Key topics


Resilience is the capacity of a community potentially exposed to hazards to adapt to stress and change, by resisting or changing, in order to reach and maintain an acceptable level of functioning and structure.

Date Item Typesort descending Key Topics
30 Jun 2020 Science galore – key CRC event dates News emergency management, prescribed burning, resilience
31 Jan 2017 AJEM features disaster reduction forum News resilience, severe weather, tsunami
10 Jul 2015 Ensuring volunteering is sustainable News non-traditional recruitment, resilience, volunteering
01 Feb 2018 Journal focus on recovery and resilience News recovery, resilience, risk management
14 Dec 2021 Recovery research honoured with Resilient Australia Award News communities, recovery, resilience
31 Aug 2017 The role of children in building bushfire-resilient communities News child-centred, communities, resilience
12 May 2017 Northern ecosystem connections News indigenous communities, Northern Australia, resilience
09 Jun 2016 Research contributes to education focus News child-centred, education, resilience
17 Jun 2021 Collaborating with the energy sector to protect communities News resilience, risk analysis, risk management
05 Jun 2015 Top end resilience discussed News indigenous communities, Northern Australia, resilience
13 Nov 2018 New science for future burns News environments, prescribed burning, resilience
18 Dec 2017 A child-centred view of disaster education News child-centred, education, resilience
26 Jun 2017 Forum to explore building resilience to hazards – register now! News emergency management, multi-hazard, resilience
30 May 2018 Small communities leading the way on resilience News emergency management, multi-hazard, resilience
23 Jul 2020 New research funding will improve resilience to natural hazards News emergency management, multi-hazard, resilience
22 Apr 2021 A new national natural hazard research centre: now seeking contributing partners News governance, multi-hazard, resilience
19 Aug 2019 Students success on show News emergency management, fire impacts, resilience
08 Oct 2019 CRC backed program receives state award News cyclone, emergency management, resilience
01 May 2017 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction – Pre-conference Interactive Session News child-centred, resilience, risk management
03 Aug 2018 Disability inclusion in disaster News child-centred, decision making, resilience
12 May 2017 Study scans CFS support Press Clipping capability, emergency management, resilience
The post-disaster city: Urban crisis politics and social change in community led earthquake recovery Project communities, recovery, resilience
Smoke impacts on community health and social perceptions Project resilience
Community engagement in the post-disaster landscape Project communities, recovery, resilience
Fighting the fires within: breaking down the barriers to mental help-seeking amongst first responders with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and high psychological distress Project mental health, resilience, risk management
Advancing public health in the context of natural hazards: normalising preparedness within a framework of adapted protection motivation theory Project animals, policy, resilience
The Australian Natural Disaster Resilience Index: A system for assessing the resilience of Australian communities to natural hazards Project multi-hazard, resilience, vulnerability
Sprinkler systems for the protection of buildings from wildfire Project fire, infrastructure, resilience
Connecting communities: Integration of disaster preparedness measures at household, school, and community level, using a child-centered approach Project child-centred, communication, resilience
Ecosystem resilience - technological advances to increases efficiency of ecosystem resilience monitoring Project emergency management, modelling, resilience
Understanding heatwave and building codes in NSW Project governance, guidelines, resilience
Evaluation of ecosystem resilience data Project resilience
Effective risk and warning communication during natural hazards Project communication, communities, resilience
Integrated response as a process for enhancing emergency management Project emergency management, resilience
National mental health and wellbeing study of police and emergency services Project mental health, resilience, risk management
Cultural land management Project indigenous communities, land management, resilience
Post-disaster housing reconstruction as a means of enhancing disaster resilience of at-risk communities in India Project communities, recovery, resilience
Recovery Capitals Project communities, recovery, resilience
Precarious places, precarious knowledges: A comparative analysis of disaster risk reduction education in Australia, the Philippines, and Vanuatu Project education, resilience, risk management
Health system emergency preparedness, resilience and response: the case of wildfires Project emergency management, resilience, response

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