Key topics


Policy is a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an individual or organisation.

Datesort ascending Item Type Key Topics
Urban planning and resilience to bushfires Project planning, policy, resilience
Locating the intangible: integrating a sense of place into cost estimation of natural disasters Biblio economics, planning, policy
Diversity and inclusion framework for emergency management policy and practice Biblio PDF icon save (1.69 MB) diversity and inclusion, emergency management, policy
Policies, institutions and governance Project framework, governance, policy
How risk informs natural hazard management: a study of the interface between risk modelling for tsunami inundation and local government policy and procedure Project policy
Discussion paper: Learning for emergency services, looking for a new approach Biblio PDF icon save (2.34 MB) decision making, emergency management, policy
Integrating intangible values in economic analyses of flood mitigation: a case study of the Brown Hill and Keswick creeks catchment in Adelaide Biblio PDF icon save (875.63 KB) economics, flood, policy
Scientific diversity, scientific uncertainty and risk mitigation policy and planning: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (404.49 KB) planning, policy, risk management
Implementing disaster resilience policy in the Australian Federation Biblio PDF icon save (625.08 KB) governance, policy, resilience
Tomorrow's disasters – Embedding foresight principles into disaster risk assessment and treatment Biblio modelling, policy, risk management
Learning as we go: developing effective inclusive management – case studies and guidance Biblio PDF icon save (3.59 MB) communities, diversity and inclusion, policy
Economic analysis of prescribed burning Project economics, policy, prescribed burning
The social life of science in bushfire policy and planning: tales from Victoria and the Northern Territory Biblio PDF icon save (234.08 KB) mitigation, planning, policy
Integrating non-market values in economic analyses of flood mitigation: a case study of the Brown Hill and Keswick creeks catchment in Adelaide Biblio PDF icon save (1.29 MB) economics, multi-hazard, policy
Exposing hidden-value trade-offs: sharing wildfire management responsibility between government and citizens Biblio governance, policy
Burning anticipation: Wildfire, risk mitigation and simulation modelling in Victoria, Australia Biblio governance, planning, policy
Scientific diversity, scientific uncertainty and risk mitigation policy & planning - final report Biblio PDF icon save (866.36 KB) diversity and inclusion, planning, policy
We have not lived long enough: Sensemaking and learning from bushfire in Australia Biblio emergency management, governance, policy
Major post-event inquiries and reviews: review of recommendations Project governance, planning, policy
Spatial planning to promote settlements’ resilience to bushfires Biblio planning, policy, resilience
Learning from Adversity: What Has 75 Years of Bushfire Inquiries Taught Us? Conference Paper 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (661.52 KB) governance, policy
Major post-event inquiries and reviews: review of recommendations Biblio PDF icon save (1.15 MB) decision making, emergency management, policy
Building adaptive capacities for disaster resilience: what role for government? Biblio PDF icon save (490.2 KB) emergency management, governance, policy
Natural hazard mitigation decision support system: Annual project report 2015-2016 Biblio PDF icon save (2 MB) decision making, multi-hazard, policy
Scientific diversity, scientific uncertainty and risk mitigation policy and planning: annual report 2016-17 Biblio PDF icon save (699.95 KB) governance, planning, policy
Implementing disaster resilience policy in the Australian Federation Biblio PDF icon save (7.55 MB) governance, policy
Scientific Knowledge and Scientific Uncertainty in Bushfire and Flood Risk Mitigation: Literature Review Biblio PDF icon save (2.47 MB) governance, planning, policy
The use of the 1:100 year standard in the United States: insights for Australia? Biblio flood, planning, policy
Emergency management and policy: research impact and utilisation Biblio PDF icon save (397.64 KB) emergency management, governance, policy
Economic Analysis Screening Tool: Guidelines Biblio PDF icon save (8.92 MB) economics, multi-hazard, policy
Policies, Institutions and Governance (PIGS) of Natural Hazards Annual Report 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (972.16 KB) framework, governance, policy
Translating resilience theories into disaster management policies Biblio PDF icon save (1.44 MB) flood, policy, resilience
Path dependency of the development contributions system Biblio governance, planning, policy
Emergency powers: Civil liberties in the face of disaster Biblio emergency management, governance, policy
Implementing policy to enable disaster resilience in the Australian Federation Project governance, policy
Legal and Ethical Aspects of Disaster Management Biblio emergency management, governance, policy
Climate change adaptation and floods: Australia’s institutional arrangements Biblio flood, planning, policy
When policy, politics and emergency management collide: managing coordination in crises Biblio PDF icon save (307.28 KB) emergency management, governance, policy
Public Policy and Disaster Justice Biblio governance, policy, vulnerability
Social media in emergencies: An examination of government accountability for risk communication and warning Biblio PDF icon save (2.73 MB) emergency management, policy, risk management

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