Typesort descending Date Title Download Key Topics
Presentation-Slideshow Jul 2014 Beyond NAFI -Alternative fire data and 3D fire simulations PDF icon Download (9.05 MB)
Guide-Fact Sheet Mar 2020 12th Australasian Natural Hazards Management Conference - Program PDF icon Download (122.6 KB)
Presentation-Audio-Video Mar 2021 Estimating benefits of mitigation options | Economics of natural hazards (7/10) File Download (0 bytes) economics, mitigation, planning
Presentation-Slideshow Feb 2015 Improving the Resilience of Existing Housing to Severe Wind Events PDF icon Download (1.8 MB) cyclone, engineering, mitigation
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2015 Hydrologic and hydraulic modeling for riverine flood forecasting PDF icon Download (1.9 MB) flood, forecasting
Poster Jun 2017 Realistic disaster scenario analysis: North QLD cyclone PDF icon Download (1.78 MB) emergency management, modelling, scenario analysis
Presentation-Slideshow Aug 2016 A heatwave classification for heat related fatality risk - Thomas Loridan PDF icon Download (1.53 MB) forecasting, severe weather, warnings
Presentation-Audio-Video Jun 2020 Recognition for Excellence in Research at EMPA conference 2020 File Download (0 bytes) communication, emergency management, warnings
Case Study Dec 2020 Answering the call mental health, resilience, risk management
Poster Aug 2014 Disaster landscape attribution: Thermal anomaly and hazard mapping PDF icon Download (292.89 KB)
Poster Aug 2019 Agency experts supporting bush fire disaster resilience education for Primary school students: A case study in NSW PDF icon Download (813.17 KB) resilience
Poster Sep 2018 Cost-effective mitigation strategy for earthquake risk PDF icon Download (1.23 MB) earthquake, engineering, mitigation
Presentation-Slideshow Mar 2014 Fire management training for northern Australia PDF icon Download (1.22 MB) fire, indigenous communities, Northern Australia
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2019 Applying a Community Capitals Framework to Disaster Recovery PDF icon Download (4.6 MB) communities, recovery
Poster Aug 2020 Dynamic wind reduction factor in predicting fire rate of spread PDF icon Download (806.64 KB) fuel reduction
Poster Aug 2016 Computational investigation of bridge vulnerability under heavy flood PDF icon Download (167.55 KB) infrastructure, resilience
Presentation-Audio-Video Oct 2014 The effects of fire-plume dynamics on the spread of long range spotting fire, modelling
Presentation-Slideshow Jun 2017 Update on SMERF (the Savanna Monitoring and Evaluation Reporting Framework) PDF icon Download (1.62 MB)
Poster Aug 2016 Productivity and effectiveness of suppression resource and tactics on large bushfires PDF icon Download (314.42 KB) fire impacts
Presentation-Slideshow Nov 2020 Northern Australia research engagement forum presentation PDF icon Download (3.02 MB)

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