Typesort descending Date Title Download Key Topics
Poster Aug 2014 Long shifts: Are the breaks important? PDF icon Download (371.07 KB)
Presentation-Audio-Video Oct 2017 Enabling sustainable volunteering - adapting the sector - project update October 2017 File Download (0 bytes) communities, recruitment, volunteering
Poster Aug 2015 Smoke Plume Injection into the Atmosphere and Subsequent Pyrocumulus 'Blow-Up' PDF icon Download (216.83 KB) fire weather
Poster Jun 2017 Productivity of firefighting resources on large bushfires PDF icon Download (1.41 MB) decision making, prescribed burning, response
Presentation-Audio-Video Jun 2019 EVN webinar four - planning for spontaneous volunteers with Volunteering Qld - 22 May 2019 File Download (0 bytes) communities, emergency management, land management
Presentation-Slideshow Aug 2016 A spatial decision support system for natural hazard risk reduction policy assessment and planning - Holger Maier PDF icon Download (5.83 MB) decision making, economics, mitigation
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2016 Are our homes and buildings failing us? - David Henderson PDF icon Download (8.26 MB) cyclone, engineering, severe weather
Presentation-Slideshow Jul 2015 Area Fire Management Groups Project PDF icon Download (982.39 KB) emergency management, fire
Presentation-Slideshow Jul 2017 Lightning presentation: Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction 2015-2030 PDF icon Download (461.17 KB) emergency management, framework, risk management
Poster Sep 2018 Predicting Water Quality Parameters in Latrobe catchment using eWater Source PDF icon Download (1.19 MB) fire impacts, mitigation
Poster Apr 2015 How do residents in bushfire prone areas view the risk of their homes? PDF icon Download (413.6 KB) communities, fire, risk analysis
Poster Aug 2020 Improving Flash Flood Response Outcomes Through Emergency Warnings and Improved Regional Forecasting Techniques PDF icon Download (357.11 KB) flood
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2019 Denaturalising Urban Heatwaves PDF icon Download (2.1 MB)
Poster Aug 2016 Community-led recovery in an emergency and disaster PDF icon Download (518.35 KB) infrastructure, resilience
Presentation-Slideshow Aug 2019 Best research organisation structures for solving hard and intractable (national) problems PDF icon Download (1.6 MB)
Poster Aug 2014 The Australian natural disaster resilience index: A system for assessing the resilience of Australian communities to natural hazards PDF icon Download (258.11 KB)
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2017 Science is critical but it is not everything: our findings PDF icon Download (2.12 MB) governance, planning, policy
Presentation-Slideshow Jun 2017 Climate outlook: northern Australia seasonal fire outlook workshop PDF icon Download (4.2 MB)
Presentation-Audio-Video Apr 2019 Colin Thomas from MFB on why diversity and inclusion is important File Download (0 bytes) diversity and inclusion, emergency management, fire
Presentation-Slideshow May 2016 Using realistic disaster scenario analysis to understand natural hazard impacts and emergency management requirements PDF icon Download (2.09 MB) emergency management, multi-hazard, scenario analysis

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