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Date Typesort descending Title Key Topics Download
12/2018 Report Retrofitting costs for URM buildings earthquake, engineering, mitigation PDF icon Retrofitting costs for URM buildings
08/2020 Report Recovery Capitals (ReCap): applying a community capitals... communities, recovery, resilience PDF icon rb26-_gibbs-ar-2020_dbeek_reviewed.pdf
Report Manual of methods and procedures for measuring personal...
7/05/2007 Report The Effectiveness and Efficiency of Aerial Firefighting...
09/2017 Report Decision making, team monitoring and organisational lear... capability, decision making, emergency management PDF icon ra17_bearman_with_eu_comments_annual_report_2017_-_mpr_approved.pdf
02/11/205 Report Fire coalescence and mass spotfire dynamics: Experimenta... fire impacts, modelling PDF icon Fire coalescence and mass spot fire dynamics: Annual project report 2014-2015
03/2019 Report The disaster resilience project: a school-based feasibil... communication, emergency management, warnings PDF icon the_disaster_resilience_project_-_final_report.pdf
09/2021 Report Cultural burning in southern Australia indigenous communities, resilience, risk management PDF icon 0cultu1.pdf
12/2020 Report Planning and capability requirements for catastrophic an... capability, emergency management, multi-hazard PDF icon cascading_and_catastrophic_events_final_report_2020.pdf
10/2020 Report Quantifying fuel hazard assessments - Fuels3D annual rep... fire, fire impacts, remote sensing PDF icon nb03-jones-ar-2019.pdf
Report Estimates of the Likely Impact on TFS Operational Volunt...
Nov-09 Report Evaluation criteria for large air tankers in Australia
11/2018 Report Answering the call national survey, National Mental Heal... mental health, resilience, risk management
04/2021 Report Growing the seeds: recovery, strength and capability in... capability, communities, recovery PDF icon growing_the_seeds.pdf
Report Disaster Landscape Attribution: Fire Surveillance and Ha... fire, fire impacts, remote sensing PDF icon Disaster Landscape Attribution Annual Report 2014
08/2013 Report Temperate eucalypt forest decline is linked to altered e...
06/2015 Report Cost-effective mitigation strategy development for flood... engineering, flood, mitigation PDF icon 2015._report_on_review_of_flood_mitigation_strategies.pdf
09/2016 Report Briefing paper: A proposed framework to assess strategie... communities, non-traditional recruitment, volunteering PDF icon Briefing paper:A proposed framework to assess strategies for engaging non-traditional emergency volunteers
02/2016 Report Economic loss modelling of earthquake damaged buildings earthquake, economics, modelling PDF icon Economic loss modelling of earthquake damaged buildings
Report Living in a land of fire
02/2014 Report Bushfires extending into the rural/urban interface - Fin...
Report Promoting Household and Community Preparedness for Bushf...
Report Economics of natural hazards annual project report 2014 capability, economics, multi-hazard PDF icon Economics of natural hazards - annual project report 2014
09/2017 Report From hectares to tailor-made solutions for risk mitigati... fuel reduction, prescribed burning, risk management PDF icon na11_bradstock_with_eu_annual_report_2016-2017_-_mpr_approved.pdf
03/2020 Report Improved predictions of severe weather to reduce communi... communication, fire weather, severe weather PDF icon nb06-kepert-ar-2019.pdf
03/2019 Report Relicts at Risk: Impacts of the 2016 Tasmanian Fires on... environments, fire impacts, fire severity PDF icon impacts_of_the_2016_tas_fires_on_pencil_pine_qrf_final_march_2019.pdf
11/2015 Report Sheltering practices during bushfire communities, fire, policy PDF icon Sheltering practices during bushfire
09/2020 Report Impact-based forecasting for the coastal zone – East Coa... coastal, forecasting, vulnerability PDF icon rb25-richter-ar.pdf
Report Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Issues: A Review of...
Report Identifying the Causes of Unsafe Firefighting Decisions:...
04/2021 Report Cost-effective mitigation strategy development for build... earthquake, engineering, mitigation PDF icon cost-effective_mitigation_strategy_for_earthquake_risk_final_report_2021.pdf
Report Improving the Resilience of Existing Housing to Severe W... cyclone, engineering, mitigation PDF icon Improving the Resilience of Existing Housing to Severe Wind Events Annual Report 2014
09/2016 Report Building best practice in child-centred disaster risk re... child-centred, education, risk management PDF icon Building best practice in child-centred disaster risk reduction: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2019 Report Mapping bushfire hazards and impacts annual report 2018-... fire, fire impacts, fire weather PDF icon mapping_bushfire_hazards_annual_report_18-19.pdf
09/2017 Report Building resilient communities - effective multi-channel... communication, resilience, warnings PDF icon ra12_tippett_annual_project_report_2016-17_-_final.pdf
02/11/2015 Report Improving the resilience of existing housing to severe w... cyclone, resilience, severe weather PDF icon Improving the resilience of existing housing to severe wind events: Annual project report 2014-2015
06/2019 Report Emergency volunteering shared learning network emergency management, volunteering PDF icon 20190410-evn_lessons_learned_final_2019_v1.pdf
May 2012 Report Effective Communication of Bushfire Risk in the Urban-Pa...
07/2020 Report The Australian Natural Disaster Resilience Index: Volume... multi-hazard, resilience, vulnerability PDF icon 00_front_matter_publication_ready_30082019l.pdf
4/30/2007 Report Retrospective measures of fire intensity using epicormic...
01/2021 Report Guidance note for replication of case studies - Black Sa... communities, economics, multi-hazard PDF icon guidance_note_for_replication_of_case_studies.pdf
02/2016 Report A southeast Queensland tropical cyclone scenario cyclone, scenario analysis, tropical PDF icon A southeast Queensland tropical cyclone scenario
07/2019 Report Building best practice in child-centred disaster risk re... child-centred, climate change, emergency management PDF icon child_centred_disaster_risk_reduction_report_2014-2016.pdf
03/2022 Report Informing post-fire recovery planning of northern NSW ra... fire impacts, planning, recovery PDF icon informing_post-fire_recovery_planning_of_northern_nsw_rainforests.pdf
July 2011 Report Community Members' Decision Making Under the Stress...
12/2018 Report Urbanisation pressures and flood risk: Gawler River catc... communities, decision making, flood PDF icon Urbanisation pressures and flood risk
07/2017 Report Rapid response report: study of heatwave impacts on resi... recovery, resilience, severe weather PDF icon rf-heatwave-westernsydney-2017final.pdf
08/2020 Report The value of research from the Bushfire and Natural Haza... economics, emergency management PDF icon value_of_research_-_final_report.pdf
Report Cone Calorimeter Tests for Fire Retarded Timber Assessme...
12/2015 Report Savanna fire management and scenario planning for North... fire impacts, savanna grasslands, scenario analysis PDF icon Savanna fire management and scenario planning for northern Australia: Annual project report 2014-2015