Key topics

emergency management

Emergency management is the discipline of dealing with and avoiding both natural and manmade disasters. It involves preparedness, response and recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters.

Date Item Typesort ascending Key Topics
13 Apr 2021 Emergency Management Non-Technical Skills Resource PDF icon save (458.74 KB) decision making, emergency management, multi-hazard
12 Mar 2019 Fire Australia Issue One 2019 Resource PDF icon save (7.41 MB) communication, emergency management, fire
19 Apr 2018 Three Minute Thesis: Asbestos Awareness Resource PDF icon save (183.58 KB) emergency management, exposure
30 Jun 2021 Driving change with Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC research Resource PDF icon save (383.88 KB) decision making, emergency management, land management
27 Oct 2016 Practical decision tools for improved decision-making - project overview Resource File save (0 bytes) decision making, emergency management, multi-hazard
15 Dec 2017 Fire Australia Issue Four 2017 Resource PDF icon save (5.67 MB) emergency management, multi-hazard, risk management
18 Sep 2018 Answering the call- Mental health and wellbeing in the police and emergency services sector. Resource PDF icon save (2.02 MB) emergency management, multi-hazard
02 Aug 2017 Panel: A changing world - where to for Australian emergency management research? - Showcase 2017 Resource capability, emergency management, policy
11 Nov 2021 Supporting Your Volunteers: A Resource Kit for Emergency Service Volunteer Leaders Resource emergency management, recruitment, volunteering
24 May 2019 EVN webinar three - mobilising spontaneous volunteers: recent experiences Resource File save (0 bytes) communication, emergency management, volunteering
05 Nov 2020 Closing the gap between research and practice Resource PDF icon save (155.94 KB) capability, decision making, emergency management
27 Feb 2019 Webinar - Emergency volunteering 2030 by Dr Blythe McLennan Resource File save (0 bytes) emergency management, volunteering
18 Aug 2015 Power to the People: Implications of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) for Official Emergency Management (OEM) Resource PDF icon save (656.75 KB) emergency management
16 Apr 2018 Building best practice in child-centred disaster risk reduction Resource PDF icon save (2.54 MB) child-centred, emergency management, risk management
22 May 2020 Creating psychologically safe teams and managing cognitive bias in strategic decision making Resource PDF icon save (449.62 KB) decision making, emergency management, scenario analysis
17 May 2021 Fire Australia Issue Two 2021 Resource PDF icon save (11.74 MB) capability, emergency management, Northern Australia
07 Jul 2017 Lightning presentation: enabling sustainable emergency volunteering - why and for what outcomes? Resource PDF icon save (748.26 KB) emergency management, recruitment, volunteering
05 Sep 2017 Research Forum - AFAC17 Resource File save (0 bytes) communication, emergency management, multi-hazard
19 Sep 2018 Increasing Emergency Management Capacity Through Business Sector Involvement Resource PDF icon save (1.16 MB) capability, emergency management, multi-hazard
18 Sep 2018 Diversity and inclusion: Building strength and capability Resource PDF icon save (2.18 MB) diversity and inclusion, emergency management, multi-hazard
08 May 2019 Valuing Volunteers Study Better understanding the primary motives for formal volunteering in Australian emergency services RAF May 2019 Resource PDF icon save (994 KB) emergency management, volunteering
13 Oct 2020 Online showcase: recruitment and retention toolkit for emergency volunteer leaders Resource File save (0 bytes) communication, emergency management, volunteering
05 Mar 2014 Launch of the CRC - SES Resource File save (0 bytes) emergency management, multi-hazard
20 Oct 2014 Discovering future disaster management capability needs using scenario planning Resource capability, emergency management, scenario analysis
17 May 2016 Improving the retention and engagement of volunteers in emergency service agencies Resource PDF icon save (2.63 MB) communication, emergency management, volunteering
07 Sep 2017 No ordinary call: factors predicting fire communication officers' job strain and well-being Resource PDF icon save (2.21 MB) capability, communication, emergency management
28 Oct 2019 Mapping approaches to community engagement for disaster preparedness in Australia Resource File save (0 bytes) emergency management, planning, preparedness
21 Apr 2020 Landscape prescribed burning: a south west Australian perspective Resource PDF icon save (242.84 KB) emergency management, land management, prescribed burning
18 Nov 2019 Highlights - International Day for Disaster Reduction 2019 Resource File save (0 bytes) emergency management, land management, resilience
11 Sep 2015 Disaster Management: Building Resilient Systems to Aid Recovery Resource PDF icon save (1.03 MB) emergency management, resilience
19 Aug 2019 EVN webinar five - helping the helpers: community sector volunteering for emergency management and community resilience Resource File save (0 bytes) emergency management, volunteering
30 Jun 2017 Social media in emergencies: an examination of government accountability for risk communication and warning Resource PDF icon save (702.21 KB) communication, emergency management, risk analysis
17 Apr 2018 Enabling sustainable emergency volunteering: Adapting the Sector Resource PDF icon save (3.12 MB) emergency management, multi-hazard, volunteering
17 Sep 2018 AFAC18 Day 2 - highlights Resource File save (0 bytes) emergency management, multi-hazard
02 Aug 2017 Panel: Making a difference - Showcase 2017 Resource emergency management, policy, risk management
18 Aug 2015 Volunteering Challenges for Emergency Services Resource PDF icon save (376.22 KB) emergency management, volunteering
03 Jul 2017 Warnings - a statement on research priorities for natural hazards emergency management in Australia Resource PDF icon save (940.87 KB) communities, emergency management, warnings
16 Apr 2018 Team monitoring, decision making & organisational learning Resource PDF icon save (1.41 MB) decision making, emergency management
21 May 2020 Psychological Safety Checklist Resource PDF icon save (151.59 KB) communication, decision making, emergency management
12 Sep 2016 #AFAC16 Research Forum day wrap-up Resource File save (0 bytes) emergency management, multi-hazard

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