Typesort descending Date Title Download Key Topics
Poster Jun 2015 Seismic Assessment and Design Philosophy of Reinforced Concrete Walls in Australia PDF icon Download (417.65 KB) earthquake, engineering
Presentation-Slideshow Jul 2017 Three Minute Thesis: social media in emergencies, an examination of government accountability for risk communication and warning PDF icon Download (272.01 KB) communication, emergency management, risk analysis
Poster Aug 2019 Quick Economics: tools that help decision making in natural hazard mitigation PDF icon Download (1.34 MB) economics, multi-hazard
Presentation-Slideshow Oct 2018 Transforming fire and rescue response through innovation PDF icon Download (4.58 MB)
Presentation-Slideshow Aug 2020 Economics in disaster recovery: Optimising post-disaster recovery interventions in Australia PDF icon Download (3.09 MB) communities, recovery, risk analysis
Guide-Fact Sheet Apr 2014 Research Projects Overview April 2014 PDF icon Download (835.43 KB)
Poster Jun 2017 Gaining benefits from adversity: standardising data obtained from bushfires PDF icon Download (716.43 KB) fire, fire impacts, guidelines
Poster Aug 2016 Out of uniform: building community resilience through non-traditional emergency volunteering PDF icon Download (192.04 KB) infrastructure, resilience
Poster Aug 2014 Heat and hydration: Firefighters know what to do PDF icon Download (726.78 KB)
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2018 Emergency volunteering 2030: A sector-wide, management perspective PDF icon Download (1.74 MB) emergency management, multi-hazard, volunteering
Presentation-Audio-Video Sep 2016 #AFAC16 Research Forum day wrap-up File Download (0 bytes) emergency management, multi-hazard
Poster Feb 2020 Enhancing Public Information practice during the response phase, in Tasmania’s emergency services (Tasmania Fire Service & State Emergency Service) PDF icon Download (466.55 KB) communities, emergency management
Poster Jun 2017 Improving flood forecasting skill using remote sensing data: rainfall estimation PDF icon Download (1.85 MB) flood, hydrology, remote sensing
Presentation-Audio-Video Apr 2017 Builders - replacing roofing on houses File Download (0 bytes) cyclone, engineering, mitigation
Poster Sep 2021 Vanessa's story PDF icon Download (3.81 MB) indigenous communities, resilience, risk management
Poster May 2015 Sleep Deprivation and Stress Responses Poster PDF icon Download (149.93 KB) fire, response
Guide-Fact Sheet May 2020 Psychological Safety Checklist PDF icon Download (151.59 KB) communication, decision making, emergency management
Presentation-Slideshow Mar 2014 Improved predictions of severe weather to reduce community impact PDF icon Download (2.77 MB) risk management, severe weather, warnings
Presentation-Slideshow Jun 2017 Aurora and Fire Watch PDF icon Download (3.09 MB)
Poster Aug 2016 Child-centred disaster risk reduction: a holistic, rights-based conceptual framework PDF icon Download (583.45 KB) infrastructure, resilience

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