Typesort descending Date Title Download Key Topics
Presentation-Slideshow Aug 2014 How research can be used PDF icon Download (1003.46 KB) policy
FireAustralia Edition Feb 2017 Fire Australia Issue One 2017 PDF icon Download (5.79 MB) child-centred, fire severity, resilience
Presentation-Slideshow Nov 2018 Fire spread prediction across fuel types by physics-based modelling PDF icon Download (2.02 MB) fire, fire impacts, fuel reduction
Poster Aug 2020 Mapping community engagement for preparedness in Australia PDF icon Download (394.33 KB) communities, preparedness
Poster Sep 2018 Fuels3D PDF icon Download (3.62 MB) fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2020 France-Australia Workshop: Day 1/Panel 1 Bruno Ulliac PDF icon Download (1.88 MB)
Presentation-Audio-Video Jul 2021 Cultural burning in southern Australia video: collaborations based on Indigenous leadership File Download (0 bytes) indigenous communities, resilience, risk management
Presentation-Slideshow Jul 2017 Three Minute Thesis: becoming fire-fit without really noticing PDF icon Download (519.91 KB) education, resilience
External Resource Jun 2014 Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC submission to Productivity Commission June 2014 PDF icon Download (3.28 MB)
Presentation-Audio-Video Nov 2020 Evaluating flood risk communication messaging – Analysing flood risk communication campaigns File Download (0 bytes) communication, flood, warnings
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2014 Understanding behavioural responses to earthquake shaking using injury data from the 2010/11 Canterbury earthquakes PDF icon Download (5.37 MB) decision making, earthquake, tsunami
Guide-Fact Sheet Apr 2020 Victoria IGEM Bushfire Inquiry PDF icon Download (1.59 MB) fire, fire severity
Presentation-Slideshow Oct 2016 Fire spread across fuel types PDF icon Download (3.44 MB) fire impacts, fuel reduction, modelling
Presentation-Slideshow Oct 2016 Mapping bushfire hazard and impact PDF icon Download (1.81 MB) fire impacts, modelling, remote sensing
Poster Aug 2015 Community-Led Recovery in the Context of Emergencies and Disaster: A Case Study of Community Resilience in the 2013 Forcett Tasmania Bushfire PDF icon Download (231.39 KB) communities, resilience
Poster Aug 2016 Community-led recovery in an emergency and disaster PDF icon Download (518.35 KB) infrastructure, resilience
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2015 A bushfire evacuation planning service utilising multiple simulation systems PDF icon Download (1.45 MB) fire, planning, risk analysis
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2018 Volunteering into the future: disaster events, local governments and communities PDF icon Download (4.97 MB) communities, emergency management, volunteering
Presentation-Audio-Video Feb 2018 Highlights - International Day for Disaster Reduction 2017 File Download (0 bytes) multi-hazard, policy, recovery
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2018 What is ‘(in)action’? Rethinking traditional understandings of disaster risk reduction in urban households PDF icon Download (800.15 KB)

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