About University of Sydney
A/Prof Tina Bell
Dr Douglas Brown
Completed associate student
Dr Tom Buckley
Dr George Carayannopoulos
Completed associate student
Tom Fitzgerald
Associate student
Dr Mana Gharun
Angela Gormley
Completed associate student
Dr Billy Haworth
Completed PhD student
Dr Glen Hill
Ariana Laconis
Alexandra McCormick
Liberty Pascua
Associate student
Dr Malcolm Possell
Veronica Quintanilla Berjon
Associate student
Dr Tarryn Turnbull
Dr Mengran Yu
Completed associate student
Optimisation of fuel reduction burning regimes
A/Prof Tina Bell
Domestic architecture and the perception of risk in bushfire-prone areas
Dr Douglas Brown
Completed associate student
Whole of government and crisis management: understanding coordination in a time of crisis
Dr George Carayannopoulos
Completed associate student
What is the acceptable risk in the coastal zone: perspectives on coastal hazards and decision making
Tom Fitzgerald
Associate student
Effects of Sydney coastal dry sclerophyll forest litter on fuels and fire behaviour in Hornsbury Shire
Angela Gormley
Completed associate student
Volunteered geographic information, community engagement and bushfire preparation
Dr Billy Haworth
Completed PhD student
Precarious places, precarious knowledges: A comparative analysis of disaster risk reduction education in Australia, the Philippines, and Vanuatu
Liberty Pascua
Associate student
Dynamics of litterfall and fine fuels after fire in sclerophyll forests and woodlands
Veronica Quintanilla Berjon
Associate student
Approaches for investigating fire impacts on catchment hydrology
Dr Mengran Yu
Completed associate student