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08/2013 Report Temperate eucalypt forest decline is linked to altered e...
03/2016 Report The potential for coastal dune de-stabilisation followin... coastal, fire, fire impacts PDF icon bnhcrc_quick_response_report_hesseshumack.pdf
02/11/2015 Report Cost-effective mitigation strategy development for flood... flood, planning, resilience PDF icon Cost-effective mitigation strategy development for flood prone buildings: Annual project report 2014-2015
03/2021 Report Coupled fire-atmosphere modelling – final project report fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather PDF icon coupled_fire-atmosphere_modelling_final_report_march_2021.pdf
08/2016 Report Disaster landscape attribution: fire surveillance and ha... fire, land management, remote sensing PDF icon Disaster landscape attribution: fire surveillance and hazard mapping, data scaling and validation: Annual project report 2015-2016
09/2017 Report Policies, instutions and governance of natural hazards:... decision making, governance, policy PDF icon pa07_eburn_without_eu_annual_report_2016-2017_-_mpr_approved_eu.pdf
10/2016 Report Literature review on community resilience in remote nort... communities, Northern Australia, resilience PDF icon Literature review on community resilience in remote north Australia
02/2019 Report Catastrophic and cascading events: planning and capabili... capability, decision making, vulnerability PDF icon rb21-catastrophic_disasters_annual_report_2017_18_2_1.pdf
06/2020 Report A typology of disaster resilience in Australia - annual... multi-hazard, resilience, vulnerability PDF icon rb06-parsons-ar-2019.pdf
01/2015 Report The Problem Solution Framework PDF icon The Problem Solution Framework
12/2018 Report Retrofitting costs for URM buildings earthquake, engineering, mitigation PDF icon Retrofitting costs for URM buildings
01/2020 Report Using the human centred design method to develop tools f... communities, decision making, emergency management PDF icon bearman_human_centered_design_final.pdf
09/2017 Report Optimisation of fuel reduction burning regimes for fuel... fuel reduction, optimisation, prescribed burning PDF icon na10_bell_with_eu_annual_report_2016-2017_-_mpr_approved.pdf
06/2018 Report Value Tool for Natural Hazards: Guidelines economics, multi-hazard, policy PDF icon value_tool_for_natural_hazards_guidelines.pdf
04/2020 Report Physics-based simulation of firebrand and heat flux on s... fire, modelling, propagation PDF icon simulation_of_firebrand.pdf
11/2015 Report Disaster landscape attribution: Annual project report 20... fire impacts, remote sensing PDF icon Disaster landscape attribution: Annual project report 2014-2015
03/2019 Report Townsville 2019 flood: insights from the field emergency management, flood, warnings PDF icon townsville_2019_flood_insights_from_the_field_2.pdf
07/2020 Report Hazards, culture and Indigenous communities – annual rep... indigenous communities, resilience, risk management PDF icon pb06-weir-hcic_annualreport_2018-2019.pdf
05/2016 Report An analysis of human fatalities from floods in Australia... communities, flood, vulnerability PDF icon An analysis of human fatalities from flood hazards in Australia, 1900-2015
11/2017 Report Evaluation of daily soil moisture deficit used in Austra... fire, modelling, remote sensing PDF icon evaluation_of_daily_soil_moisture_deficit_used_in_australian_forest_fire_danger_rating_system.pdf
02/2014 Report Bushfires extending into the rural/urban interface - Fin...
09/2019 Report Mapping bushfire hazards and impacts annual report 2018-... fire, fire impacts, fire weather PDF icon mapping_bushfire_hazards_annual_report_18-19.pdf
09/2016 Report Improving the resilience of existing housing to severe w... cyclone, engineering, severe weather PDF icon Improving the resilience of existing housing to severe wind events: Annual project report 2015-2016
05/2020 Report Near infrared spectroscopy as a new fire severity metric fire severity, fuel reduction, prescribed burning PDF icon ms_3.3.2_nir_scanning_final_1.pdf
Report Managing Animals in Disasters: Improving Preparedness, R... animals, communication, risk management PDF icon MAiD Annual Project Report 2013-2014
06/2016 Report Cost-effective mitigation strategy development for flood... engineering, flood, mitigation PDF icon 2016._report_on_development_of_costing_modules_for_flood_mitigation_strategies.pdf
12/2017 Report Household preparedness for bushfires: the role of reside... communication, fire, preparedness PDF icon t3r11_m3.3.6_information_sources_and_household_preparedness_for_bushfires_technical_report.pdf
12/22/2005 Report Climate change impacts on fire-weather in southeast Aust...
12/2018 Report Opportunities and constraints identified in existing fra... emergency management, organisational PDF icon 2.1.4-owen-organisational_learning.pdf
07/2017 Report Rapid response report: study of heatwave impacts on NSW... recovery, resilience, severe weather PDF icon rf-heatwaves-northernriversregion-2017final.pdf
Report Project FuSE Aerial Suppression Final Report
10/2021 Report Transformative scenarios in a climate challenged world -... climate change, emergency management, governance PDF icon a_guide_for_using_scenarios_in_the_emergency_management_sector.pdf
6/30/2006 Report An assessment of drop patterns, penetration and persiste...
09/2016 Report Pre-disaster multi-hazard damage and economic loss estim... economics, multi-hazard, planning PDF icon Pre-disaster multi-hazard damage and economic loss estimation model: Annual project report 2015-2016
12/2021 Report Influence of climate change and fuel management on bushf... climate change, fire impacts, land management PDF icon d2_inf1.pdf
Report Natural Hazard Mitigation Decision Support System Annual... decision making, multi-hazard, optimisation PDF icon Natural Hazard Mitigation Decision Support System Annual Report 2014
02/11/2015 Report Natural hazard exposure information modelling framework:... framework, modelling, resilience PDF icon Natural hazard exposure information modelling framework: Annual project report 2014-2015
03/2021 Report Diversity and inclusion: building strength and capabilit... communities, diversity and inclusion, resilience PDF icon diversity_and_inclusion_final_report_2021.pdf
08/2016 Report Developing better predictions for extreme water levels:A... coastal, forecasting, storm surge PDF icon Developing better predictions for extreme water levels: Annual project report 2015-2016
08/2019 Report Evaluation of pre-intervention data: divergent thinking... decision making, emergency management, scenario analysis PDF icon deliverable_intervention_divergent_thinking_020719_final.pdf
11/2017 Report Learning for emergency services: looking for a new appro... emergency management, governance, policy PDF icon final_bnhcrc_learning_lessons_green_paper_-_needs_eu_statement_from_schauble.pdf
10/2018 Report Practical and theoretical issues: integrating urban plan... mitigation, multi-hazard, planning PDF icon Integrating urban planning and emergency management
08/2021 Report Using pre- and post-fire LiDAR to assess the severity of... environments, fire impacts, fire severity PDF icon using_lidar_to_assess_the_severity_of_the_2019_tasmanian_bushfires.pdf
06/2020 Report Building resilience: understanding the capabilities of d... communities, diversity and inclusion, resilience PDF icon diversity_and_inclusion_building_resilience_community_report_002.pdf
01/2021 Report Developing effective emergency management partnerships i... governance, indigenous communities, Northern Australia PDF icon developing_em_partnerships_in_remote_communities_2019-20.pdf
12/2018 Report Urbanisation pressures and flood risk: Gawler River catc... communities, decision making, flood PDF icon Urbanisation pressures and flood risk
01/2020 Report Barriers and enablers in the long term recovery of commu... communities, emergency management, recovery PDF icon recovery_literature_review_final.pdf
09/2017 Report Coupled fire-atmosphere modelling project: annual projec... fire weather, modelling, severe weather PDF icon na12_peace_with_eu_annual_report_2016-2017_-_mpr_approved.pdf
07/2019 Report Optimising post-disaster recovery interventions in Austr... emergency management, optimisation, risk management PDF icon optimising_post-disaster_recovery_interventions_annual_report_final.pdf
09/2020 Report Cost-effective mitigation strategy development for build... earthquake, engineering, mitigation PDF icon annual_report_2019-20_final.pdf