Key topics

emergency management

Emergency management is the discipline of dealing with and avoiding both natural and manmade disasters. It involves preparedness, response and recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters.

Date Item Typesort ascending Key Topics
23 May 2016 The RAF, the future and outreach Blog emergency management, land management
06 Dec 2019 12 simple ways you can reduce bushfire risk to older homes Blog emergency management, fire impacts, fire severity
20 Dec 2017 Thank you for the hard work and activity Blog emergency management, land management, multi-hazard
09 Jan 2016 Research must advance to keep us safe from natural hazards Blog communication, communities, emergency management
18 Feb 2019 To build or not build: that is the Townsville question Blog decision making, emergency management, multi-hazard
27 Nov 2017 Demonstrating impact vital Blog emergency management, land management, multi-hazard
14 Jan 2021 Driving Change – the place that starts at the end of the journey Blog emergency management, multi-hazard
07 Nov 2019 The evolution of diversity and inclusion as a business imperative for emergency services Blog diversity and inclusion, emergency management
25 Jul 2017 Halfway to delivering to the country Blog emergency management, mitigation, multi-hazard
03 Sep 2019 Grim fire season looms but many Australians remain unprepared Blog communication, emergency management, fire impacts
16 Mar 2016 Working on-call? You can help with my research Blog capability, decision making, emergency management
14 May 2019 Becoming fire-fit: preparing for the unexpected and unimagined Blog communities, emergency management, resilience
17 Dec 2018 Building momentum for what comes next  Blog emergency management, resilience, risk management
21 Jul 2016 Common thoughts, common issues Blog emergency management, policy
18 Aug 2020 Towards a new disaster research centre Blog emergency management, fire, multi-hazard
11 Dec 2015 Word from the disaster supermarket Blog communication, emergency management
Experiences of Police and Emergency Services Employees with Workers’ Compensation Claims for Mental Health Issues Biblio emergency management, mental health, organisational
The southwest Tasmania fires of summer 2018-2019 - a post event review capability study Biblio PDF icon save (9.33 MB) capability, economics, emergency management
The challenges of managing animals and their owners in disasters: perspectives of Australian response organisations and stakeholders Biblio PDF icon save (411.01 KB) animals, communication, emergency management
Model for assessing the vulnerability of Australian housing to windstorms - VAWS Biblio PDF icon save (7.38 MB) cyclone, emergency management, severe weather
Transformative scenarios in a climate challenged world - emergency management sector case studies as worked examples Biblio PDF icon save (3.07 MB) climate change, emergency management, governance
A comparison of the discrete cosine and wavelet transforms for hydrologic model input data reduction Biblio emergency management, flood
Barriers and enablers in the long term recovery of communities affected by natural hazards: a review of the literature Biblio PDF icon save (1.06 MB) communities, emergency management, recovery
Social media in emergencies: An examination of government accountability for risk communication and warning Biblio PDF icon save (2.73 MB) emergency management, policy, risk management
Managing cognitive biases during disaster response: the development of an aide memoire Biblio emergency management, optimisation, organisational
Volunteering research in Australia: A narrative review Biblio diversity and inclusion, emergency management, volunteering
Improved predictions of extreme sea levels around Australia Biblio PDF icon save (3.75 MB) emergency management, risk management, storm surge
How emergency services organisations can – and do – utilise research Biblio communication, decision making, emergency management
Self-evacuation archetypes in Australian bushfire Biblio emergency management, fire, fire impacts
Mitigating the effects of severe fires, floods and heatwaves through the improvements of land dryness measures and forecasts - annual report 2018-2019 Biblio emergency management, fire, land management
Identifying lessons from exercising and training for emergency management decision-making Biblio PDF icon save (731.34 KB) capability, decision making, emergency management
Utilisation funding: South Australia stretch thinking project Biblio PDF icon save (944.59 KB) decision making, emergency management, scenario analysis
Leadership in crisis: developing beyond command and control Biblio PDF icon save (350.71 KB) communication, decision making, emergency management
Flood vulnerability functions: detailed vs generalised approach Biblio PDF icon save (1.65 MB) emergency management, flood, modelling
Enhancing learning in emergency services organisational work Biblio capability, decision making, emergency management
Evaluation of pre-intervention data: divergent thinking and brain plasticity Biblio PDF icon save (526.36 KB) decision making, emergency management, scenario analysis
Are fire brigades liable for poor decisions? Biblio emergency management, governance, response
Discovering Future Disaster Management Capability Needs Using Scenario Planning Conference Paper 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (721.06 KB) capability, emergency management, infrastructure
A review of emergency and fire management training available for remote communities in northern Australia based on the views of local inhabitants Biblio PDF icon save (1.47 MB) emergency management, indigenous communities, Northern Australia
Economics of Natural Hazards Annual Report 2017-2018 Biblio PDF icon save (1.21 MB) emergency management, environments, multi-hazard

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