Key topics

emergency management

Emergency management is the discipline of dealing with and avoiding both natural and manmade disasters. It involves preparedness, response and recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters.

Datesort ascending Item Type Key Topics
Decision making, team monitoring and organisational learning in emergency management: annual project report 2016-17 Biblio PDF icon save (1.14 MB) capability, decision making, emergency management
Vehicle‐related flood fatalities in Australia, 2001–2017 Biblio PDF icon save (2.97 MB) emergency management, flood, warnings
A formative evaluation of the Triple Zero Kids’ Challenge Teacher’s Guide Biblio child-centred, communication, emergency management
Development of Capability Targets for the NSW Emergency Management Sector Biblio PDF icon save (973.32 KB) capability, emergency management
Community engagement for disaster risk reduction through embedding DRR values Project emergency management, multi-hazard
Ten years on from the Victorian Black Saturday bushfires - public information during response Biblio PDF icon save (1.42 MB) communication, emergency management
Using realistic disaster scenario analysis to understand natural hazard impacts and emergency management requirements: Annual project report 2015-2016 Biblio PDF icon save (671.08 KB) emergency management, multi-hazard, scenario analysis
Modelling the impact of lifeline infrastructure failure during natural hazard events Biblio PDF icon save (9.64 MB) emergency management, environments, risk management
Planning and capability requirements for catastrophic and cascading disasters Biblio PDF icon save (1.4 MB) capability, emergency management, multi-hazard
The roles of pharmacists in disaster health management in natural and anthropogenic disasters Biblio PDF icon save (13.99 MB) communication, emergency management
Managing animals in disasters: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (1017.25 KB) animals, emergency management, vulnerability
Real people, real stories- if it’s flooded forget it Biblio PDF icon save (767.2 KB) communities, emergency management, flood
Valuing non-market economic impacts from natural hazards Biblio PDF icon save (736.18 KB) economics, emergency management, risk management
Where do we put our dollars? Economic analysis of different bushfire management options in Western Australia Biblio PDF icon save (391.13 KB) economics, emergency management, fire
Can major post-event inquiries and reviews contribute to lessons management? Biblio communication, emergency management
Collapse behaviour of limited ductile high-strength RC columns under multidirectional earthquake actions Biblio emergency management, engineering, infrastructure
Diversity and inclusion framework for emergency management policy and practice Biblio PDF icon save (1.69 MB) diversity and inclusion, emergency management, policy
Principles for enhanced collaboration between land and emergency management agencies and Indigenous peoples - green paper Biblio PDF icon save (1.61 MB) emergency management, indigenous communities, land management
Detecting active fires from space using Himawari-8: a report from the regional New South Wales trial Biblio PDF icon save (1.01 MB) emergency management, fire impacts, planning
Web 2.0 in disaster and emergency: a risk assessment of tortious liability Project communication, emergency management, risk analysis
Follow up of study participants: brain plasticity and divergent thinking Biblio PDF icon save (781.71 KB) decision making, emergency management, scenario analysis
Assessing community resilience for emergencies in local government policy: summary Biblio PDF icon save (461.41 KB) communication, emergency management, resilience
Australian householders’ psychological preparedness for potential natural hazard threats: An exploration of contributing factors Biblio communities, emergency management, fire
Research proceedings from the 2018 Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC and AFAC Conference Biblio PDF icon save (15.24 MB) emergency management, land management, multi-hazard
Performance of fire detection algorithms using himawari-8 Biblio PDF icon save (1.27 MB) emergency management, fire, fire weather
Volunteering into the future – disaster events, local governments & communities Biblio PDF icon save (635.16 KB) emergency management, multi-hazard, volunteering
Addressing challenges for future strategic-level emergency management: reframing, networking and capacity building Biblio decision making, emergency management
Capability needs for emergency & disaster management organisations Project capability, emergency management, scenario analysis
Experiences of Police and Emergency Services Employees with Workers’ Compensation Claims for Mental Health Issues Biblio emergency management, mental health, organisational
The southwest Tasmania fires of summer 2018-2019 - a post event review capability study Biblio PDF icon save (9.33 MB) capability, economics, emergency management
From research outcome to agency change: mapping a learning trajectory of opportunities and challenges Biblio PDF icon save (421.2 KB) decision making, emergency management, policy
Model for assessing the vulnerability of Australian housing to windstorms - VAWS Biblio PDF icon save (7.38 MB) cyclone, emergency management, severe weather
Transformative scenarios in a climate challenged world - emergency management sector case studies as worked examples Biblio PDF icon save (3.07 MB) climate change, emergency management, governance
A literature review of methods for providing enhanced operational oversight of teams in emergency management Biblio capability, decision making, emergency management
Barriers and enablers in the long term recovery of communities affected by natural hazards: a review of the literature Biblio PDF icon save (1.06 MB) communities, emergency management, recovery
Flood levee influences on community preparedness: a paradox? Biblio communities, emergency management, flood
Managing cognitive biases during disaster response: the development of an aide memoire Biblio emergency management, optimisation, organisational
Building best practice in child-centred disaster risk reduction: project report 2014-2016 Biblio PDF icon save (1 MB) child-centred, climate change, emergency management
Using natural disaster scenarios to better understand emergency management requirements: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (326.61 KB) economics, emergency management, scenario analysis
Transformative culture of disaster risk management as an enabler to resilience Biblio PDF icon save (741.25 KB) emergency management, multi-hazard, risk management

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