Dr. Alexander I. Filkov received his PhD in Ecology (Physical and Mathematical Sciences) from Tomsk State University, Russia. His previous work has been focused on development of a new deterministic and probabilistic model to predict forest, grass, and peat fire hazards; understanding thermal properties and smouldering of peat; field and laboratory investigation of forest and grass fires and their impact on structures; understanding influence of radiation on ignition of different materials; and conducting prescribed burning experiments and studying spotting mechanisms.
Dr Filkov’s main interest is in fundamental aspects of ignition and combustion. He collaborates with researchers around the globe to understand the behaviour of fire and firebrands, the performance of materials, and the properties of fuels, through experiments in the laboratory and in the field. He is currently working on uncovering of mechanisms what drive dynamic fire behaviour in wildfires using emerging technologies.
Project leadership
Research team
Type | Project | Research team |
CRC Core Project | Threshold conditions for extreme fire behaviour | afilkov, jsharples |
Resources credited
Type | Released | Title | Download | Key Topics |
Presentation-Slideshow | 31 Oct 2017 | Determining threshold conditions for extreme fire behaviour: standardising data obtained from wildfires | Save (567.23 KB) | fire, fire impacts, fire severity |
Presentation-Slideshow | 07 May 2019 | Determining threshold conditions for extreme fire behaviour | Save (923.77 KB) | |
Presentation-Slideshow | 17 Oct 2019 | Thresholds for dynamic fire behaviours | Save (5.88 MB) | fire, fire severity |
HazardNoteEdition | 18 Feb 2022 | Understanding what happens when bushfires merge | Save (1.28 MB) | fire, fire impacts, fire severity |