decision making, emergency management
Long-term solutions to improve emergency management services in remote communities in northern Australia Biblio communities, emergency management, Northern Australia
Economics of natural hazards annual report 2018-2019 Biblio PDF icon save (1.16 MB) emergency management, governance, risk management
Accredited qualifications for capacity development in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation Biblio emergency management, environments, risk management
What human capacity demands should inform the development and appointment of an emergency manager? Project communication, emergency management
Rhetoric or reality: coordination in a time of crisis Biblio PDF icon save (1.97 MB) emergency management, governance
Describing adaptation tipping points in coastal flood risk management Biblio emergency management, flood, forecasting
Experiences in the in-field utilisation of fuels3D Biblio PDF icon save (601.76 KB) emergency management, fire, fuel reduction
Progress report on costing of limited ductile reinforced concrete buildings Biblio PDF icon save (578.13 KB) earthquake, emergency management, engineering

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