Key topics


Recovery is the coordinated process of supporting emergency affected communities in reconstruction of the physical infrastructure and restoration of emotional, social, economic and physical wellbeing.

Date Item Typesort descending Key Topics
Reviving people’s trust in Bamboo technology: A case-study of Orlaha settlement reconstruction in Bihar, after the 2008 Kosi floods Biblio communities, recovery, resilience
08 Apr 2016 Data progress on Forcett fire Blog communities, recovery, volunteering
27 May 2020 Prescribed burning in focus Blog communication, prescribed burning, recovery
25 Oct 2016 Living to tell the tale Blog education, recovery, resilience
07 Apr 2022 Another day, another flood: preparing for more climate disasters means taking more personal responsibility for risk Blog capability, communities, recovery
02 Mar 2020 Natural disasters increase inequality. Recovery funding may make things worse Blog economics, fire impacts, recovery
29 Apr 2021 ‘We know our community better than they do’: why local knowledge is key to disaster recovery in Gippsland Blog communities, recovery, resilience
19 Mar 2020 Quite a start to the year Blog communication, recovery
30 Jan 2020 Rebuilding from the ashes of disaster: this is what Australia can learn from India Blog emergency management, recovery, response
07 Dec 2016 A new research agenda Blog coastal, governance, recovery
24 Jul 2020 Economics in disaster recovery News economics, multi-hazard, recovery
07 Feb 2020 PM acknowledges CRC role in bushfire response News decision making, fire, recovery
01 Feb 2018 Journal focus on recovery and resilience News recovery, resilience, risk management
28 Sep 2020 Donated funds contribute to post-fire research News communities, fire, recovery
22 Sep 2021 ABC podcast helping people recover from disaster News communities, recovery, resilience
31 Oct 2019 Local governments learn from research News decision making, emergency management, recovery
18 Mar 2020 Post-fire research receives boost News communities, fire, recovery
18 Aug 2020 New evidence-based guide helps communities recover from emergencies News communities, indigenous communities, recovery
18 Feb 2016 Partners get northern research update News communication, indigenous communities, recovery
14 Dec 2021 Recovery research honoured with Resilient Australia Award News communities, recovery, resilience
09 Mar 2018 Disaster reduction in the spotlight News policy, recovery, resilience
08 Sep 2021 Bouncing back: how community strengths can lead recovery News communities, fire, recovery
Understanding experiences and recovery capabilities of diverse communities in Gippsland post 2019/20 bushfires Project capability, communities, recovery
Disaster in relation to attachment, loss, grief and recovery: the Marysville experience Project communities, fire, recovery
Recovery Capitals Project communities, recovery, resilience
Community engagement in the post-disaster landscape Project communities, recovery, resilience
The post-disaster city: Urban crisis politics and social change in community led earthquake recovery Project communities, recovery, resilience
Community-led recovery Project communities, recovery, resilience
Parenting after a disaster - experiences since Black Saturday Project child-centred, fire, recovery
Post-disaster housing reconstruction as a means of enhancing disaster resilience of at-risk communities in India Project communities, recovery, resilience
Post-disaster recovery following recent natural hazard events and risk reduction measures in Australia and Japan Project communities, governance, recovery
07 Jul 2017 Lightning presentation: after the fire: learning from experience Resource PDF icon save (831.31 KB) communication, communities, recovery
18 Sep 2018 Disasters and economic resilience: Income effects of the Black Saturday Bushfires on disaster-hit individuals Resource PDF icon save (591.92 KB) economics, recovery, resilience
13 Aug 2021 Trailer, Recovery: Understanding and using Recovery Capitals research Resource File save (0 bytes) communities, recovery, resilience
18 Jun 2019 Multi - hazard risk model: End - to - end quantitative Resource PDF icon save (1.1 MB) economics, multi-hazard, recovery
02 Feb 2021 How to enhance community recovery after disasters Resource PDF icon save (1.61 MB) communities, recovery, resilience
30 Jun 2017 Navigating a bushfire disaster: 'ways of knowing' Resource PDF icon save (2 MB) communities, recovery, volunteering
06 Dec 2021 Recovery Capitals resources launch: A cross-Tasman collaboration to support wellbeing after disaster Resource File save (0 bytes) communities, recovery, resilience
13 Aug 2021 Prof Lisa Gibbs interview: Understanding and using Recovery Capitals research Resource File save (0 bytes) communities, recovery, resilience
18 Jun 2019 Communication, education and behaviour: examples of New Zealand research efforts Resource PDF icon save (1.25 MB) communities, multi-hazard, recovery

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