Key topics


Fire is the product of a chemical reaction between fuel, oxygen and heat. Heat is necessary to start the reaction and once ignited, fire produces its own heat and becomes self-supporting.

Datesort ascending Item Type Key Topics
Evaluation and calibration of a land surface based soil moisture for fire danger ratings Biblio PDF icon save (872.28 KB) fire, soil moisture
Demographic profiling: Victorian bushfires 2009 case study Biblio PDF icon save (12.2 MB) communities, fire, fire impacts
Agency experts supporting bushfire disaster resilience education for primary school students: a case study in NSW Project child-centred, education, fire
Investigating the effect of soil moisture, temperature and precipitation extremes on fire risk and intensity in Australia Project fire
Risk perception, preparedness and response of livestock producers to bushfires: a South Australian case study Biblio PDF icon save (109.26 KB) animals, fire, risk management
Consistent and conflicting information in floods and bushfires impact risk information seeking, risk perceptions, and protective action intentions Biblio fire, flood, risk management
Using alternative soil moisture estimates in the McArthur Forest Fire Danger Index Biblio fire, fire impacts, modelling
Understanding Wildfire Patterns in the South-Eastern Australia Biblio PDF icon save (6 MB) fire, modelling, risk management
Fire transitions across urban boundaries Project fire
Taking fire: the historical and contemporary politics of Indigenous burning in Australia and the western United States Project fire, indigenous communities
Predicting fire danger ratings from physical measures of fire behaviour Project fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Up-scaling fuel hazard metrics derived from terrestrial laser scanning using a machine learning model Biblio PDF icon save (15.05 MB) fire, prescribed burning, remote sensing
Assessment framework for the evaluation of wildfire risk reduction strategies Project economics, fire
Modeling Vorticity-Driven Wildfire Behavior Using Near-Field Techniques Biblio PDF icon save (2.97 MB) fire, modelling, physics
Southeast Australia Aboriginal fire forum Biblio PDF icon save (2.31 MB) fire, fire impacts, Northern Australia
Carbon loss from planned fires in southeastern Australian dry Eucalyptus forests Biblio fire, fuel reduction
Development of seasonal fire prediction tools Project fire, fire severity, fire weather
Development of an integrated method to predict bushfire hazard Project fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
Walking together: a decolonising experiment in bushfire management on Dja Dja Wurrung country Biblio fire, fire impacts, fire severity
A Method for Validating the Structural Completeness of Understory Vegetation Models Captured with 3D Remote Sensing Biblio PDF icon save (3.65 MB) fire, modelling, remote sensing
Numerical modelling of fires on forest floor and canopy fires Biblio PDF icon save (1.64 MB) fire, fire impacts, modelling
Mitigating the Effects of Severe Fires, Floods and Heatwaves Annual Report 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (1.12 MB) fire, flood, remote sensing
An investigation of the dynamics of fire-fire interactions using a coupled fire-atmosphere model Project fire, modelling
Investigation of firebrand generation from an experimental fire: development of a reliable data collection methodology Biblio fire, fire weather, propagation
Simulating boundary-layer rolls with a numerical weather prediction model Biblio fire, modelling
A Statistical Approach to Understanding Canopy Winds over Complex Terrain Biblio fire, fire weather, modelling
Quantifying dynamic fire behaviour phenomena using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle technology Biblio PDF icon save (2.14 MB) fire, modelling, physics
Where do we put our dollars? Economic analysis of different bushfire management options in Western Australia Biblio PDF icon save (391.13 KB) economics, emergency management, fire
Coexisting with fire: Integrating resilient landscape design principles within broader urban place making policy for bushfire risk reduction in Australia Project fire, mitigation, policy
Determination of Firebrand Characteristics Using Thermal Videos Biblio PDF icon save (3.51 MB) fire, fire severity, modelling
Investigating bird responses to fire in the Heathy Dry Forests of Victoria, Australia Project fire, fire impacts
The role of urban planning in urban fire mitigation Project fire, mitigation, planning
Mapping bushfire hazards and impacts annual report 2018-2019 Biblio PDF icon save (1.71 MB) fire, fire impacts, fire weather
Active fire detection using the Himawari-8 satellite - final project report Biblio PDF icon save (1.58 MB) fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
Youth Justice Conferencing for youth misuse of fire: a child-centred disaster risk reduction mechanism Biblio PDF icon save (181.58 KB) child-centred, fire
Initiation of smouldering combustion in biomass Biblio PDF icon save (14.67 MB) fire, prescribed burning
A Seasonal-Window Ensemble-Based Thresholding Technique Used to Detect Active Fires in Geostationary Remotely Sensed Data Biblio emergency management, fire, remote sensing
Assessment and calibration of fuel moisture sensors Project fire, prescribed burning
Mapping the area of Tathra to study, if Mechanical Fuel Load Reduction (MFLR) along with prescribed burning can save houses (in future) at Tathra NSW Project fire, fuel reduction, prescribed burning
Modelling of tree fires and fires transitioning from the forest floor to the canopy with a physics-based model Biblio fire, modelling, physics

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