Key topics


Communities refers to groups of people living in the same place, who share particular characteristics or endeavours.

Datesort descending Item Type Key Topics
The missing link in emergency management: evaluating community engagement Biblio PDF icon save (215.05 KB) communities, preparedness, resilience
Beyond Binary: (Re)Defining “Gender” for 21st Century Disaster Risk Reduction Research, Policy, and Practice Biblio PDF icon save (766.4 KB) communities, diversity and inclusion, emergency management
Community Understanding and Awareness of Bushfire Safety: October 2013 Bushfires - Part 1 Biblio PDF icon save (689.25 KB) communication, communities, warnings
Developing guidelines for increasing the resilience of informal settlements exposed to wildfire risk using a risk-based planning approach Biblio communities, fire, resilience
Rural housing resilience in India: Is it reliant on appropriate technology or labour skills? Biblio communities, recovery, resilience
Unpacking the meaning of resilience: the Tarnagulla community definition comparing to the literature Biblio climate change, communities, resilience
Improved predictions of severe weather to reduce community impact – final project report Biblio PDF icon save (15.84 MB) communities, fire weather, severe weather
Into the firing line: civilian ingress during the 2013 “Red October” bushfires, Australia Biblio communication, communities, warnings
Shaped by Fire: How Bushfires Forged Migrant Environmental Understandings and Memories of Place Biblio communities, multi-hazard, vulnerability
Resilience to clustered disaster events on the coast: Storm surge Biblio PDF icon save (1.76 MB) coastal, communities, storm surge
Building Resilient Communities: Effective Multi-Channel Communication in Disasters Annual Report 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (597.77 KB) communication, communities, resilience
Community attitudes and experiences of the 2019/20 NSW bushfire season Project communication, communities, warnings
Too good to be true? How a remote island community developed a 100% effective risk communication strategy and what Australia can learn from it Biblio PDF icon save (424.75 KB) communication, communities, resilience
Standardised search markings to include animals Biblio PDF icon save (425.36 KB) animals, communities, resilience
Intelligent warnings: a twenty-first century approach to encouraging protective action in emergencies Biblio PDF icon save (993.19 KB) communities, emergency management, warnings
14 Dec 2013 Post fire field research News communities, resilience
11 Feb 2014 Emergency warnings under review Press Clipping communication, communities, warnings
28 Feb 2014 Warning communities to take action News communication, communities, decision making
28 Feb 2014 Preparing kids for disasters may help mobilise the whole community News communities, education, resilience
27 Mar 2014 Managing animals in disasters Resource PDF icon save (1.74 MB) animals, communities, resilience
27 Mar 2014 Connecting communities and resilience Resource PDF icon save (1.14 MB) communities, recovery, resilience
27 Mar 2014 Building best practice in child-centred disaster risk reduction Resource PDF icon save (570.26 KB) child-centred, communities, risk management
07 May 2014 Newsletter - Out of Uniform News communities, volunteering
07 Aug 2014 Community Members' Responses to Bushfire Threat Resource PDF icon save (1.17 MB) communities, decision making, fire
25 Aug 2014 Improving the role of hazard communications in increasing residents' preparedness and response planning Resource PDF icon save (484.61 KB) communities, planning, preparedness
30 Aug 2014 Predicting community behavior to disasters to be presented at Emergency Services conference in New Zealand Press Clipping communication, communities
08 Sep 2014 Building community resilience to natural hazards in Northern Australia Resource PDF icon save (1.65 MB) communities, Northern Australia, resilience
08 Sep 2014 The Australian natural disaster resilience index Resource PDF icon save (1.17 MB) communities, resilience
30 Sep 2014 Findings from the October 2013 bushfires in NSW News communication, communities, warnings
01 Oct 2014 Fire Australia Spring 2014 Resource PDF icon save (9.97 MB) communities, risk management, volunteering
07 Oct 2014 Mercury rising replay available News communities, fire severity, fire weather
13 Oct 2014 Public event marks International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction News communities, mitigation, resilience
22 Oct 2014 Sustainable volunteering - how can we do it differently? News communities, non-traditional recruitment, volunteering
27 Oct 2014 Building community resilience to natural hazards in northern Australia Resource communities, Northern Australia, resilience
27 Oct 2014 Devloping an index of resilience for Australian communities Resource communities, resilience
27 Oct 2014 The NSW RFS household assessment tool Resource communities
29 Oct 2014 Facing a disaster News capability, communities, vulnerability
29 Oct 2014 Missed the Research Forum? Audio and video now available News communities, fire, flood
29 Oct 2014 All Research to Drive Change resources accessible News communication, communities, fire
10 Dec 2014 Research helps TFS win national award News communities, education, fire

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