Key topics


Policy is a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an individual or organisation.

Date Item Typesort descending Key Topics
12 Dec 2018 Intangible value News economics, multi-hazard, policy
20 Aug 2019 Special address to honour public benefit research pioneer News emergency management, planning, policy
09 May 2016 Mitigation, flood forecasting and policy in focus News communities, mitigation, policy
26 Sep 2016 Project update - scientific diversity News flood, mitigation, policy
16 Dec 2020 Black Summer recommendations add to knowledge News emergency management, multi-hazard, policy
18 Apr 2018 Students take the lead at forum News communities, multi-hazard, policy
25 Jul 2017 Latest on scientific diversity News governance, planning, policy
20 Aug 2020 Natural hazards science is a sound investment for Australia: Chief Scientist News climate change, policy
11 Dec 2015 Scientific diversity project news News communities, mitigation, policy
02 Mar 2016 Project update - scientific diversity News communities, mitigation, policy
16 Aug 2017 Strategic risk workshop for AFAC17 News decision making, policy, risk management
13 Nov 2017 Scientific diversity project update News governance, planning, policy
20 Oct 2017 Briefing to enhance policy News emergency management, policy, risk management
01 Dec 2015 Learning to learn from bushfires News governance, policy
13 Jan 2016 International panel to ensure research quality News physics, policy, resilience
08 Oct 2019 R&D in Australia – is it delivering? News capability, policy, risk management
12 Feb 2015 CRC says paying for mitigation, relocation more sensible than natural disaster recovery efforts Press Clipping mitigation, planning, policy
03 Aug 2017 Coordination of federal, state and local disaster management arrangements in Australia: lessons from the UK and the US Press Clipping governance, optimisation, policy
12 Feb 2015 National science briefing told disaster areas should be abandoned Press Clipping mitigation, planning, policy
03 Apr 2017 What’s critical about critical infrastructure? Press Clipping mitigation, planning, policy
Land use planning treatment of flood risk in cities Project flood, land management, policy
Urban planning and resilience to bushfires Project planning, policy, resilience
Policies, institutions and governance Project framework, governance, policy
How risk informs natural hazard management: a study of the interface between risk modelling for tsunami inundation and local government policy and procedure Project policy
Economic analysis of prescribed burning Project economics, policy, prescribed burning
Major post-event inquiries and reviews: review of recommendations Project governance, planning, policy
Implementing policy to enable disaster resilience in the Australian Federation Project governance, policy
Scientific diversity and uncertainty in risk mitigation policy and planning Project governance, planning, policy
Coexisting with fire: Integrating resilient landscape design principles within broader urban place making policy for bushfire risk reduction in Australia Project fire, mitigation, policy
Economics of natural hazards Project economics, multi-hazard, policy
Advancing public health in the context of natural hazards: normalising preparedness within a framework of adapted protection motivation theory Project animals, policy, resilience
Assessing the economic value and vulnerability of nature based tourism industry Project decision making, economics, policy
Flood management in a changing climate: integrating effective approaches Project flood, planning, policy
AIRSNAT data revision and analysis Project policy, resilience
07 Jul 2017 Three Minute Thesis: disaster resilience policy Resource PDF icon save (312.51 KB) governance, policy
12 Aug 2016 The social life of science in natural hazards policy and planning: Opportunities and challenges Resource PDF icon save (378.31 KB) decision making, economics, policy
27 Oct 2014 Integrated disaster decision support system Resource decision making, policy
30 Aug 2016 Sharing responsibility for disaster resilience: What are the obligations of the community? - Anna Lukasiewicz Resource PDF icon save (1.56 MB) governance, multi-hazard, policy
09 Jul 2019 Politics and disasters: the good, the hard or the ugly? Resource PDF icon save (487.45 KB) economics, planning, policy
11 Jan 2016 Raising the bar on risk reduction policy and planning Resource PDF icon save (144.04 KB) governance, planning, policy

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