This is a recording of the Fire coalescence and mass spotfire dynamics webinar, hosted by the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC in partnership with the University of New South Wales.
This live online forum took place on 5 July 2021 across several locations in Australia with two expert speakers showcasing the key findings from CRC research on fire coalescence and mass spotfires, and sharing updates of a new tool that has been developed to identify areas of the landscape that are prone to vorticity-driven lateral spread.
0:00 | Introduction - MC Dr John Bates, Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC Research Director
3:37 | Prof Jason Sharples, University of New South Wales & Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC
49:25 | Dr Rachel Badlan, University of New South Wales
1:21:11 | Q&A session
Find out more about this research on the project page.