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09/2016 Conference Paper Research proceedings from the 2016 Bushfire and Natural... emergency management, land management, multi-hazard PDF icon research_proceedings_from_the_2016_bushfire_and_natural_hazards_crc_and_afac_conference_web.pdf
11/2014 Conference Paper The 2012 Moe Earthquake and Earthquake Attenuation in So... earthquake, engineering PDF icon The 2012 Moe Earthquake and Earthquake Attenuation in South Eastern Australia
12/2016 Conference Paper Correlation of peak wind loads at batten-truss connectio... engineering, resilience, vulnerability
09/2018 Conference Paper Impact-based forecasting for the coastal zone coastal, emergency management, storm surge PDF icon Impact-based forecasting for the coastal zone
Conference Paper Large Eddy Simulation of Flow over a Backward Facing Ste...
Conference Paper Bringing hazard and economic modellers together: a spati... economics, modelling PDF icon Bringing Hazard and Economic Modellers Together
12/2019 Conference Paper Disasters and economic resilience in small regional comm... economics, recovery, resilience PDF icon Disasters and economic resilience in small regional communities: the case of Toodyay
10/2018 Conference Paper The emergency service volunteer framework: guiding good... communication, volunteering PDF icon The emergency service volunteer framework.
08/2016 Conference Paper The bushfire convective plume experiment: mobile radar o... fire impacts, fire weather, modelling PDF icon The bushfire convective plume experiment: mobile radar observations of pyro-convection from the Mt Bolton fire
09/2018 Conference Paper Filling the gaps: how economics can help make important... communication, decision making, economics PDF icon Economics of natural hazards
02/2015 Conference Paper Improving the Resilience of Existing Housing to Severe W... cyclone, engineering, mitigation PDF icon henderson.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper Science is critical but it's not everything: our fi... governance, planning, policy PDF icon weir_et_al_pr_final.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper The Australian Natural Disaster Resilience Index: assess... multi-hazard, resilience, vulnerability PDF icon parsons_et_al_npr_final.pdf
08/2016 Conference Paper The social life of science in bushfire policy and planni... mitigation, planning, policy PDF icon The social life of science in bushfire policy and planning
Conference Paper Linking local wildfire dynamics to pyroCB development -... fire, modelling PDF icon Linking Local Wildfire Dynamics to PyroCB Development
12/2019 Conference Paper Intelligent warnings: a twenty-first century approach to... communities, emergency management, warnings PDF icon jacob_riley.pdf
Conference Paper Managing Severe Weather - Progress and Opportunities Con... fire weather, severe weather PDF icon Managing Severe Weather - Progress and Opportunities Conference Paper 2014
09/2018 Conference Paper Planning and capability requirements for catastrophic an... capability, emergency management, planning PDF icon Planning and capability requirements for catastrophic and cascading events
Conference Paper Large-eddy simulations of pyro-convection and its sensit... fire weather, modelling PDF icon Large-eddy Simulations of Pyro-convection
12/2019 Conference Paper Fire weather and prototype fire danger ratings for the G... fire weather, forecasting, modelling PDF icon Fire weather and prototype fire danger ratings for the Gell River fire, Tasmania
05/2013 Conference Paper Living with floods: key lessons from four Australian flo... flood, planning, policy
10/2018 Conference Paper Responses to the Lombok earthquake, 2018 – Rapid assessm... PDF icon Responses to the Lombok earthquake
08/2016 Conference Paper Harnessing the capacities of spontaneous volunteers: app... communities, non-traditional recruitment, volunteering PDF icon Harnessing the capacities of spontaneous volunteers: application and adaptationg of the Queensland model
09/2018 Conference Paper A lidar-derived fuel map for the ACT emergency management, fire weather, fuel reduction PDF icon Lidar-derived fuel map for the ACT
02/2015 Conference Paper Promoting Child Resilience to Disasters: Policy, Practic... child-centred, communication, risk management PDF icon ronan.pdf
12/2019 Conference Paper Towards comprehensive characterisation of flammability a... fire, remote sensing, risk analysis PDF icon Towards comprehensive characterisation of flammability and fire danger
09/2017 Conference Paper Enhancing team performance capability, decision making, emergency management PDF icon bearman_npr_final.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data flood, forecasting, remote sensing PDF icon pauwels_npr_final.pdf
08/2016 Conference Paper Using participatory mapping to harness local knowledge a... communication, communities, risk management PDF icon Using participatory mapping to harness local knowledge
2015 Conference Paper Accounting for uncertainty in cost benefit analysis: A g... coastal, decision making, resilience
Conference Paper Science in motion: knowledge practices and prescribed bu... governance, policy, prescribed burning PDF icon Science in Motion
12/2019 Conference Paper Research activities within European Union research progr... emergency management, preparedness, resilience PDF icon kaare_harald_drager.pdf
01/2015 Conference Paper Building Community Resilience to Natural Hazards in Nort... Northern Australia, resilience PDF icon Building Community Resilience to Natural Hazards in Northern Australia
05/2017 Conference Paper Disaster risk reduction education through the lens of po... child-centred, communication, education
09/2018 Conference Paper The emerging imperative of disaster justice emergency management, multi-hazard PDF icon The emerging imperative of disaster justice
Conference Paper "We've got trouble getting around but we'... communication, communities, planning PDF icon "We've got trouble getting around but we're still alright"
2009 Conference Paper Field-based fire behaviour research: past and future rol...
2018 Conference Paper Evaluation of TanDEM-X and DEM-H digital elevation model... flood, multi-hazard, optimisation
08/2016 Conference Paper The effects of turbulent plume dynamics on long-range sp... fire severity, forecasting, severe weather PDF icon The effects of turbulent plume dynamics on long-range spotting
Conference Paper The South Australian CFS survey of women volunteers
09/2018 Conference Paper Experiences in the in-field utilisation of fuels3D emergency management, fire, fuel reduction PDF icon Utilisation OF Fuels3D
02/2015 Conference Paper NSW RFS Bush Fire Household Assessment Tool Conference P... communities, decision making, risk management PDF icon ohalloran.pdf
12/2019 Conference Paper Improving flood forecasting skill using remotely sensed... flood, forecasting, modelling PDF icon Improving flood forecasting skill using remotely sensed data
09/2017 Conference Paper How risk informs natural hazard management: a study of t... emergency management, modelling, policy PDF icon crawford_npr_final.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper First responder mental health: Fire and Rescue New South... recruitment, resilience, volunteering PDF icon pert_npr_final.pdf
Conference Paper Mapping it out: a user-centred design framework for WebG... framework, planning, warnings PDF icon Mapping it Out
12/2019 Conference Paper Pyrocumulonimbus Firepower Threshold: a pyrocumulonimbus... fire impacts, preparedness, storm surge PDF icon kevin_tory.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper Identifying lessons from exercising and training for eme... capability, decision making, emergency management PDF icon brooks_et_al_pr_final.pdf
12/2017 Conference Paper Suitable pyrolysis model for physics-based bushfire simu... capability, fire, modelling PDF icon aspacc_revised_rw2.pdf
11/2016 Conference Paper Non-ductile seismic performance of reinforced concrete w... earthquake, engineering