Key topics

severe weather

Severe weather refers to any dangerous meteorological phenomena with the potential to cause damage, serious social disruption, or loss of human life.

Date Item Typesort descending Key Topics
01 Sep 2016 Are our homes and buildings failing us? - David Henderson Resource PDF icon save (8.26 MB) cyclone, engineering, severe weather
03 Jul 2017 Flood - a statement on research priorities for natural hazards emergency management in Australia Resource PDF icon save (1.78 MB) flood, severe weather, warnings
28 Nov 2016 Monitoring and predicting natural hazards Resource PDF icon save (853.18 KB) forecasting, modelling, severe weather
30 Jul 2019 Integrated Urban Planning for Natural Hazard Mitigation Resource PDF icon save (710.53 KB) mitigation, planning, severe weather
07 Jul 2017 Water, water everywhere: living with flood and coastal threats Resource PDF icon save (3.98 MB) flood, severe weather, storm surge
07 Sep 2017 Sheltering during floods: experiences of residents and businesses in the Northern Rivers region Resource PDF icon save (760.42 KB) communities, flood, severe weather
18 Aug 2015 Modelling the Fire Weather of the Blue Mountains Fires of October 2013 Resource PDF icon save (720.76 KB) communication, fire weather, severe weather
30 Aug 2016 Cyclone Resilience through academic and industry partnership - Daniel Smith Resource PDF icon save (2.76 MB) cyclone, engineering, severe weather
27 Aug 2019 It's Raining News: Exploring the Impact of Mass-SMS on Preparedness for a Severe Weather Event Resource PDF icon save (1.37 MB) severe weather
22 Oct 2014 Managing severe weather: progress and opportunities Resource forecasting, risk management, severe weather
24 Oct 2016 Correlation of peak wind loads at batten-truss connections Resource PDF icon save (391.85 KB) cyclone, engineering, severe weather
18 Jun 2019 Interactions between climate, vegetation and fuel Resource PDF icon save (3.16 MB) environments, fire weather, severe weather
30 Jun 2017 Modelling large-scale flood risk in the Nepean Valley during east coast low storms Resource PDF icon save (4.2 MB) flood, modelling, severe weather
18 Mar 2021 Fire Australia Issue One 2021 Resource PDF icon save (5.2 MB) animals, communities, severe weather
18 Aug 2015 Evaluation of Operational Models for Wind Variability Over Complex Terrain Resource PDF icon save (253.23 KB) fire, severe weather
07 Jul 2016 Climate outlook - north Australia 2016 Resource PDF icon save (6.61 MB) fire weather, Northern Australia, severe weather
23 Nov 2018 Impact forecasting for severe wind events Resource PDF icon save (1.95 MB) forecasting, severe weather
30 Aug 2016 Heatwaves in Queensland - John Nairn Resource PDF icon save (2.43 MB) forecasting, severe weather, warnings
30 May 2017 Fire Australia Issue Two 2017 Resource PDF icon save (5.11 MB) flood, severe weather, volunteering
27 Aug 2019 The PyroCb Firepower Threshold: A pyrocumulonimbus prediction tool Resource PDF icon save (9.16 MB) fire weather, severe weather
02 Aug 2017 Three Minute Thesis: Korah Parackal - Showcase 2017 Resource cyclone, engineering, severe weather
07 Sep 2017 Thermodynamics of pyrocumulus formation Resource PDF icon save (2.79 MB) fire, fire weather, severe weather
19 Sep 2018 Progressive failures of roofs under wind loading Resource PDF icon save (8.07 MB) cyclone, engineering, severe weather
24 Oct 2016 Determining threshold conditions for extreme fire behaviour Resource PDF icon save (1.88 MB) fire severity, mitigation, severe weather
18 Jun 2019 Forecasting the Impacts of Severe Weather: How does our work reduce the impacts of natural disasters? Resource PDF icon save (648.54 KB) communities, severe weather
29 Jun 2017 Ensemble prediction of the East Coast Low of April 2015 Resource PDF icon save (1.28 MB) communication, flood, severe weather
31 Aug 2020 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Retrofitting Older Australian Houses for Windstorms Resource PDF icon save (446.03 KB) resilience, severe weather
18 Aug 2015 Improving the Resilience of Existing Housing to Severe Wind Events Resource PDF icon save (354.8 KB) mitigation, resilience, severe weather
31 Oct 2017 Dynamic coasts: improving community resilience to storms and extreme water levels along the coast Resource PDF icon save (4.99 MB) coastal, severe weather, vulnerability
01 Jul 2015 Fire Australia Winter 2015 Resource PDF icon save (4.24 MB) coastal, earthquake, severe weather
31 Aug 2020 Improved Predictions of Severe Weather: Ember Transport Resource PDF icon save (490.46 KB) communities, severe weather
07 Sep 2017 Climate change and natural hazards in Australia Resource PDF icon save (3.18 MB) environments, forecasting, severe weather
30 Aug 2016 Why use ensemble prediction? - Jeff Kepert Resource PDF icon save (4.81 MB) fire weather, forecasting, severe weather
29 Jun 2017 Load redistribution and progressive failures of batten to rafter connections under wind loading Resource PDF icon save (3.09 MB) engineering, severe weather
30 Jul 2019 Impact Forecasting for Severe Wind and Rain Events Resource PDF icon save (819.99 KB) forecasting, severe weather
07 Jul 2017 Lightning presentation: improved predictions of severe weather Resource PDF icon save (2.59 MB) communication, fire weather, severe weather
08 Dec 2020 Forecasting fire-generated thunderstorms Resource fire weather, severe weather, storm surge
07 Sep 2017 Secondary eyewall formation in tropical cyclones Resource PDF icon save (1.04 MB) cyclone, severe weather, tropical
18 Aug 2015 Long-Range Spotting by Bushfire Plumes: The Effects of In-Plume Turbulence on Firebrand Trajectory Resource PDF icon save (227.12 KB) communication, fire weather, severe weather
30 Aug 2016 Forecasting the impact of tropical cyclones using global numerical weather prediction ensemble forecasts - Richard Krupar III Resource PDF icon save (3.05 MB) coastal, cyclone, severe weather

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