Key topics


Child-centred gives priority to the interests and needs of children.

Date Item Typesort descending Key Topics
11 Oct 2016 Your vote needed for Google Impact Challenge News child-centred, fire, infrastructure
01 Aug 2016 Research in action: preparing kids for bushfire News child-centred, communication, fire
27 Feb 2017 Research helps fire protection in Bangladesh News child-centred, communities, resilience
16 Jun 2017 Disasters loom but calm collaborations can bolster global agencies News child-centred, education, risk management
28 Jul 2015 Magazine promotes science News child-centred, earthquake, flood
09 Jun 2016 Research contributes to education focus News child-centred, education, resilience
12 Dec 2018 School-based education for disaster risk reduction News child-centred, education, resilience
19 Aug 2021 Award for child-centred disaster risk reduction PhD News child-centred, mitigation, risk management
12 Mar 2015 CRC in Sendai News child-centred, mitigation, risk management
19 Jul 2019 Winning at disaster preparedness News child-centred, diversity and inclusion, preparedness
22 Feb 2017 Educate the child, educate the community News child-centred, education, multi-hazard
24 Jul 2015 Snapshots from Sendai News child-centred, education, risk management
08 Sep 2015 UN role reaps reward News child-centred, resilience
Child-centred disaster risk reduction Project File save (0 bytes), File save (0 bytes) child-centred, communication, risk management
Comprehensive school safety: a participatory approach to school bushfire emergency management planning Project child-centred, communication, education
An evaluation of Youth Justice Conferencing for youth misuse of fire Project child-centred, fire
Agency experts supporting bushfire disaster resilience education for primary school students: a case study in NSW Project child-centred, education, fire
Parenting after a disaster - experiences since Black Saturday Project child-centred, fire, recovery
Coping with disasters by children and families who live in poverty Project child-centred, multi-hazard
Long-term impact of disasters on school children Project child-centred, fire impacts, local knowledge
Teacher-delivered, child participatory disaster resilience education program for children Project child-centred, decision making, multi-hazard
Connecting communities: Integration of disaster preparedness measures at household, school, and community level, using a child-centered approach Project child-centred, communication, resilience
31 Aug 2017 Fire Australia Issue Three 2017 Resource PDF icon save (5.22 MB) child-centred, prescribed burning, severe weather
29 Jun 2017 Teacher-delivered child-centred disaster resilient education program for children Resource PDF icon save (1.33 MB) child-centred, decision making, education
18 Aug 2015 Children and Youth in Disasters: A Co-Produced Program of Research Resource PDF icon save (144.9 KB) child-centred, communication, risk management
18 Sep 2018 Enablers and inhibitors to the sustainable implementation of effective teacher delivered disaster resilience education through the Geography Syllabus Resource PDF icon save (1.66 MB) child-centred, education, resilience
24 Sep 2019 Communications, Community Engagement and Recovery Resource PDF icon save (3.75 MB) child-centred, risk management
13 Aug 2021 Trailer, Preparedness 1: Child-centred disaster risk reduction Resource File save (0 bytes) child-centred, communities, education
16 Apr 2018 Building best practice in child-centred disaster risk reduction Resource PDF icon save (2.54 MB) child-centred, emergency management, risk management
19 Sep 2018 Engaging early childhood education and care to support optimal early child development following a natural hazards Resource PDF icon save (2.45 MB) child-centred, education
29 Jun 2017 An evaluation of youth justice conferencing for youth misuse of fire Resource PDF icon save (472.5 KB) child-centred, fire
27 Oct 2014 Building best practice in child-centred disaster risk reduction Resource child-centred, emergency management
18 Aug 2015 Risk Reduction and Resilience Education: Recommendations for Scaling Up. Views from Indonesia Resource PDF icon save (359.98 KB) child-centred, education
27 Aug 2019 Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Education Developing a National Framework for Implementation Resource PDF icon save (527.41 KB) child-centred, risk management
13 Aug 2021 Dr Briony Towers interview: Child-centred disaster risk reduction Resource File save (0 bytes) child-centred, communities, education
02 Aug 2017 Three Minute Thesis: Mayeda Rashid - Showcase 2017 Resource child-centred, communities, education
19 Sep 2018 Child-centred teacher-facilitated disaster resilience education program Resource PDF icon save (2.68 MB) child-centred, education
30 Aug 2016 Moving towards scaled implementation of effective child-centred disaster risk reduction initiatives - Kevin Ronan Resource PDF icon save (2.96 MB) child-centred, communication, education
27 Feb 2017 Fire Australia Issue One 2017 Resource PDF icon save (5.79 MB) child-centred, fire severity, resilience
08 Sep 2014 Building best practice in child-centred disaster risk reduction Resource PDF icon save (586.58 KB) child-centred, risk analysis

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