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Date Type Title Key Topics Download
Conference Paper The future of 'non-traditional' emergency volu... volunteering PDF icon The Future of 'Non-traditional' Emergency Volunteering
Journal Article The preparedness and evacuation behaviour of pet owners... animals, multi-hazard, planning
Report An Analysis of Human Fatalities and Building Losses from... economics, multi-hazard, risk analysis PDF icon An Analysis of Human Fatalities and Building Losses Annual Report 2014
Conference Paper The integration of informal volunteers into animal emerg... animals, volunteering PDF icon The Integration of Informal Volunteers into Animal Emergency Management
Report Improving the Role of Hazard Communications in Increasin... communication, communities, preparedness PDF icon Improving the Role of Hazard Communications Annual Report 2014
Report Building Resilient Remote Communities in Northern Austra... communities, indigenous communities, local knowledge PDF icon Building Resilient Remote Communities in Northern Australia Annual Report 2014
Conference Paper How do we reduce vehicle related deaths: exploring Austr... flood PDF icon How do we Reduce Vehicle Related Deaths
Conference Paper Managing Severe Weather - Progress and Opportunities Con... fire weather, severe weather PDF icon Managing Severe Weather - Progress and Opportunities Conference Paper 2014
Report Optimisation of Fuel Reduction Burning Regimes for Fuel... fuel reduction, planning, prescribed burning PDF icon Optimisation of Fuel Reduction Burning Regimes for Fuel Reduction Annual Report 2014
Conference Paper Improved assessment of grassland fuels in multiple juris... fuel reduction, prescribed burning PDF icon Improved Assessment of Grassland Fuels
Conference Paper Shared responsibility - shades of grey - peer viewed communities, planning PDF icon Shades of Grey
Journal Article The challenges of managing animals and their owners in d... animals, communication, emergency management PDF icon ajem-30-02-07.pdf
Report Scientific Uncertainty and Risk Mitigation Policy and Pl... governance, planning, policy PDF icon Scientific Uncertainty and Risk Mitigation Policy and Planning Annual Report 2014
Conference Paper Linking local wildfire dynamics to pyroCB development -... fire, modelling PDF icon Linking Local Wildfire Dynamics to PyroCB Development
Presentation Determining threshold conditions for extreme fire behavi... fire severity, forecasting, modelling PDF icon Determining the threshold conditions for extreme fire behaviour
Presentation Web 2.0 in disaster and emergency: a risk assessment of... communication, emergency management, resilience PDF icon Web 2.0 in disaster and emergency: a risk assessment of tortious liability
Presentation Improved predictions of severe weather to reduce communi... communities, modelling, severe weather PDF icon Improved predictions of severe weather to reduce community risk
Presentation Coupled Fire-Atmosphere Modelling fire, forecasting, modelling PDF icon Coupled Fire-Atmosphere Modelling
Presentation Resilience to clustered disaster events on the coast: St... coastal, communities, storm surge PDF icon Resilience to clustered disaster events at the coast: storm surge
Presentation Optimisation of fuel reduction burning regimes for fuel... fuel reduction, land management, prescribed burning PDF icon Optimisation of fuel reduction burning regimes for fuel reduction, carbon, water and vegetation outcomes
Presentation Resilience and Mitigation through Hardening the Built En... earthquake, engineering, risk management PDF icon Resilience and Mitigation through Hardening the Built Environment
Presentation Disaster landscape attribution, active fire detection an... forecasting, modelling, multi-hazard PDF icon Disaster landscape attribution, active fire detection and hazard mapping
Presentation Dynamic modelling of fire coalescence fire, modelling, physics PDF icon Dynamic modelling of fire coalescence
Book Co-Building with Bamboo communities, infrastructure, resilience
Presentation Enhancing resilience of critical road infrastructure: br... flood, infrastructure, resilience PDF icon Enhancing resilience of critical road infrastructure: bridges, culverts and floodways under natural hazards
Presentation The Exposure of Emergency Service Personnel to Asbestos environments, exposure, vulnerability PDF icon The exposure of emergency service personnel to asbestos
Presentation From hectares to tailor-made solutions for risk mitigati... mitigation, prescribed burning, risk management PDF icon From hectares to tailor-made solutions for risk mitigation: systems to deliver effective prescribed burning across Australian ecosystems
Presentation Developing better predictions for extreme water levels forecasting, storm surge, tsunami PDF icon Developing better predictions for extreme water levels
Presentation Risks and opportunities for sustainable savanna fire man... fire, Northern Australia, savanna grasslands PDF icon Risks and opportunities for sustainable savanna fire management
Presentation Cost-effective mitigation strategy development for flood... economics, flood, infrastructure PDF icon Cost-effective mitigation strategy development for flood prone buildings
Presentation Mitigating the effects of severe fires, floods and heatw... forecasting, mitigation, severe weather PDF icon Mitigating the effects of severe fires, floods and heatwaves through the improvements of land dryness measures and forecasts
Presentation The spread of fires in landscapes fire, modelling, physics PDF icon The spread of fires in landscapes
Presentation Natural hazard exposure information framework framework, modelling, multi-hazard PDF icon Natural hazard exposure information modelling framework
Presentation Mapping bushfire hazard and impact fire impacts, land management, multi-hazard PDF icon Mapping bushfire hazard and impact
January 2014 Journal Article Alternatives to polysomnography (PSG): A validation of w...
29/11/2014 Journal Article Psychological differences between south-eastern Australi... communication, communities, warnings
24/02/2014 Report Integrated economic assessment of fire risk management s...
24/02/2014 Report Integrated economic assessment of fire risk management s... economics, fire impacts, risk management PDF icon final_report_for_the_integrated_economic_assessment_of_fire_risk_management_strategies_0.pdf
2014 Report Communicating Risk Information Processing Under Stress:...
2014 Journal Article Negotiating risk and responsibility through law, policy... planning, policy, risk management
2014 Report Putting ‘it’ together: mapping the narratives of bushfir...
2014 Journal Article How chief officers view success in fire policy and manag... fire, governance, policy
2014 Journal Article Solving wicked problems linked to disasters, risk and un... child-centred, communication, risk management PDF icon ajem-29-01-04.pdf
12/2015 Report Fire Danger Indices: Current Limitations and a Pathway t... fire weather PDF icon fire_danger_indices_report_v1.1.pdf
12/2014 Journal Article Decision making on transport network planning and the im... engineering, mitigation, multi-hazard PDF icon 1-s2.0-s2212567114010144-main.pdf
12/09/2014 Journal Article Risk Management from a Legal and Governance Perspective governance, risk management
11/2014 Journal Article Drift Performance of Point Fixed Glass Façade Systems earthquake, engineering, mitigation
11/2014 Report Scientific Diversity, Scientific Uncertainty and Risk Mi... decision making, mitigation, risk management PDF icon RMPP Scenario Exercises Research Report
11/2014 Conference Paper The 2012 Moe Earthquake and Earthquake Attenuation in So... earthquake, engineering PDF icon The 2012 Moe Earthquake and Earthquake Attenuation in South Eastern Australia