Key topics


Fire is the product of a chemical reaction between fuel, oxygen and heat. Heat is necessary to start the reaction and once ignited, fire produces its own heat and becomes self-supporting.

Date Item Typesort descending Key Topics
07 Sep 2017 A new quantitative smoke forecasting system for Victoria Resource PDF icon save (1.36 MB) fire, fire weather, forecasting
06 May 2020 National Fire Fuels Science webinar - The thing about hazard reduction (webinar 1 of 3) Resource File save (0 bytes) fire, fire severity, prescribed burning
29 Jun 2018 NAFI - map of North Australia fire history Resource PDF icon save (1.37 MB) fire, Northern Australia, savanna grasslands
13 May 2020 Webinar 2 (13 May): Phil Zylstra presentation Resource File save (14.64 MB) fire, fire impacts, prescribed burning
05 Jul 2016 NT bushfire management planning framework Resource PDF icon save (1.18 MB) fire, fuel reduction, Northern Australia
03 Jul 2018 NAFM at 20 - research objectives Resource PDF icon save (2.92 MB) fire, Northern Australia, prescribed burning
26 Nov 2020 AFAC Webinar: Future of the Australian Flammability Monitoring System Resource File save (0 bytes) fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
29 Jun 2017 Gaining benefits from adversity: standardising data obtained from bushfires Resource PDF icon save (716.43 KB) fire, fire impacts, guidelines
08 Mar 2019 Sesa Singha Roy - early career researcher entry 2019 Resource File save (0 bytes) fire, fire severity, modelling
18 Aug 2015 Disaster Landscape Attribution: Low Cost 3D Monitoring of Fuel Hazard Resource PDF icon save (190.78 KB) fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
31 Oct 2017 Fire spread across fuel types Resource PDF icon save (1.1 MB) fire, forecasting, modelling
23 Nov 2018 The prescribed fire atlas Resource PDF icon save (960.9 KB) fire, prescribed burning
24 Apr 2015 Living with bushfires Resource PDF icon save (498.75 KB) communities, fire, risk analysis
29 Jun 2017 An evaluation of youth justice conferencing for youth misuse of fire Resource PDF icon save (472.5 KB) child-centred, fire
24 Oct 2016 Savanna fire management and bushfire and natural hazard scenario planning for north Australia Resource PDF icon save (3.85 MB) fire, planning, prescribed burning
08 May 2015 Cardiovascular Risk Screening and Stratification of Victorian Volunteer Firefighters Presentation Resource PDF icon save (946.08 KB) fire, response
18 Sep 2018 Hazard smart remote communities in Northern Australia Resource PDF icon save (1.29 MB) fire, Northern Australia
01 Oct 2018 Keynote: Conflicting Evidence: prescribed burning: when ‘evidence’ is not the reality Resource PDF icon save (6.32 MB) fire, planning, prescribed burning
29 Jun 2018 Twenty five years with the RFS in north Queensland Resource PDF icon save (1.08 MB) fire, fire severity
03 Jul 2015 Building Community Resilience in Northern Australia Resource PDF icon save (2.2 MB) communities, fire, resilience

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