
Typesort ascending Title Credited author Credited author/s NON-CRC
Presentation-Slideshow Fuel hazard mapping and fire surveillance sjones, kreinke, lwallace, Chermelle Engel Simon Jones, Karin Reinke, Luke Wallace and Chermelle Engel
Presentation-Slideshow Mapping bushfire hazard and impacts myebra, avandijk, gcary, lzhao Marta Yebra, Albert van Dijk, Geoff Cary and Li Zhao
Presentation-Slideshow Current trends in ecological research Alan York
Presentation-Slideshow Northern Australia bushfire and natural hazard training RAF May 2019 ssutton
Presentation-Slideshow The Prescribed Fire Atlas rbradstock, oprice, hclarke, tpenman, bcirulis, mboer Ross Bradstock, Owen Price, Hamsih Clarke, Trent Penman, Brett Cirulis, Matthias Boer
Presentation-Slideshow Air quality forecast system/Real time smoke intelligence visual analysis tool Fabienne Reisen Alan Wain and Fabienne Reisen
Presentation-Slideshow Determining threshold conditions for extreme fire behaviour tpenman, afilkov, tduff Trent Penman, Alex Filkov and Thomas Duff
Presentation-Slideshow Current and future challenges and opportunities for research nstephens Naomi Stephens
Presentation-Slideshow Fighting smoke with smoke oprice Owen Price, Steph Samson, Simin Rahani and Max Desservettaz
Presentation-Slideshow The Savanna and Rangelands Monitoring and Evaluation Reporting Framework (SMERF) and other tools. jrussellsmith, aedwards Jeremy Russell-Smith, Andrew Edwards, Patrice Weber and Aidan Joseph
Presentation-Slideshow Spot-fire project: prescribed burning insights? jsharples, James Hilton, asullivan, smatthews Jason Sharples, James Hilton, Andrew Sullivan and Stuart Matthews

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