Search Publications

Date Typesort ascending Title Key Topics Download
Journal Article Fire frequency and biodiversity conservation in Australi...
09/2018 Journal Article The boundary layer dynamics of tropical cyclone rainband... cyclone, forecasting, severe weather
12/2020 Journal Article Unrealised economic opportunities in remote Indigenous c... indigenous communities, land management, resilience PDF icon Unrealized economic opportunities
June 2012 Journal Article Health and safety law
02/2017 Journal Article A radiative transfer model-based method for the estimati... fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
03/2015 Journal Article Using discrete event simulation cellular automata models... emergency management, fire
2007 Journal Article Interannual variations of area burnt in Tasmanian bushfi...
2009 Journal Article Correlates of grass-species composition in a savanna woo...
02/2017 Journal Article Detecting structural damage to bridge girders using rada... engineering, infrastructure, mitigation
03/2021 Journal Article Modulating influence of drought on the synergy between h... climate change, fire impacts, physics PDF icon Modulating influence of drought
Journal Article Implementing Disaster Preparedness education in New Zeal... child-centred, communication, risk management
3/2012 Journal Article Identification of physically demanding tasks performed d...
02/2016 Journal Article Child Health and Survival in a Changing Climate: Vulnera... child-centred, communities, risk management
13/07/2015 Journal Article Vulnerability of Floodways under Extreme Flood Events flood, framework
09/2006 Journal Article Effect of protective filters on fire fighter respiratory...
12/2021 Journal Article Struggling to make sense of it all: the emotional proces... emergency management, fire, organisational
02/2019 Journal Article Path dependency of the development contributions system governance, planning, policy
Journal Article Sap flow in Australian subalpine forests & woodlands...
12/2019 Journal Article Seismic fragility assessment of nonstructural components... earthquake, engineering, infrastructure
01/2018 Journal Article Preparedness for natural hazards: testing an expanded ed... communities, preparedness, resilience
11/2020 Journal Article Civil society mobilisation after Cyclone Tracy, Darwin 1... capability, emergency management, organisational PDF icon civil_society_mobilisation_after_cyclone_tracy_darwin_1974.pdf
10/2012 Journal Article Estimating the economic, social and environmental impact...
Journal Article Does emotional closeness to pets motivate their inclusio... animals, communication, planning
06/2020 Journal Article Physics-Based Simulations of Flow and Fire Development D... fire, modelling, physics PDF icon Physics-Based Simulations of Flow and Fire
02/2016 Journal Article Wind uplift strength capacity variation in roof-to-wall... cyclone, engineering, mitigation
08/2018 Journal Article Can air quality management drive sustainable fuels manag... fire, fuel reduction
11/2017 Journal Article Development of a predictive model for estimating forest... fire, modelling, remote sensing
Journal Article Recognising Reality: Questioning the automatic evacuatio...
Journal Article Bushfires in the media: A preliminary literature review
10/2018 Journal Article My grab bag is two suitcases: an autoethnographical view... diversity and inclusion, emergency management, vulnerability
02/2018 Journal Article Multiple objective optimisation framework for automatic... framework, land management, optimisation
04/2018 Journal Article Can major post-event inquiries and reviews contribute to... communication, emergency management
07/2016 Journal Article Seismic site response analysis leading to revised design... earthquake, engineering, mitigation
11/2021 Journal Article A comparison between TLS and UAS LiDAR to represent euca... fire, modelling, remote sensing
02/2019 Journal Article Vulnerability Functions for RC Shear Wall Buildings in A... earthquake, engineering, infrastructure PDF icon vulnerability_functions_for_rc_shear_wall_buildings_in_australia.pdf
04/2020 Journal Article A global canopy water content product from AVHRR/Metop fuel reduction, land management, remote sensing
07/2018 Journal Article Evidence to support incident management team capability communication, emergency management, multi-hazard PDF icon ajem-33-3-16.pdf
05/2016 Journal Article The effect of split sleep schedules (6h-on/6h-off) on ne... capability, risk management, scenario analysis
2009 Journal Article Relative importance of fuel management, ignition managem...
11/2019 Journal Article The effect of ignition protocol on grassfire development fire, modelling, physics
05/2017 Journal Article Soil amplification in low-to-moderate seismic regions earthquake, engineering
05/2016 Journal Article Approaches to the assessment of children in the context... child-centred, communication, risk management
Journal Article Community Bushfire Safety: A Review of Post-black Saturd...
02/2013 Journal Article Creating “Community”? Preparing for Bushfire in Rural Vi...
03/2018 Journal Article A comparison and validation of satellite-derived fire se... fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
Journal Article Savanna fires increase rate of myrmecochory and dispersa...
12/2020 Journal Article Checks and balances: A business‐oriented lens on disaste... communication, communities, recovery
April 2012 Journal Article Flood risk, insurance and emergency management in Austr...
12/2011 Journal Article Neighbourhood rules make or break spatial scale invarian...
2014 Journal Article How chief officers view success in fire policy and manag... fire, governance, policy