Typesort descending Date Title Download Key Topics
Presentation-Slideshow Aug 2016 Non-market valuation in the economic analysis of natural hazards - Atakelty Hailu PDF icon Download (1.03 MB) economics, mitigation, multi-hazard
Guide-Fact Sheet Apr 2020 SES personnel’s experiences of driving in floodwater - practice brief six April 2020 PDF icon Download (2.99 MB) communication, flood, warnings
Poster Aug 2015 Disaster landscape Attribution: Attributing Active Fire Using Simulated Fire Landscapes PDF icon Download (263.11 KB) fire severity, remote sensing
Presentation-Audio-Video Mar 2014 Launch of the CRC - SES File Download (0 bytes) emergency management, multi-hazard
Poster Jun 2017 Remote sensing of tree structure and biomass in north Australian mesic savanna PDF icon Download (689.7 KB) Northern Australia, remote sensing
Presentation-Slideshow Aug 2019 Centralising Environmental Resilience In Disaster Risk Reduction Using The SDGS PDF icon Download (2.15 MB) resilience, risk management
Presentation-Slideshow Oct 2016 Chasing tropical cyclones to discover the unknown PDF icon Download (129.21 KB) cyclone, modelling, scenario analysis
Presentation-Audio-Video Aug 2021 Preparedness 1: Child-centred disaster risk reduction File Download (0 bytes) child-centred, communication, risk management
Presentation-Slideshow May 2019 Evidenced based capability maturity assessment for severe to catastrophic events RAF May 2019 PDF icon Download (1.3 MB) capability
Case Study Nov 2020 "What if" questions drive future policy decision making, multi-hazard, optimisation
Presentation-Slideshow Jul 2015 Meteye and Spatial Fire Weather Services PDF icon Download (1.29 MB) fire weather, forecasting
Poster Sep 2018 A case study of South Australia's severe thunderstorm and tornado outbreak (28 September 2016) PDF icon Download (2.27 MB) communication, fire weather, severe weather
Poster Aug 2016 Smoke impacts on community health and social perceptions PDF icon Download (458.87 KB)
Presentation-Audio-Video Oct 2014 Measuring EM performance under adversity: The good, the bad, the ugly capability, emergency management
Presentation-Slideshow Apr 2019 The CRC Research Program update PDF icon Download (3.54 MB)
Jun 2017 Cultural burning PDF icon Download (5.35 MB) communities, indigenous communities, prescribed burning
Poster Aug 2015 Delivering Effective Prescribed Burning Across Southern Australia PDF icon Download (355.69 KB) fire, prescribed burning, risk management
Poster Apr 2015 Living with bushfires PDF icon Download (498.75 KB) communities, fire, risk analysis
Poster Aug 2014 Improved decision support systems: Enhanced spatially distributed model calibration PDF icon Download (292.65 KB)
Presentation-Audio-Video Dec 2014 Child-centred disaster risk reduction File Download (0 bytes) child-centred, communication, risk management

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