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Date Typesort descending Title Key Topics Download
08/2016 Report Natural hazard mitigation decision support system: Annua... decision making, multi-hazard, policy PDF icon Natural hazard mitigation decision support system: Annual project report 2015-2016
02/2019 Report Catastrophic and cascading events: planning and capabili... capability, decision making, vulnerability PDF icon rb21-catastrophic_disasters_annual_report_2017_18_2_1.pdf
06/2020 Report A typology of disaster resilience in Australia - annual... multi-hazard, resilience, vulnerability PDF icon rb06-parsons-ar-2019.pdf
09/2016 Report Briefing paper: A proposed framework to assess strategie... communities, non-traditional recruitment, volunteering PDF icon Briefing paper:A proposed framework to assess strategies for engaging non-traditional emergency volunteers
12/2018 Report Retrofitting costs for URM buildings earthquake, engineering, mitigation PDF icon Retrofitting costs for URM buildings
09/2017 Report Optimisation of fuel reduction burning regimes for fuel... fuel reduction, optimisation, prescribed burning PDF icon na10_bell_with_eu_annual_report_2016-2017_-_mpr_approved.pdf
11/2018 Report Enabling sustainable emergency volunteering: annual proj... communities, volunteering PDF icon Enabling sustainable emergency volunteering
Report A review of the IMT-related literature in fire and emerg...
Report Manual of methods and procedures for measuring personal...
09/2021 Report Community-led recovery - Black Summer final report communication, communities, recovery PDF icon community-led_recovery_black_summer_final_report.pdf
Report Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Issues: A Review of...
02/11/2015 Report Determining threshold conditions for extreme fire behavi... fire severity, modelling, severe weather PDF icon Determining the threshold conditions for extreme fire behaviour: Annual project report 2014-2015
10/2021 Report Assessing community resilience for emergencies in local... communication, emergency management, resilience PDF icon assessing_community_resilience_for_emergencies_in_local_government_policy.pdf
Report Improving the Resilience of Existing Housing to Severe W... cyclone, engineering, mitigation PDF icon Improving the Resilience of Existing Housing to Severe Wind Events Annual Report 2014
05/2020 Report Near infrared spectroscopy as a new fire severity metric fire severity, fuel reduction, prescribed burning PDF icon ms_3.3.2_nir_scanning_final_1.pdf
09/2016 Report Building best practice in child-centred disaster risk re... child-centred, education, risk management PDF icon Building best practice in child-centred disaster risk reduction: Annual project report 2015-2016
06/2016 Report Cost-effective mitigation strategy development for flood... engineering, flood, mitigation PDF icon 2016._report_on_development_of_costing_modules_for_flood_mitigation_strategies.pdf
10/2018 Report Determining threshold conditions for extreme fire behavi... fire, fire severity PDF icon nb14-_memo_on_experimental_design_sep_2018_2.pdf
02/2014 Report Bushfires extending into the rural/urban interface - Fin...
12/2017 Report Household preparedness for bushfires: the role of reside... communication, fire, preparedness PDF icon t3r11_m3.3.6_information_sources_and_household_preparedness_for_bushfires_technical_report.pdf
August 2006 Report Respiratory Health of Fire Fighters
4/30/2007 Report Retrospective measures of fire intensity using epicormic...
07/2021 Report Towards protective action: effective risk and warning co... communication, communities, resilience PDF icon effective_risk_and_warning_communication_final_project_report.pdf
12/22/2005 Report Climate change impacts on fire-weather in southeast Aust...
Report Living in a land of fire
03/2020 Report Improved predictions of severe weather to reduce communi... communication, fire weather, severe weather PDF icon nb06-kepert-ar-2019.pdf
02/2016 Report Predicting continental shelf waves in Australia coastal, severe weather, storm surge PDF icon Predicting continental shelf waves in Australia
Report Economics of natural hazards annual project report 2014 capability, economics, multi-hazard PDF icon Economics of natural hazards - annual project report 2014
07/2017 Report Rapid response report: study of heatwave impacts on NSW... recovery, resilience, severe weather PDF icon rf-heatwaves-northernriversregion-2017final.pdf
03/2019 Report Townsville 2019 flood: insights from the field emergency management, flood, warnings PDF icon townsville_2019_flood_insights_from_the_field_2.pdf
07/2020 Report Hazards, culture and Indigenous communities – annual rep... indigenous communities, resilience, risk management PDF icon pb06-weir-hcic_annualreport_2018-2019.pdf
11/2017 Report Evaluation of daily soil moisture deficit used in Austra... fire, modelling, remote sensing PDF icon evaluation_of_daily_soil_moisture_deficit_used_in_australian_forest_fire_danger_rating_system.pdf
07/2022 Report Emergency Services Workforce 2030: Changing work literat... non-traditional recruitment, recruitment, volunteering PDF icon workforce_2030_changing_work_literature_review_-_final.pdf
01/2021 Report North Australian bushfire and natural hazard training -... communities, indigenous communities, local knowledge PDF icon north_aus_bushfire_and_natural_hazard_training_final_report_jan2021.pdf
Report Annual Report 2010-11: First year of the Urban and Regio...
11/2017 Report Learning for emergency services: looking for a new appro... emergency management, governance, policy PDF icon final_bnhcrc_learning_lessons_green_paper_-_needs_eu_statement_from_schauble.pdf
Report Survey of ACT Rural Fire Service Women Volunteers
01/2022 Report Mapping how outputs from various Bushfire and Natural Ha... fire, fuel reduction, risk management PDF icon mapping_how_outputs_from_crc_projects_could_be_combined_to_reduce_fire_risk.pdf
12/2019 Report Quantifying fuel hazard assessments - Fuels3D annual rep... fire, fire impacts, remote sensing PDF icon nb02-jones-ar_2019.pdf
Report Fire Spread Across Fuel Types Annual Report 2014 fire, modelling, propagation PDF icon Fire Spread Across Fuel Types Annual Report 2014
09/2018 Report Southeast Australia Aboriginal fire forum fire, fire impacts, Northern Australia PDF icon Southeast Australia Aboriginal fire forum
06/2020 Report Building resilience: understanding the capabilities of d... communities, diversity and inclusion, resilience PDF icon diversity_and_inclusion_building_resilience_community_report_002.pdf
09/2016 Report Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing: Ann... flood, modelling, remote sensing PDF icon Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing: Annual project report 2015-2016
12/2018 Report Urbanisation pressures and flood risk: Gawler River catc... communities, decision making, flood PDF icon Urbanisation pressures and flood risk
04/2021 Report Demographic effects of severe fire in montane shrublands... environments, fire impacts, fire severity PDF icon effects_of_fire_in_montane_shrubs_qrf_final_report.pdf
09/2017 Report Coupled fire-atmosphere modelling project: annual projec... fire weather, modelling, severe weather PDF icon na12_peace_with_eu_annual_report_2016-2017_-_mpr_approved.pdf
07/2019 Report Optimising post-disaster recovery interventions in Austr... emergency management, optimisation, risk management PDF icon optimising_post-disaster_recovery_interventions_annual_report_final.pdf
09/2020 Report Cost-effective mitigation strategy development for build... earthquake, engineering, mitigation PDF icon annual_report_2019-20_final.pdf
Report Cone Calorimeter Tests for Fire Retarded Timber Assessme...
09/2015 Report National Fire Danger Rating System Probabalistic Framewo... fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather PDF icon National Fire Danger Rating System Probabalistic Framework Project Final Report Year 3 final