Typesort descending Date Title Download Key Topics
Presentation-Audio-Video Sep 2015 Research Forum conference highlights #AFAC15 File Download (0 bytes) emergency management, mitigation, multi-hazard
Presentation-Slideshow Oct 2017 Adapting the sector: enabling sustainable emergency volunteering project (stage 1) PDF icon Download (1.28 MB) emergency management, recruitment, volunteering
Poster Apr 2015 Bushfire risk perception: a study of the perceived vulnerability of domestic architecture in bushfire prone areas PDF icon Download (1.09 MB) communities, fire, risk analysis
Poster Jun 2017 Statistical characterisation of wind fields over complex terrain for bushfire modelling PDF icon Download (2.33 MB) fire, fire severity, fire weather
Presentation-Slideshow Jul 2015 The NAFI Service PDF icon Download (13.3 MB) communication, planning
Poster Aug 2019 A fast, physically based scheme for predicting long-range spotting potential PDF icon Download (511.58 KB) communication, severe weather
Presentation-Slideshow Mar 2014 Improved predictions of severe weather to reduce community impact PDF icon Download (2.77 MB) risk management, severe weather, warnings
FireAustralia Edition Mar 2018 Fire Australia Issue One 2018 PDF icon Download (5.37 MB) coastal, emergency management, fire severity
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2020 France-Australia Workshop: Day 3/Panel 2 Nerilie Abram PDF icon Download (3.19 MB)
Poster Sep 2018 When joining is not enough: Profiles of emergency services volunteers and the intention to remain PDF icon Download (1.28 MB) emergency management, recruitment, volunteering
Presentation-Slideshow Aug 2016 Integrated economic assessment of flood management options for Adelaide - Atakelty Hailu PDF icon Download (1.48 MB) decision making, economics, flood
Presentation-Slideshow Aug 2019 Climate change as an emerging disaster risk in Australia and Oceania PDF icon Download (853.73 KB)
Presentation-Slideshow Oct 2016 Smouldering combustion in bushfires PDF icon Download (317.63 KB) fire, prescribed burning
Presentation-Audio-Video Aug 2015 An analysis of building losses and human fatalities from natural disasters File Download (0 bytes) economics, multi-hazard, risk analysis
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2017 Beyondblue national mental health and wellbeing study of police and emergency services PDF icon Download (625.47 KB) mental health, volunteering, vulnerability
Poster Aug 2016 Out of uniform: building community resilience through non-traditional emergency volunteering PDF icon Download (192.04 KB) infrastructure, resilience
Presentation-Slideshow Dec 2014 Fire coalescence and mass spotfire dynamics PDF icon Download (704.99 KB) fire, fire severity, modelling
Presentation-Slideshow Jun 2017 Emissions Reduction Fund: Presentation to state and territory agencies PDF icon Download (950.75 KB)
Presentation-Audio-Video Dec 2021 2021 Resilient Australia National Mental Health and Wellbeing Award Winner | Recovery Capitals File Download (0 bytes) communities, recovery, resilience
May 2015 Scholarship Application 2015 Microsoft Office document icon Download (187.5 KB)

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