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Date Typesort ascending Title Key Topics Download
09/2017 Report Pre-disaster multi-hazard damage and economic loss estim... economics, modelling, multi-hazard PDF icon pa04_ulubasoglu_with_eu_annual_report_2016-2017.pdf
03/2019 Report Enhancing resilience of critical road infrastructure: br... engineering, multi-hazard PDF icon enhancing_resilience_of_critical_road_infrastructure_bridges_culverts_and_floodways_under_natural_hazards3.pdf
06/2015 Report Pyrocumulonimbus: A Literature Review fire, modelling PDF icon Pyrocumulonimbus Literature Review
06/2020 Report Integrating bushfire risk reduction and statutory mechan... fire impacts, infrastructure, risk management PDF icon d9_integrating_bushfire_risk_reduction.pdf
02/11/2015 Report Mitigating the effects of severe fires, floods and heatw... forecasting, mitigation, severe weather PDF icon Mitigating the effects of severe fires, floods and heatwaves through the improvements of land dryness measures and forecasts: Annual project report 2014-2015
08/2019 Report Emergency volunteering 2030: Views from the community se... emergency management, volunteering PDF icon enabling_sustainable_volunteers_-_environmental_scan_report_no3_1.pdf
04/2018 Report Floodway inspection and maintenance framework flood, framework, modelling PDF icon 2018_floodway_inspection_and_maintenance_framework.pdf
05/2021 Report Coupled fire-atmosphere simulations of five Black Summer... fire impacts, fire weather, modelling PDF icon coupled_fire-atmosphere_simulations_black_summer_final_report.pdf
Report Report into the perfomance of steel power poles in bushf...
Report Scoping Remote North Australian Community Resilience Ann... governance, Northern Australia PDF icon Scoping Remote North Australian Community Resilience Annual Report 2014
09/2016 Report Northern Australia bushfire and natural hazard training:... multi-hazard, Northern Australia, recruitment PDF icon Northern Australia bushfire and natural hazard training: Annual project report 2015-2016
10/31/2007 Report Interannual variations of area burnt in Tasmanian bushfi...
07/2021 Report The southwest Tasmania fires of summer 2018-2019 - a pos... capability, economics, emergency management PDF icon the-southwest-tasmania-fires-of-summer-2018-2019-a-post-event-review-capability-study.pdf
Report Investigation into the stringency provided by the draft...
09/2015 Report Animal Emergency Management in Australia animals, emergency management PDF icon Animal Emergency Management in Australia
11/01/2007 Report Field Guide- Fuel assessment and fire behaviour predicti...
09/2021 Report Principles for enhanced collaboration between land and e... emergency management, indigenous communities, land management PDF icon principles_for_enhanced_collaboration_between_em_agencies_and_indigenous_peoples.pdf
11/2018 Report Improved decision support for natural hazard risk reduct... decision making, mitigation PDF icon Decision support systems: annual project report 2017-18
Report Policies, Institutions and Governance (PIGS) of Natural... framework, governance, policy PDF icon Policies, Institutions and Governance (PIGS) of Natural Hazards Annual Report 2014
09/2016 Report Mapping and understanding bushfire and natural hazard vu... multi-hazard, risk management, vulnerability PDF icon Mapping and understanding bushfire and natural hazard vulnerability and risks at the institutional scale: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2017 Report Improved predictions of severe weather to reduce communi... fire weather, forecasting, severe weather PDF icon Kepert_midterm_report.pdf
05/2021 Report Economic Analysis Screening Tool: Guidelines economics, multi-hazard, policy PDF icon east_guidelines.pdf
04/2019 Report Analysis of damage surveys of houses and preliminary inp... cyclone, vulnerability PDF icon task_1.1.1_damage_investigationsfor_vaws.pdf
07/2020 Report The Australian Natural Disaster Resilience Index: Volume... multi-hazard, resilience, vulnerability PDF icon chapter_6_publication_ready_30082019l.pdf
Report Community Understanding and Awareness of Bushfire Safety... communication, communities, warnings PDF icon Part 2 - Online survey of residents
09/2011 Report Concept review Framing challenges for sharing responsibi...
02/11/2015 Report Out of uniform: building community resilience through no... communities, non-traditional recruitment, volunteering PDF icon Out of uniform: Building community resilience through non-traditional emergency volunteering - Annual project report 2014-2015
08/2016 Report Economics of natural hazards: Annual project report 2015... economics, multi-hazard, policy PDF icon Economics of natural hazards: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2019 Report State Emergency Service volunteer views on expectations,... emergency management, volunteering PDF icon ses_survey_cultural_assessment_tool_final.pdf
12/2019 Report Community benefits of roof upgrades cyclone, emergency management, severe weather PDF icon community_benefits_of_roof_upgrades.pdf
03/2021 Report Young people and the emergency services: working towards... communities, diversity and inclusion, resilience PDF icon young_people_and_the_emergency_services_2021.pdf
02/2019 Report Emergency Volunteering 2030: Views from Managers in Volu... emergency management, volunteering PDF icon emergency_volunteering_2030_-_volunteerism_manager_report_-_final_february_2019.pdf
Report Warning Systems: Issues and considerations for warning
06/2020 Report Building best practice in child-centred disaster risk re... child-centred, communication, education PDF icon rb07-towers-ar-2019.pdf
12/2018 Report Developing better predictions for extreme water levels:... coastal, modelling, severe weather PDF icon Final data report
Report A review of the IMT-related literature in fire and emerg...
03/2022 Report Analysis and characterisation of bushfire-meets-prescrib... fire impacts, land management, prescribed burning PDF icon bushfire-meets-prescribed_burn_events_black_summer_final_report.pdf
09/2017 Report Scientific diversity, scientific uncertainty and risk mi... governance, planning, policy PDF icon pa06_weir_with_eu_annual_report_2016-2017_-_mpr_approved_eu.pdf
03/2019 Report Towards Protective Action: Effective Risk and Warning Co... communication, multi-hazard, warnings PDF icon towards_protective_action_effective_risk_and_warning_communication_during_natural_hazards.pdf
06/2020 Report Improved decision support for natural hazard risk reduct... decision making, multi-hazard, optimisation PDF icon pb03_maier_dss_ar_2019.pdf
08/2013 Report Temperate eucalypt forest decline is linked to altered e...
02/11/205 Report Fire coalescence and mass spotfire dynamics: Experimenta... fire impacts, modelling PDF icon Fire coalescence and mass spot fire dynamics: Annual project report 2014-2015
12/2019 Report Disaggregation of JASMIN soil moisture product to 1KM re... emergency management, land management, soil moisture PDF icon kumar_disaggregation_of_jasmin_soil_moisture_product_1.0.pdf
01/2019 Report Ten years on from the Victorian Black Saturday bushfires... communication, emergency management PDF icon work_based_project_middletona4emg505_002.pdf
05/2020 Report The economic benefits of the Indigenous Fire and Rescue... economics, indigenous communities, optimisation PDF icon vises_bnhcrc_economic_benefits_of_ifares_16_oct_1.pdf
Report Disaster Landscape Attribution: Fire Surveillance and Ha... fire, fire impacts, remote sensing PDF icon Disaster Landscape Attribution Annual Report 2014
09/2016 Report Briefing paper: A proposed framework to assess strategie... communities, non-traditional recruitment, volunteering PDF icon Briefing paper:A proposed framework to assess strategies for engaging non-traditional emergency volunteers
02/2016 Report Economic loss modelling of earthquake damaged buildings earthquake, economics, modelling PDF icon Economic loss modelling of earthquake damaged buildings
Oct-05 Report Framework for measuring the value of Australian Bureau o...