Key topics


Resilience is the capacity of a community potentially exposed to hazards to adapt to stress and change, by resisting or changing, in order to reach and maintain an acceptable level of functioning and structure.

Date Item Typesort descending Key Topics
Standardised search markings to include animals Biblio PDF icon save (425.36 KB) animals, communities, resilience
Establishing Design Principles for Wildfire Resilient Urban Planning Biblio decision making, planning, resilience
Reviving people’s trust in Bamboo technology: A case-study of Orlaha settlement reconstruction in Bihar, after the 2008 Kosi floods Biblio communities, recovery, resilience
Building resilient communities - effective multi-channel communication in disasters: Annual project report 2015-2016 Biblio PDF icon save (1.15 MB) communication, communities, resilience
Building resilient communities - effective multi-channel communication during disasters: annual project report 2016-17 Biblio PDF icon save (788.37 KB) communication, resilience, warnings
Building resilience: understanding the capabilities of diverse communities: case studies of two communities Biblio PDF icon save (1.1 MB) communities, diversity and inclusion, resilience
The Australian Natural Disaster Resilience Index: Volume II – Chapter 1: Design of the Index Biblio PDF icon save (1.35 MB) multi-hazard, resilience, vulnerability
Intensifying Australian heatwave trends and their sensitivity to observational data Biblio PDF icon save (1.17 MB) climate change, resilience, severe weather
Rapid response report: study of heatwave impacts on NSW Northern Rivers region 2017 Biblio PDF icon save (1.02 MB) recovery, resilience, severe weather
Accounting for uncertainty in cost benefit analysis: A generalised framework for natural hazard adaptation in the coastal zone Biblio coastal, decision making, resilience
Top-down assessment of disaster resilience: A conceptual framework using coping and adaptive capacities Biblio multi-hazard, resilience, vulnerability
First responder mental health: Fire and Rescue New South Wales experience Biblio PDF icon save (515.2 KB) recruitment, resilience, volunteering
Enhancing community resilience through the early childhood education and care workforce Biblio PDF icon save (499.61 KB) education, resilience
Dynamic Behavior of Indonesian Bridges using Interferometric Radar Technology Biblio engineering, physics, resilience
An early exploration of the use of the Microsoft Azure Kinect for estimation of urban tree Diameter at Breast Height Biblio modelling, remote sensing, resilience
Improving the resilience of existing housing to severe wind events: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (1.13 MB) cyclone, resilience, severe weather
Structural design of floodways under extreme flood loading Biblio infrastructure, physics, resilience
01 Jul 2021 Welcome to Natural Hazards Research Australia Blog capability, multi-hazard, resilience
29 Apr 2021 ‘We know our community better than they do’: why local knowledge is key to disaster recovery in Gippsland Blog communities, recovery, resilience
31 Oct 2016 Making disaster preparation normal - what can we learn from Indonesia? Blog local knowledge, resilience, tsunami
06 Jan 2016 Action research to build local capacity in the Top End Blog indigenous communities, Northern Australia, resilience
03 Apr 2020 1 in 10 children affected by bushfires is Indigenous. We’ve been ignoring them for too long Blog fire, indigenous communities, resilience
15 Jun 2015 The cyclone doesn’t come on pay day Blog indigenous communities, Northern Australia, resilience
04 Jan 2020 Doing more of the same on fires will not mitigate disaster impact Blog climate change, policy, resilience
16 Apr 2015 Sendai through a different lens Blog communities, resilience, volunteering
13 Apr 2017 Making research matter Blog coastal, emergency management, resilience
16 Oct 2018 My trip to Mount Vesuvius Blog resilience, risk analysis, volcano
07 Oct 2020 Wildfire engineering – a new perspective for fire service operations and rural urban interface design Blog engineering, fire, resilience
14 Apr 2015 Risk reduction in Sendai Blog child-centred, education, resilience
14 May 2019 Becoming fire-fit: preparing for the unexpected and unimagined Blog communities, emergency management, resilience
08 Oct 2021 A new set of priorities to guide our natural hazards research Blog multi-hazard, preparedness, resilience
14 Jan 2016 Wanted: home for research. Reward: community resilience Blog emergency management, resilience
23 Aug 2021 We are underway – one month into Natural Hazards Research Australia Blog governance, multi-hazard, resilience
07 Mar 2017 Citizen’s juries: panacea for policy ‘ills’ or transforming government? Blog communities, policy, resilience
23 Jun 2015 Preparing and responding - same large or small? Blog indigenous communities, Northern Australia, resilience
24 Jun 2016 Important research insights Blog economics, flood, resilience
05 Apr 2021 Floodplains aren’t separate to a river — they’re an extension of it. It’s time to change how we connect with them Blog communities, flood, resilience
16 Apr 2015 Tackling black swans Blog child-centred, communities, resilience
06 Dec 2016 Out of uniform: workshopping about non-traditional volunteers Blog non-traditional recruitment, resilience, volunteering
19 Mar 2018 Interest high and utilisation focus Blog communication, policy, resilience

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