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07/2019 Journal Article Climate Change Increases the Potential for Extreme Wildf... fire, fire weather, modelling
12/2018 Journal Article Crowdsourcing Methods for Data Collection in Geophysics:... multi-hazard, optimisation, severe weather PDF icon crowdsourcing_methods_for_data_collection_in_geophysics.pdf
12/2021 Journal Article Initial growth of fires in eucalypt litter, from ignitio... fire, response
01/2018 Journal Article Effects of prescribed fire and post-fire rainfall on mer... fire, prescribed burning
Journal Article The balance between volunteer work and family roles: Tes...
05/2020 Journal Article A Live Fuel Moisture Content Product from Landsat TM Sat... fire, fuel reduction, remote sensing PDF icon remotesensing-12-01714.pdf
09/2016 Journal Article Wind loads on contemporary Australian housing cyclone, engineering, severe weather
07/2018 Journal Article An investigation into the water flow pressure distributi... engineering, flood, infrastructure
2014 Journal Article How chief officers view success in fire policy and manag... fire, governance, policy
11/2020 Journal Article A comparison of terrestrial and UAS sensors for measurin... fire, fuel reduction, remote sensing PDF icon A comparison of terrestrial
05/2007 Journal Article PTR-MS analysis of reference and plant-emitted volatile...
05/2015 Journal Article Contemporary fire regime risks to key ecological assets... fuel reduction, planning, prescribed burning
02/2010 Journal Article Deriving state-and-transition models from an image serie...
12/2018 Journal Article An integrative review of the 2017 Port Hill fires'... animals, communities, response
2010/10/15/ Journal Article Climate and recent fire history affect fuel loads in Euc...
02/2013 Journal Article Creating “Community”? Preparing for Bushfire in Rural Vi...
03/2019 Journal Article Limitations of high resolution satellite stereo imagery... Northern Australia, remote sensing, savanna grasslands
05/2016 Journal Article The effect of split sleep schedules (6h-on/6h-off) on ne... capability, risk management, scenario analysis
April 2012 Journal Article Flood risk, insurance and emergency management in Austr...
10/2018 Journal Article Plastic hinge analysis for lightly reinforced and unconf... earthquake, engineering, mitigation
02/2016 Journal Article Resolving future fire management conflicts using multi-c... decision making, emergency management
05/2018 Journal Article A lightning-caused wildfire ignition forecasting model f... fire, fire weather
02/2021 Journal Article Integrating wildfire risk management and spatial plannin... exposure, fire, infrastructure PDF icon Integrating wildfire risk management
05/2019 Journal Article Public health and natural hazards: new policies and prep... emergency management, mental health, resilience PDF icon public_health_and_natural_hazards_new_policies_and_preparedness_initiatives.pdf
09/2019 Journal Article Applying the principles of adaptive governance to bushfi... governance, land management, policy
November 2011 Journal Article Changes to occupational health and safety laws and the i...
11/2017 Journal Article You own the fuel, but who owns the fire? emergency management, policy, risk analysis
01/2022 Journal Article Determining firebrand generation rate using physics-base... fire, modelling, propagation PDF icon fire-05-00006-v3.pdf
01/2015 Journal Article Making the landscape “home”: Narratives of bushfire and... fire, risk management
04/2017 Journal Article The Unquantified Risk of Post-Fire Metal Concentration i... environments, fire, soil moisture
1/2012 Journal Article Validating ‘fit for duty’ tests for Australian volunteer...
Journal Article Fire sheds new light on regulation of water and carbon f...
04/2015 Journal Article We have not lived long enough: Sensemaking and learning... decision making, emergency management
07/2015 Journal Article Using environmental criminology theories to compare ‘you... communities, fire
11/2016 Journal Article Investigation of firebrand production during prescribed... fire, fire weather, modelling
09/2016 Journal Article Turbulent flow over transitionally rough surfaces with v... fire, fire severity, modelling PDF icon techreportroughnessv3.pdf
10/2020 Journal Article Climatology of wind changes and elevated fire danger ove... fire severity, fire weather, severe weather PDF icon climatology_of_wind.pdf
04/2017 Journal Article Development of a full-scale structural testing program t... cyclone, engineering, mitigation
12/2020 Journal Article Lessons learned from coupled fire-atmosphere research an... fire weather, modelling, physics
11/2006 Journal Article Lessons learnt from post-bushfire surveys at the urban i...
06/2014 Journal Article Interactive Hazards Education Program for Youth in a Low... child-centred, communication, risk management
11/2017 Journal Article Seismic fragility curves for limited ductile RC Building... earthquake, mitigation, modelling
2009 Journal Article Prediction of the probability of large fires in the Sydn...
8/17/2007 Journal Article Community and fire service perceptions of bushfire issue...
04/2020 Journal Article Satellite Remote Sensing Contributions to Wildland Fire... fire, remote sensing, risk management
12/2017 Journal Article Fire-driven decline of endemic Allosyncarpia monsoon rai... environments, fire, land management
2015 Journal Article Risk perception, preparedness and response of livestock... animals, fire, risk management PDF icon ajem-30-02-08.pdf
09/2016 Journal Article Accredited qualifications for capacity development in di... emergency management, environments, risk management
09/2016 Journal Article Assessing the utility of the TET-1 hotspot detection and... fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
05/2020 Journal Article Structural design of floodways under extreme flood loadi... infrastructure, physics, resilience