Typesort ascending Date Title Download Key Topics
Poster Sep 2018 Satellite monitoring of fire impact and recovery PDF icon Download (5.25 MB) fire, remote sensing
Presentation-Audio-Video Oct 2016 #AFAC16 integration,diversity and inclusions File Download (0 bytes) emergency management, policy, recruitment
Presentation-Slideshow Apr 2018 Policies, institutions & governance of natural hazards PDF icon Download (1.22 MB) emergency management, governance, policy
Poster Jun 2017 The Australian Natural Disaster Resilience Index PDF icon Download (1018.17 KB) multi-hazard, resilience, vulnerability
Presentation-Slideshow Mar 2015 Social science research insights into public support for wildfire mitigation PDF icon Download (741.7 KB) fire, risk management
Presentation-Slideshow Jun 2019 Hardening Building and Infrastructure Cluster PDF icon Download (1.39 MB) earthquake, mitigation
Poster Jun 2017 Risk modelling as a tool to support natural hazard risk management in New Zealand local government PDF icon Download (1.95 MB) communication, risk management
Presentation-Slideshow Aug 2019 Joining the dots: Using social media to connect with more vulnerable Victorians during emergencies PDF icon Download (1.23 MB) decision making
Poster Aug 2016 Is fire moisture importance for pyrocumulus development? PDF icon Download (375.86 KB) fire severity, remote sensing
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2017 Analysis of rapid damage assessment data following severe windstorm events PDF icon Download (3.31 MB) cyclone, engineering, severe weather
Presentation-Slideshow Mar 2014 Out of uniform PDF icon Download (877.64 KB) capability, non-traditional recruitment, volunteering
Poster Aug 2019 Prediction of vorticity-driven wildfire propagation in operational time frames PDF icon Download (741.63 KB) fire impacts, fire severity, remote sensing
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2018 Multi-temporal and spatial remote sensing imagery to monitor flammability in Australia PDF icon Download (3.56 MB) fire, fire impacts, modelling
Presentation-Slideshow Aug 2016 The social life of science: tales from Victoria and the Northern Territory - Jessica Weir PDF icon Download (1.49 MB) decision making, fire, policy
Presentation-Audio-Video Aug 2021 Trailer, Response 1: Effective risk and warning communication during natural hazards File Download (0 bytes) communication, communities, warnings
Presentation-Audio-Video Oct 2014 Resilient disaster response & recovery: lessons from social science recovery, resilience, response
Presentation-Audio-Video Oct 2014 Environmental thresholds for dynamic fire propagation fire, propagation
Presentation-Slideshow May 2019 Our people in 2030 RAF May 2019 PDF icon Download (370.21 KB)
Poster Jun 2017 Air permeability of the litter layer in temperate forests of south-east Australia PDF icon Download (1.18 MB) fire, prescribed burning
Poster Aug 2016 Internal pressure fluctuations in industrial buildings PDF icon Download (182.47 KB) infrastructure, resilience

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