Key topics


Flood refers to an overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits, especially over what is normally dry land.

Date Item Typesort ascending Key Topics
18 May 2017 Towards an improved land dryness estimate for fire prediction Resource PDF icon save (5.71 MB) fire, flood, remote sensing
18 Sep 2018 Flood risk communication to reduce vehicle related flood fatalities Resource PDF icon save (1.52 MB) communication, flood, warnings
07 Dec 2015 Caroline Wenger Three Minute Thesis - Immovable oaks and unbreachable dykes Resource File save (0 bytes) flood, planning, policy
04 Dec 2014 Cost effective mitigation for flood prone buildings Resource PDF icon save (892.37 KB) engineering, flood, mitigation
01 Sep 2016 An analysis of human fatalities from flood hazards in Australia,1900-2015 - Katharine Haynes Resource PDF icon save (1.28 MB) education, flood, policy
Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data (PhD project) Project flood, remote sensing
Land use planning treatment of flood risk in cities Project flood, land management, policy
Developing a flash flood warning system for short duration catchments using rain fields data, 2D hydrodynamic modelling and best-practice emergency communication Project flood, forecasting, modelling
Investigation into the behaviour of a U-slab bridge due to flood Project engineering, flood, infrastructure
Towards a comprehensive data assimilation framework for operational hydrodynamic flood forecasting Project flood, remote sensing
Resilience to clustered disaster events on the coast - storm surge Project coincident events, flood, storm surge
Pre-disaster flood damage assessment in urban areas Project flood
Developing better predictions for extreme water levels Project flood, surface wave, tsunami
Fragility and resilience of bridge structures subjected to extreme wave-induced loads Project flood, infrastructure
Flood management in a changing climate: integrating effective approaches Project flood, planning, policy
Homelessness and severe storms: a case study of the June 2016 East Coast Low Project communities, flood, severe weather
Flood risk mitigation assessment for Launceston Project engineering, flood, mitigation
Cost-effective mitigation strategy for flood prone buildings Project engineering, flood, mitigation
NSW March 2021 floods - data collection Project flood, infrastructure, severe weather
Prediction of scour on bridge piers under flood loading Project engineering, exposure, flood
Flood risk reduction in a dynamic urban context exploring the urban-water-resilience nexus Project flood, mitigation, resilience
Flooding in South Australia - improved approaches for flood risk reduction by joint consideration of structural, land use planning and community resilience Project flood, modelling
Flood risk communication Project communication, flood, warnings
Synthetic damage curves for concrete girder bridges under flood hazard Project flood, infrastructure
Why do people decide to drive through floodwater? Utilising virtual reality to assess motivations and behaviour associated with driving through floodwater Project communities, decision making, flood
Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Project flood, forecasting, remote sensing
Townsville flood 2019 - post event data collection Project emergency management, flood, warnings
Improving land dryness measures and forecasts Project fire, flood, remote sensing
08 Apr 2017 Cyclone Debbie: Why was aftermath deadlier than storm itself? Press Clipping communities, cyclone, flood
24 Mar 2021 On the ground assessing flood impacts News flood, infrastructure, severe weather
27 Jun 2018 PhD wins prestigious award News flood, hydrology, remote sensing
06 Apr 2016 Big ideas for resilient cities News emergency management, flood, resilience
04 Oct 2017 Flood warning research leading impact News communication, flood, warnings
04 May 2017 CRC student awarded for research paper News engineering, flood, mitigation
13 Jul 2017 How to stop people entering floodwater News decision making, flood, policy
18 Mar 2019 Quick response for flood assessment News emergency management, flood, warnings
08 May 2020 Communicating and perceiving flood risks and warnings News communication, flood, risk analysis
07 Feb 2018 Flood research highlighted News communities, flood, warnings
23 Aug 2018 Climate and water research over summer News communities, flood
26 Sep 2016 Project update - scientific diversity News flood, mitigation, policy

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