About Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Victoria

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) in Victoria plays a role in helping to prepare for, respond to and recover from an emergency event. DELWP is one of several organisations responsible for managing fire on Victoria's 7.6 million hectares of public land, or roughly one third of the State. This includes reducing the risk of fire, containing outbreaks and managing environmental effects. DELWP also has responsibilities for animal welfare and the recovery of rural enterprises after emergencies such as fires and floods.

DELWP undertake a range of research in partnership with the CRC and other organisations. For more information see www.delwp.vic.gov.au/safer-together/science-and-technology

User interface platform for the Victorian historical fire weather gridded dataset

Andy Ackland End-user

Bushfire climatology in Victoria

Andy Ackland End-user

Managing scale and uncertainty in fire management planning incorporating growth stage and habitat analysis

Gordon Friend End-user

From hectares to tailor made solutions for risk mitigation

Establishing a monitoring, evaluation and reporting framework: stage 2

Science and Policy Impacts - Establishing a Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Framework

Analysis of RapidEye imagery to map fire severity and ground truthing

Nick Bauer End-user

Fire severity mapping review

Nick Bauer End-user

Bushfire spatial data models and ignition data

Nick Bauer End-user

Estimating the social, economic, and environmental costs and benefits of bushfire preparedness and responses operations in the 2013/14 season

Nick Bauer End-user

Smoke impacts on community health and social perceptions

Tamara Beckett End-user

The Australian Natural Disaster Resilience Index: A system for assessing the resilience of Australian communities to natural hazards

Tamara Beckett End-user

Hazards, culture and Indigenous communities

Simone Blair End-user

Assessing the economic value and vulnerability of nature based tourism industry

Simone Blair End-user

2009 Black Saturday and other large fire events - moisture content project

Paul Brockhoff End-user

Update to the 2008 Wood and Water Study

Rachel Brown End-user
Tom Fairman End-user

Urban planning for natural hazard mitigation

Georgina Cann End-user
Andrew Grear End-user

The human dimensions of environmental crime

Greg Chant End-user

Fire surveillance and hazard mapping

Adam Damen End-user
Danni Wright End-user

Identifying planned burn windows

Mapping and understanding bushfire and natural hazard vulnerability and risks at the institutional scale

Liam Fogarty
Liam Fogarty End-user

Models for lightning-caused wildfire ignition

Liam Fogarty
Liam Fogarty End-user

Smoke transportation and emissions modelling

Liam Fogarty
Liam Fogarty End-user

Fire transitions across urban boundaries

Liam Fogarty
Liam Fogarty End-user

Fire severity rating

Liam Fogarty
Liam Fogarty End-user

Accurate location of buildings and its importance in bushfire damage assessment

Liam Fogarty
Liam Fogarty End-user

Managing animals in disasters: improving preparedness, response, and resilience through individual and organisational collaboration

Michael Hodder End-user

Social values in bushfire management decision making

Laura Little End-user

Social, economic, and environmental impacts of the 2012/13 Victorian fire season

Laura Little End-user

Risk communications in Victoria

Laura Little End-user

Understanding the impact of climate change on fire weather variables

Landscape moisture modelling

Andrew Mellor End-user

Planned burn mapping in Victoria using remote sensing

Andrew Mellor End-user

Ecosystem resilience - technological advances to increases efficiency of ecosystem resilience monitoring

Inneke Nathan End-user
Dr Romy Zyngier End-user

Assessment and calibration of fuel moisture sensors

Jan Radic End-user

Scientific diversity and uncertainty in risk mitigation policy and planning

Dylan Rowe End-user

Probability of fire ignition and escalation

Lauren Sturgess End-user

Severe fire behaviour - improving planning responses

Lauren Sturgess End-user

Evaluation of ecosystem resilience data

Dynamic smoke modelling and community impact of smoke

Plume and air quality modelling

Scientifically Based Monitoring

Shannon Treloar End-user

Ecosystem resilience – establishment of collection and analyses for the third of 11 priority Ecological Fire Groups

Using pre and post fire LiDAR to assess the severity of the 2019 Tasmanian Bushfires

Creation of a grassland curing dataset

Danni Wright End-user